Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1174

"Ah???" Bao Shan's face changed when he saw the seal. He quickly got up and said, "hunting The seal of lielei?? Big Is my Lord a hunting base? "

"No It's impossible... " Bao Qiong also some facial expression tiny change, rise surprised way.

Lu Zhong had a fever on his face. He felt that every word he had just said had become Xiao Hua's big hand beating his face!

However, Lu Zhongduo met with the wind envoy and bowed to him in a hurry and said, "Oh, the elder is also a hunter. I can't imagine that. Congratulations, congratulations..."

Wu Zhan's face also changed suddenly. He looked up and down at Xiao Hua in disbelief, and still said: "I heard that the hunting base of Taichong's team is not a real immortal. You Isn't it really immortal? "

"Yes, yes..." Bao Shan also returned to God and said, "Lord Xiao was listening to Tianxue before. It's just a Juyuan fairy. It's impossible to be a real fairy all at once."

Xiao Hua will hunt base seal received, light said: "Xiao military merit enough, can't?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Bao Qiong had some bitterness in his mouth, but he winked at Wu Zhan.

Wu Zhan also had some helplessness. He always thought Xiao Hua was a tiger educator, but he never thought that Xiao Hua was promoted to hunting base two grades in a row, so the just wooing was a joke. Moreover, hunting base is different from tiger education, one in the sky and one in the earth, which makes it difficult for Wu Zhan to ride a tiger.

Wu Zhan hesitated for a moment, his face was slightly cold, and said: "Xiao Xiaoyou, no matter you are HuJiao or hunting base, you have to be reasonable and take other people's things..."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua didn't wait for Wu Zhan to finish, but his face became cold. He interrupted him and asked, "Master Wu said who took other people's things? There is no real evidence. If you listen to other people's words, there will be problems! "

"Vertical son!" Wu Zhan was angry. He stood up and yelled, "I've heard Bao Xiaoyou say that you cheated Shaoying mansion of Da Kun Kingdom and forced yourself to take away other people's treasure..."

Wu Zhan was angry and threatened Xiao Hua. It was Bao Shan who negotiated with Bao Qiong, but Bao Shan never dreamed that Xiao Hua had become a hunting base for decades! A tiger education can offend the state of Kun, but a hunting base can never offend the state of Kun!

Now, seeing the situation proceed as it was said before, Bao Shan was almost ready to cry. She cried out in a hurry: "Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu..."

Who knows, without waiting for Bao Shan to finish saying, "boom boom..." Inside the main hall, countless pale white light columns came out of the air. The light columns were extremely sharp and cut across the sky. Countless cracks came out of the air. Bao Shan was startled and exclaimed: "Dou Tian Geng Jin Da Zhen, Bao Qiong, you Are you crazy? "

It's a pity that Bao Shan didn't finish her words at all. Her figure had been forced to a corner by the pale white light column, and with the light beams gushing out like stars, Bao Shan also fell in the light spot, like dust.

"Hey, hey..." In the face of Wu Zhan's rebuke, Xiao Hua only sneered, "I've seen ordinary people without brains, but I've never seen such a real immortal without brains. The elder really made Xiao open his eyes to the world..."

Wu Zhan was so angry that he suddenly raised his hand, "hum..." That big hand turned into bright silver and grabbed Xiao Hua out of thin air!

At this time, Bao Qiong just launched the doutian Geng gold array, and hundreds of light columns rushed into the big hand's five fingers. The five fingers were really like the five fingers mountain which ignited the silver white flame, falling towards Xiao Hua!

"Damn it..." Chang Yue was next to Xiao Hua. Seeing the change, she scolded, "dare to attack the hunting base, don't want to live?"

Chang Yue doesn't say it's OK, this words just export, her fairy armour around, "Wu Wu......" A strange roar, a different size of the white tiger virtual shadow, flying out of the light column, shaking his head and tail to the moon.

"Hum..." Chang yueleng hum, just about to urge Xianli, "brush..." The inexplicable silver light fell like rain, ignoring her body protection silver light and armor, stabbing into her immortal body, not to mention immortal force, even her hands and feet could not move!

"Don't worry, Chang HuJiao..." Wu Zhan's voice rang out, "I won't take Xiao lielei's life, but Ah??? "

Without waiting for Wu Zhan to say something about me, a cry of surprise rang out, and immediately saw Xiao Hua next to Chang Yue. As he raised his hand, a big hand of thunder opened, one of them wiped out the pillars of light around him, and held it together with Wu Zhan's big hand of bright silver!

"Boom..." With a loud bang, thunder is like a volcano, magma burst, sword light is like fireworks split!

"Ah?" Wu Zhan couldn't help exclaiming. A pair of slanting eyes suddenly opened. He looked at Xiao Hua strangely and cried, "you You... "

"You're right!" Xiao Hua's body trembled, and the surrounding space vibrated. All the light and shadow fell into his body surface. The black and white color was shining. Xiao Hua's immortal body was as big as the wind. He narrowed his eyes and opened his eyes to Wu Zhan. He said, "in our team, we can't award hunting bases to non real immortals! Xiao It's a real fairy

"Why How is that possible? " Wu Zhan stammered, "I can't see it!"

"Whether you look or not, Xiao is a real immortal!" Xiao Huaxian's body grew up to Zhang Xu. Looking at Wu Zhan, he said faintly, "the truth also exists in the world, say it or not!"

"Hey, hey..." Wu Zhanping, looking up and down at Xiao Hua, sneered and said, "before, I was afraid to bully the small and make people laugh. Since you are also a real immortal, it's easy to do! Come on, come on, come on, and take my three moves. If you can stop it, I'll make amends for you... ""You are a good abacus..." Xiao Hua looked at Wu Zhan and said, "but let's see how Xiao smashes your abacus!"

"Boom..." Wu Zhan's whole body is full of bright silver light. The law of heavy gold is born and died on his body surface. With a light grip of his right fist, thousands of light filaments rush out of the space and fall on it. Then they turn into white tiger shadows of different sizes and rush into his immortal body like water!

"Fight..." When the shadow of the white tiger settles deep in his arm, Wu Zhan roars and smashes his fist at Xiao Hua.

But when he saw the bright silver fist passing by, the five elements rule was broken. Although there was no silver flame, this fist was definitely more powerful than the one he had just made. Xiao Hua knew that Wu Zhan wanted to compete with himself for physical strength. He was not afraid. He also clenched his fist with his right hand, "Wu..." A sound of welcome up!

Wu Zhan was stunned for a moment, and immediately sneered. What Xiao Hua thought was right. Wu Zhan wanted to compete with Xiao Hua for the strength of the body of rules.

"I can't even use the power of the law. It's the little guy who just set foot in the real immortal..." Wu Zhan chuckled, "I'm a coagulant of the law of gold, and so many years have been tempered by the law of gold. How can you compare it?"

Xiao Hua doesn't know the power of law, but Xiao Hua has the power of diurnal surplus. His right fist has a touch of gold, which is opposite to Wu Zhan's bright silver.

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