Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1171

Xiao Hua is not an immortal, but a spirit, the son of Yuan spirit Yunfeng!!!

Looking at Yunfeng, a kind of creepy feeling comes from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart, which dispels Xiao Hua's mind. He really wants to see the real layout of Qiling immortal

If Yunfeng is one of the means of Qiling immortal, then That seven spirit true fairy's scheming is also too terrible!.

Not to mention that Xiao Hua, Chang Yue, also looked at this little spirit body and was surprised to see Zhu Ding and Wu Zhan.

There was no special change in Zhu Ding's expression. He looked at Yun Feng, and his face was puzzled.

It was Wu Zhan who kept an eye on Zhu Ding, and his face was quite calm.

"My lord..." When Yun Feng entered the hall, he just glanced at it. The whole spirit was not good, and he almost collapsed on the ground. He stammered, "no I don't know the names of adults are little What does Xiao Wang mean by coming here? "

"Hum..." Bao Shan snorted coldly, "a small spirit body is just a puppet of Yuan Lingshan. Dare you call yourself Xiao Wang in front of us?"

"I dare not Yun Feng was so scared that he knelt down and kowtowed, "I beg you, I beg you..."

"Let me ask you..." Bao Shan pointed to Zhu Ding and asked, "do you know him?"

Yun Feng looked at Zhu Ding and shook his head: "I don't know you!"

"Zhu Ding..." Wu Zhan looked at Zhu Ding again and said with a smile, "do you know him?"

With a helpless face, Zhu Ding replied, "how can I know a little spirit?"

"Alas..." Wu Zhan looked at Zhu Ding again and sighed, "Yunlan, why do you have to be like this now?"

"Yunlan?" Zhu Ding was shocked and cried, "you Do you really think I'm the seven Spirits immortal

"Aren't you?" Wu Zhan seems to laugh, but in fact he is not sure. He asks, "I heard the legend of the so-called seven spirits and asked Bao Xiaoyou about it. I immediately understand that you just borrowed the spirit splitting skill of the real immortal and made many arrangements. Yunfeng is just another arrangement for you. Your goal is to claim the throne of Xuanyi country, and you still want to find a union Suitable immortal body, you After all, I dare not enter the reincarnation that I can't control! "

"I don't know what Master Wu is talking about!" The helplessness on Zhu Ding's face is stronger than that on the rocks. He said with a bitter smile, "I've heard of the elder named Yunlan, and I know the gratitude and resentment between him and my Zhu family, but the younger generation is not the reincarnation of Yunlan at all, even I have known for a long time that my teacher Zhang Xiaohua had already killed his ghost when he was in the Zhuque palace! "

"Silk..." On the main hall, all the immortals took a breath of air. They all looked at Zhu Ding in surprise. Wu Zhan said anxiously, "when did this happen?"

Bao Shan blurted out: "yes Is it time for the altar to change? "

Lu Zhong, who had not spoken for a long time, also said in a loud voice: "how can it be? Zhang Xiaohua can't kill Yunlan... "

Xiao Hua is no exception. His eyes are slightly narrowed, looking at Zhu Ding. There is a glimmer of cunmang in his eyes. His original intention to make a move was restrained when he saw Yunfeng again. Now It's gone!

Xiao Hua wanted to see what Zhu Ding would say!

"Lu Zhong..." Wu Zhan looked at LV Zhong and said, "do you know that little flower?"

"Yes..." Lu Zhong got up in a hurry and said respectfully, "before Yunlan, the seven Spirits immortal, had an accident in Xuanyi country, I just passed by Xuanyi country, but I met Zhang Xiaohua..."

“…… The younger generation had treated Prince Zhaoyan, Zhu Ding's father, before, but it didn't work, so they invited situ Xuanyi from Qidao League... "

LV Zhong talked about the situation when he was the first day, and finally said: "I only know that Zhang Xiaohua has some means, but he is just a immortal. How can he kill the seven spirits?"

Wu Zhan looks at Bao Shan, and Bao Shan's mouth is bitter. She glances at Xiao Hua and Chang Yue beside her and says to Wu Zhan, "this matter is arranged by Jun Jing Yuhan, the Deputy official of Shaoying mansion. It's also about the seven spirits. Bao Qiong should know something about it, and he must have reported it to his predecessors..."

Then Bao Shan explained in detail that Weiying and some five element immortals went to Xuanyi, and finally said: "Weiying was summoned later, and Xuanyi King took his hand, and the five element immortals fell into the Zhuque palace. Because of the Queen's face, this matter was not mentioned again. I really don't know what Zhuding said about Zhang Xiaohua's killing of the ghost of the seven spirit immortals..."

"Well, in that case, I understand!" Wu Zhan nodded and said, "it must be something happened in the altar of Zhuque holy palace that you don't know, and it's only Zhu Ding and Zhang Xiaohua knows! "

"Zhang Xiaohua was promoted to commander later, and took the keepsake to participate in the selection of zhuochong immortals..." Bao Qiong explained in a hurry, "but Prince Yuwu has a grudge against him. There are some arrangements on the way. Zhang Xiaohua's latest news is that he appeared in xueqiong mountain range, and then there is no trace. If he was not killed by Prince Yuwu, he had an accident and fell somewhere. He never came to listen to Tianxue!"

With these words, Bao Qiong looked at Xiao Hua and added: "it's very normal that the immortal generals fall in the process of selecting immortals. Xiao HuJiao also knows that all the immortal generals who participated in the tianxuetuochong immortal election will be destroyed and no one will survive!""That is to say..." Wu Zhan took a meaningful look at Xiao Hua and then asked Zhu Ding, "so, the story of Zhang Xiaohua's killing the seven immortals Only you know? "

"Yes, yes!" Zhu Ding said anxiously, "when Zhang Xiaohua killed the seven Spirits on the first day, I happened to be in the altar..."

"Bullshit..." Xiao Hua sneered and said in secret, "Zhu Ding didn't enter the altar at all. When the seven Spirits really started, Xiao sent him out. If he told the things in the altar, then he must be the dark hand of the seven spirits. It's hard to find such a deep-seated person even in the fairyland!"

When Xiao Hua sighed with emotion, Zhu Ding told the whole story of what happened in the altar. After hearing Xiao Hua's heart beat, the real immortal method was really good. It was not only Xiao Hua who was immortal at that time that could measure it.

At last, Zhu Ding said, "listen to the seven Spirits immortal, entrust the seven spirits to Zhang Xiaohua for self-cultivation, or to other immortals, as long as it's not Xuanyi King's room..."

"Hey, hey..." Wu Zhan sneered, "you know so much, that Zhang Xiaohua didn't kill you?"

"It's good to teach the seniors to know..." Zhu Ding said with a smile, "the younger generation pretends to be unconscious. Zhang Xiaohua doesn't know it. Moreover, if he kills the younger generation, he has no way to explain it to his father and king!"

Lu Zhong asked in a hurry, "why don't you tell your father about this?"

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The layout of seven spirits is finally revealed at this time!

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