Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1170

"I've also brought some fairy fruits. You can try them later..." Wu Zhan watched the immortal soldiers go out, and several golden fruits flew out of his sleeves. As soon as they flew out, they were like the rising sun, which made it hard for everyone to open their eyes.

"This is Shu que Guo..." Wu Zhan waved his hand again, and the clouds fell down. He wrapped the fairy fruit and said with a smile, "it's unique to nihilism. It's good for both men and women after eating it! As for the benefits, you'll know when you eat it.... "

"Thank you, Mr. Wu!" Bao Qiong was overjoyed, and hastened to harvest the fruit, but he did not eat it.

Seeing that all the fairies had collected them carefully, Wu Zhan pretended to be displeased and said, "I took them out to let you wait to taste them. Why did they all collect them? That's all. I'll give you some more... "

All the immortals thank you and raise their hands to imprison the glory of Shu que Guo. Then they each take a bite. However, they feel the heat of a flame pouring into their throat. The silver light on the surface of the whole immortal's body ignites like fire!

A moment later, the light of the fire subsided, and Chang Yue made a little exploration. She felt that the immortal body had been refined and transparent. She couldn't help but be surprised and said, "elder Wu, this How could this shuque fruit quench the body? "

"Ha ha..." Wu Zhan laughed and said, "more than that! If you can cultivate your spirit, there will be something wonderful about it! "

"Thank you, master!" All the immortals got up to thank them for their great joy.

Xiao Hua followed Chang Yue without saying anything. His mood was a little uncertain, and he felt like going to Hongmen banquet.

However, when he looked at Bao Shan, he was obviously excited and didn't seem to be faking.

"Maybe Xiao is suspicious?" Xiao Hua looked at Wu Zhan again, and Wu Zhan's eyes did not stay on him at all.

It was another moment of chatting. Some immortal soldiers flew in and whispered a few words. Bao Qiong looked up at Wu Zhan and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu, the person you are looking for is coming!"

"Ha ha, that's great!" Wu Zhan was also overjoyed and said, "if this matter is successful, I owe you a favor!"

Bao Qiong turned to Xianbing and said, "let him in."

It was only half a cup of tea, and a high-level immortal stepped into the cloud!

"Master Zhu Ding?" Xiao Hua is really dazzled. He never dreamed that he would meet Zhu Ding in moyitian, Qiyao!

And Zhu Ding is already a high-level immortal!

Surprised, Xiao Hua looked at Bao Qiong and Bao Shan again and seemed to understand something!

Zhu Ding was also dazzled. He looked up at several tall immortals sitting on the main hall. Each immortal was several times of his own figure. He quickly bowed to Wu Zhan and said, "I've seen Zhu Ding of Xuantian mansion. I don't know what's important for you to call me here!"

"Cough..." Bao Qiong coughed and said, "Zhu Ding, the master of Xuantian mansion, is the elder Wu of xingqiong!"

"Star dome?" Zhu Dingxian was shocked and looked at Wu Zhan strangely. He lost his voice and said, "really What a fairy

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhu Ding. He didn't see anything from the shock!

After Zhu Ding lost his mind, he woke up again and bowed to Bao Qiong in a hurry, saying, "I've seen you, Lord Fu!"

"Get up..." Bao Qiong gently lifted Zhu Ding up and said with a smile, "I asked you to come here on the first day of this year, please!"

Zhu Ding was surprised and said carefully: "my Lord, I declare that the country has been ordered by Xuantian mansion. The Lord of the country immediately sends his younger uncle to come, but But before he could fly out of Huang Zengtian, he rushed back and said He said that the adults appointed the younger generation to come here temporarily. I really don't understand. I can What can I do for you! Of course, if the younger generation can help, it must be obligatory. "

"Like this..." Bao Qiong looked at Wu Zhan and said, "elder Wu encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation. He urgently needed the seven Spirits of xuanyiguo..."

"Sure enough..." Xiao Hua sneered, "Bao Qiong asked Zhu Ding to come here for the sake of the seven spirits. I just don't know why Doubt Zhu Ding? Is it a hostage? "

"It's impossible. With Wu zhanzhi's ability, Xuanyi can be destroyed by raising his hand. There is no need for hostages."

"My lord..." Zhu Ding yelled, "the so-called seven spirits are incomplete I've only heard of it, but I've never seen it. It's said that the seven Spirits chapter was written a long time ago It's lost. "

"Hey, hey..." Bao Shan laughed and said, "Zhu Ding, don't be afraid of anything! When I just took over Shaoying mansion in Shinian, I asked you to announce that Yiguo had offered the seven spirit fragments, but the seven spirit fragments were fakes. Do you want me to bring the fake Mo Xiantong? "

"No, no..." Zhu Ding panicked and said, "I've never seen the seven Spirits chapter. You don't have to take it! I just don't know what the Lord Fu asked me to do. I'm sorry... "

"Seven spirits are immortal!" Wu zhanduan sat at the top of the hall and said coldly, "in the hall, I'm afraid other people don't know the specific immortal means except me. I think the moment you enter the hall and see me, you should know that your superficial skill of splitting soul and transforming God can't hide me! Fu Jun has already pointed out the matter. Why do you have to hide it? "

"Senior Wu..." Zhu Ding looked at Wu Zhan with calm eyes and said, "I don't know what you're talking about. I really don't know what the seven spirits are. Please forgive me!"Wu Zhan didn't speak. He patted his eyebrows with his backhand and said, "brush..." The two immortal marks between the eyebrows open at the same time!

Two immortal marks, two pillars of light, one green and one red, cover the heart of Zhu Ding's eyebrows at the same time!

"Ah With a scream from Zhu Ding, the flesh and bone in the center of his eyebrows disappeared between the green and red pillars of light, revealing a mysterious gray cloud!

"Oh?" Wu Zhan's eyes swept over and said in some accidents, "you're not very good at cracking the soul and transforming the spirit. You're very good at hiding. No wonder you're not afraid of me!"

What Wu Zhan doesn't know is that it's not the seven Spirits' concealment skill that is perfect. It's Xiao Hua who forced the ghost of the seven spirits into the space when he was in Xuanyi country. This made Wu Zhan's exploration come to an end.

"Elder..." Zhu Ding's body trembled with pain, but he couldn't get rid of it. His voice trembled and he said, "I really don't know what you're talking about..."

"Well, you will not give up if you don't hit the south wall!" Wu Zhan sighed and said, "I just want to make a deal with your seven spirits. It doesn't mean to kill everything. Why do you have to do that?"

"I really don't know what you said!" Zhu Ding gritted his teeth and insisted that he could endure so many years. How could he give in as soon as he came up?

"Go and call him in!" Wu Zhan said to Bao Qiong.

"Yes, Mr. Wu!" Bao Qiong smiles and sends a message to the outside.

Xiao Hua looked straight at the door of the hall, thinking who would come in from the outside.

Xiao Hua would not be surprised if any immortal of Xuan came in, whether it was king Qian Xuan, Queen Xianshu, Prince Yuwu, or even Prince Zhaoyan.

However, when a figure appeared on the main hall, Xiao Hua couldn't help but lost his voice and said, "how How could it be him? "

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