Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1172

"I don't know..." Zhu Ding said pitifully, "when I wake up, I am already outside the altar. Zhang Xiaohua warns me that no matter what I know or not, I only say that I have been outside the altar all the time. He also says that he has banned me from immortality. If anything is revealed, I can destroy all the spirits of my younger generation. I dare not think about the mysterious way he saved my father and king."

"Senior Wu..." Lu Zhong pondered for a moment and said, "it seems that Zhang Xiaohua is also prepared. He is determined to write the seven spirit chapter!"

Wu Zhan glared at LV Zhong and said, "bullshit, what do you know?"

Lu Zhong shrunk his neck and did not dare to say any more.

Wu Zhan looked at Zhu Ding, and his tone was still light: "Zhu Ding, you have finished the whereabouts of the seven spirit fragmentary chapter. You can rest assured that I will let Shao Yingfu go all out to explore Zhang Xiaohua's whereabouts."

"Master Wu is wise..." Zhu Ding was relieved.

However, Wu Zhan said, "as a true immortal of the seven spirits, you can endure for so many years and bury so many back hands. I don't believe that you don't have the memory of the seven Spirits in your mind. After you come in, I have made it clear that I am trading with you. I can help you condense your new body and the price you are willing to pay ”

"Alas..." Zhu Ding sighed and said, "Mr. Wu, I understand what you said so clearly. The shadow guards of Da Kun Kingdom It also proves that you don't believe me. I'm not the seven Spirits immortal you said

"Toast without penalty..." Wu Zhan stares at Zhu Ding's eyes and utters a word. Before he has finished this sentence, there is a light sound of "poof". Yunfeng's spirit body kneels down not far from Zhu Ding suddenly bursts, and a dark green flame begins to burn in the center of Yunfeng's spirit body!

Xiao Hua's fingers are slightly raised, but he just raises them a few feet and then puts them down. Yunlan, the seven Spirits immortal, is a cold poisonous snake. He not only schemed the whole Xuanyi Kingdom, but also trampled on Zhu Han's feelings. Now he even abandons Xiao Hua. How can Xiao Hua be that kind-hearted farmer?

"Ouch..." Yun Feng's voice cried bitterly in the fire, "master, master, little How did you offend the elder... "

Zhu Ding looks at Yun Feng coldly, as if he is a stranger.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, they really have nothing to do with each other. One is the human race, one is the spirit body, one is the king of the yuan spirit, and the other is the son of the royal family.

"Xianyou..." Wu Zhan watched the cloud Maple spirit gradually turn to ashes, glanced at Zhu Ding and said, "do you have to force me to tear my face?"

"The younger generation is weak. I can't be a fairy friend..." Zhu Ding said calmly.

"Good, good, good!" Wu Zhan caressed his hand and said, "if you are worthy of the reputation of yunmengze, you are worthy of all the preparations I have made! Go to... "

In other words, Wu Zhanzhong said, "whoosh..." A little bit of pale gold fell into the fire like a mosquito.

"Zilala..." A strange voice came out. Although the voice was slight, the spirit of Xiao Hua was slightly shaken. Circles of gold and silver came out from the surface of the mysterious cloud to protect the spirit of Xiao Hua.

Look at Chang Yue and others again. Their faces are a little strange. It seems that their spirits are affected!

"Ah..." Zhu Ding screamed and fell to the ground with his head in his hands!



In the dark green flame, a cloud like outline began to emerge.

"Wu Old master Wu "Lu Zhong wants to brush the existence, low voice asks a way," you old this Is it soul refining Xuanguang? "

"No..." Wu Zhan narrowed his eyes and said, "this is my soul's golden light from Chi Ming and Yang Tian. I specially clean the impurities in my soul and erase the souls and memories of previous generations..."

In other words, a little bit of rust like luster began to appear in the clouds, and each luster appeared under the golden thunderbolt.

However, although there are many phantoms, they are all covered by clouds, and they can't see anything clearly. Moreover, there are countless spots!

"It seems that Xianyou is on guard against the mysterious light of refining soul and the golden light of earth soul. No wonder he refuses to admit it..." Wu Zhan is not in a hurry. He still speaks slowly, as if he has a plan in mind.

"Master..." At this time, Zhu Ding had already stood up. Although his face was a little white, he replied calmly: "I really don't know where your self-confidence comes from! Isn't this the legendary torture of extorting confessions to deceive the small? "

"Shut up Lu Zhong scolded, "how can you talk to elder Wu like this? He is an immortal in the sky. If he is not sure, how can he do it? He made it clear that if we want to trade with you, are we all blind? I'll be the witness! "

"I'm not afraid of your hard mouth..." Wu Zhan gave a little smile and gently touched his eyebrows. One of the immortal marks opened, "poof..." A wisp of water light shoots out like an arrow, and it really falls into the cloud like outline of Yunfeng!

The water was dark, and the fairies could see nothing at all. However, as soon as the water touched the clouds, it disappeared, as if it had never appeared."This is the water of the yellow spring after sacrifice..." Wu Zhan explained with a smile, "it will clean up the things that have never been reincarnated in the soul!"

Zhu Ding's eyes were a little scattered, and he looked at Wu Zhan in a very complicated way. Wu Zhan had already begun to pinch xianjue. There was black and white light around xianjue, and the light around was affected.

"Xianyou..." Wu Zhan said in his spare time, "you dare to use the real immortal means to run rampant in Huang Zengtian and deceive the Qi immortal. I also use the real immortal means that you have never seen before to deal with you. Is that the way to return the body?"

Zhu Ding obviously has not seen Wu Zhan's method. He nibbles his lips and seems to be thinking about something.

Wu Zhan's immortal formula was finished in a moment. He squinted at the little Zhu Ding, raised his hand, and a flame of light was around him. The light was all in the light of pale golden thunder.

"Buzz..." The space where the outline of the cloud and fog is located vibrates, and there is a yellow spring like water rising from the depth of the cloud and fog.

In the intersection of fire and thunder, there are many red spots on the countless rust spots, and the red light is in the clouds, forming a virtual shadow of human shape!


Bao Shan couldn't help losing his voice and said, "he is Yun LAN. I I've seen his image... "

"Xianyou..." Wu Zhan looked at Zhu Ding and said with a smile, "what else do you have to say?"

"This This is the king of Yuanling, with What does it have to do with me? "

"I don't cry when I don't see the coffin!" Wu Zhan shakes his head slightly, shakes his sleeve suddenly, and Zhu Ding subconsciously raises his hand to resist. However, on his side, the water in the cloud and maple spirit rushes into Zhu Ding's eyebrows with the sound of thunder "brush", and immediately sees a drop of red blood on his eyebrows. Isn't it the blood that falls into Zhu Ding's eyebrows on the first day?

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Villains have their own mill, how should Yunlan choose?

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