Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1169

Xiao Hua's heart moved. He looked at Bao Shan's expression carefully. It didn't seem to be fake, and there was no need to fake it at all!

"What's the matter?" Chang Yue asked for Xiao Hua, "is the record of Shaoying house missing?"

"It's good for you to know!" The female immortal got Bao Shan's approval and said with a bitter smile, "I took the order of the Lord Fu to find the record. I found that there was something missing in yuwantian jingchenyin's record. I was so surprised that I quickly ordered the guard to investigate the Xianjin, but I found the missing content myself. As a result, there is no sign that the immortal ban has been broken, but in the records of jingchenyin, there is about ten years of information of Mo Xiantong missing. And there are also records of the collection of that part of Mo Xiantong.... "

Chang Yue frowned and said, "no record copy?"

"What's important is that there are copies!" The fairy shook her head and said, "the pure dust sound of yuwantian is not among them..."

"This shows that jingchenyin must have some secrets that others didn't pay attention to at that time!" Xiao Hua light said, "fifty years, not long, can there be other shadow guard know?"

"Xiao HuJiao..." Bao Shan asked, "since you have come to investigate, you must have doubts. What do you think will happen to jingchenyin?"

"Like this..." Xiao Hua explained, "there are nearly 10000 people in Xiao's team. They are missing in JieChong due to the space storm. Xiao and Chang HuJiao trace jingchenyin from JieChong according to the team information. They want to see if there is anything unusual about jingchenyin at that time."

"Ten thousand men?" Bao Shan couldn't help looking at Xiao Hua again. She thought Xiao Hua was the Deputy tiger teacher. Later, Xiao Hua said that she was the tiger teacher, and she didn't take it seriously. Both the tiger teacher and the Deputy tiger teacher can call themselves the tiger teacher. In her impression, there are also many tiger teachers in the Taichong team who don't lead the soldiers!

There is a big difference between Tiger education with and without soldiers!

Ten thousand people's team, of course, is full of tiger education team, how can such characters be underestimated?

"The 10000 man team meets the space storm..." The fairy whispered, "how can some fairy escape?"

"Xiao, the team has just gone through the war, while sitting in a star boat..." Xiao Hua explained, "but the star boat is involved by the space storm, and no immortal will escape!"

Bao Shan said without hesitation: "go to see the place near jingchenyin, oh, and yuwantian. Is there any other record about the space storm?"

"Yes, my Lord!" The fairy took the order.

"Xiao HuJiao..." Bao Shan said with a smile, "let them check first. It will take some time. I'll subpoena Bao Qiong and see what he's doing! "

"All right!" Xiao Hua nodded, "thank you, Mr. Fu."

"You're welcome..." Bao Shan replied, "you and I don't know each other. In the future, our country will rely on Xiao HuJiao."

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Xiao Hua replied with a smile.

Then Bao Shan urged the messenger, and there came Bao Qiong's surprise voice: "Xiao Xianyou has come? That's great. Come on, come on. Please come here. I have a distinguished guest in xuantianfu. I can't get rid of him... "

Xuantianfu is different from shaoyingfu in that it is condensed by thick pillars of light. The pillars of light vary in thickness and style. It looks like flying swords or spears, but they are all kinds of weapons.

The place where Xiao Hua flew in with Bao Shan was even more like a seal like palace.

"Xiao HuJiao..." Xiao Hua's figure had just landed, and Bao Qiong's warm voice had already sounded, "I've been looking forward to it since I heard that you're coming. If it wasn't for you on the first day, I'd be dead I've already left it in Tianxue. "

"Thank you, Mr. Fu." Xiao Hua looked at Bao Qiong to welcome the general and hurried to check the head. He was most afraid that others would say thank you, "Fu Jun is blessed. How can he fall easily?"

In a word, Xiao Hua felt that a faint Yannian had swept him. He looked up and saw a young man in a green robe sitting at the top of the spacious and bright hall. The young man's face was clear and ancient, and his body was thousands of feet long. There were nine light golden ribbons on his body, which were swimming like a python dragon. Every time the ribbons swam for several feet, there was light pouring out of them and condensing in the air The shadow of a towering palace.

The shadow is solemn and dignified, which is comparable to the shadow of Tianzun mansion Xiao Hua had seen before, but it is totally different from Tianzun mansion!

"Master Zhenxian?" Chang Yue stood behind Xiao Hua and said in a low voice. At this time, she saw the green robed immortal. Her face changed slightly.

Xiao Hua also turned pale, because his eyes swept over the green robed immortal, and he already saw an immortal standing next to the immortal in a brocade robe. Isn't it Lu Zhong?

What a coincidence Bao Qiong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Bao Shan, Xiao HuJiao, and this immortal friend. This elder is Wu Zhan, the immortal of xingqiong. He has something to do with his family. Now that he has met me, it's fate!"

Xiao Hua's mouth slightly picked, it seems to think of something, but Chang Yue did not dare to neglect, quickly pulled Xiao Hua's armor, came forward, bowed and said: "I've been to teach Chang Yue, I've seen elder Wu!"

Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, then bowed himself and said, "Dear Mr. Xiao, I've met Mr. Wu!"

"I've met Mr. Wu, Mr. Bao Shan, the king of Shaoying mansion in kunguo!" Bao Shan followed them to salute."Get up, get up!" Wu Zhan raised his hand with a smile, lifted them up, and said, "I have nothing to do. I'll walk around and meet you when I get to Bao Xiaoyou. It's fate."

Lu Zhong, who was next to him, said, "Mr. Wu is most approachable. I see you are blessed today. Don't miss this opportunity."

"Yes, yes!" Chang Yue said with a smile, "I can't believe I saw you on the first day of this year when I heard the name of master xingqiong."

"Ha ha, the immortal in xingqiong also has a nose and a mouth. It's nothing..." Wu Zhan said humorously, "when you are all in the world of color, you will know that we are nothing!"

"Ha ha..." Bao Shan closed his mouth and said with a smile, "Mr. Wu is really humorous. There are not many predecessors with such demeanor!"

"Sit down, sit down..." Wu Zhan enjoyed it very much. He pointed to the side with a smile and said, "I haven't been back to yujietian for a long time. I'm not familiar with yujietian. I'm just chatting with Bao Xiaoyou about some interesting things..."

"Thank you, Mr. Wu..." Bao Shan and others bowed to thank him.

After all the immortals sat down, there were immortal soldiers serving tea. Wu Zhan said, "the immortal tea in the world of desire is not illuminated by the mysterious light of the immortals in the world of color. There is less fluctuation in the law. No matter the color, the fragrance, it is a lot worse!"

"So Master Wu is ready to open my eyes?" Bao Qiong asked with a smile.

"Easy to say!" With a smile, Wu Zhan took out two jade bottles and handed them to Wu Zhan, saying, "in these two jade bottles, one is the water from Qinglun Diquan, the other is the tea from * * Xian, which must be accompanied by five flavors of real fire to burn!"

"Ha ha, thank you, Mr. Wu!" Bao Qiong was overjoyed. After taking it, he ordered the immortal soldiers to go out to make it.

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Wu Zhan is here. It looks like he's going to be shot by Bao Qiong!

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