Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1168

The immortal boat flew into the ice flower, facing a huge gate. The immortal boat stopped in front of the gate, and a team of immortal soldiers came.

The fairy whispered a few words. The fairy soldier looked at Ziying and nodded. Ziying quickly bowed to Xiaohua and Changyue and said, "thank you two, I hope to see you again in the future!"

"Go, go!" Xiao Hua smiles, but Chang Yue doesn't care at all.

Looking at Ziying's back after Xianbing, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "this shadow guard has a bright future in the future!"

The female fairy also accepted the fairy boat, and said: "that's right. If there is no accident, he will be handsome in the future."

"The generation of Fu Yan trend, don't mention it!" Chang Yue is dismissive.

The fairy vomits her tongue and dares not say much, while Xiao Hua shrugs. Ziying's flattery is not disgusting. Compared with Bai Fei in the ordinary world, it's different. There's justice in the way of heaven, and good and evil are rewarded. Now Xiao Hua has seen it lightly.

Bao Shan is preparing for two caves, but Chang Yue is not separated from Xiao Hua. The female immortal respectfully asks the two immortals to enter the cave, presents the immortal fruit and other things and leaves.

Looking at Chang Yue and the slightly luxurious cave, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I don't quite understand why there is a country in the fairyland! Immortal of fairyland Do you still need to rule? "

"What's so strange about that?" Chang Yueqi said, "there are not only countries in the fairyland, but also big and small. The state of Kun is commonly known as the state of Da Kun, which means that it is the state of Da Xian, and there is also the dynasty of Da Xian above the state of Da Xian!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked, "the great immortal dynasty? It's Is it in the color world

"It is said that it is." Chang Yuebai glanced at Xiao Hua and said, "I haven't been there, but I've heard it!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said thoughtfully, "immortal, you are still human. Seven emotions and six desires can't be completely abandoned. Some people may like power and control..."

"In fact, it's not exactly so..." Chang Yue bit her lip and said, "my lord once said that existence is reasonable. Whether it's Xianmen, country, Xianchao, or Leagues, even teams and so on, all exist because of certain needs. "

"Yes, the fairyland is too big, there are too many immortals, and the longevity of immortals is too long. If there are no strange things, if there are no unexpected organizations, it would be strange."

"Don't be surprised." Chang Yue looked at Xiao Hua and said, "I envy you sometimes..."

"What happened to me?" Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "just talking about fairyland, how can it be related to me?"

"You look a little unfathomable, but in fact, your mind is very simple, except for cultivation You don't think much about it, do you? I didn't even know about the way to break the boundary between all walks of life... "

"Ha ha, you're wrong. I'm not pure minded, I'm lazy!" Xiao Hua laughed and replied, "I don't think much about irrelevant things. I'll ask when I really meet them..."

"Yes, I can't..." Chang Yue shrugged and said, "I like to prepare for a rainy day, so sometimes I can't do a lot of things. Because I haven't done it yet, I feel a lot of difficulties in it..."

Xiao Hua accompanied Chang Yue to say this, waiting for Bao Shan. He didn't know that he had been waiting for several days. Later, Xiao Hua stopped talking and closed his eyes.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a month later, the fairy who received Xiao Hua once said that Bao Shan couldn't get away because of something important. She asked Xiao Hua to wait a moment, but Xiao Hua didn't doubt him.

On the first day of this year, there was a silver bell like laughter outside the cave. Bao Shan's voice said, "I'm sorry, Xiao Xianyou."

Xiao Hua got up, looked at Chang Yue, and immediately two immortals flew out.

Bao Shan was still wearing silver armor and standing outside with a smile. Seeing Xiao Hua fly out, he arched his hand and said, "I haven't seen you for decades. Xianyou's style is still the same. At this time, I think he must have been general HuJiao?"

"Fortunately, I didn't let Fu Jun down..." Xiao Hua also said, "Xiao is already a team tiger teacher."

Bao Shan's eyes flashed a bit of surprise, then looked at Chang Yue and said, "I don't know this..."

"I'm going to be a tiger teacher with Xiao Xianyou next Changyue. I'm going to accompany Xiao HuJiao here on the first day of this year to disturb you."

"No, no!" Bao Shan said with a smile, "our country has a very good relationship with the Taichong team. There are always team immortal generals coming. Since Chang HuJiao is here today, don't be polite in the future..."

"Ha ha, easy to say, easy to say!" Chang Yue replied with a smile.

Then Bao Shan asked Xiao Hua and Chang Yue to go to another hall, served immortal tea and asked, "Xiao HuJiao, I heard Ziying say that you have something important to tell me?"

"Yes Xiao Hua said, "if it's convenient, Xiao wants to see the situation of jingchenyin 55 years ago. It's related to Xiao's team at this time!"

"I understand!" Bao Shan nodded, "it's not a secret. It's not related to the jichong team. Even if Xiao HuJiao wanted to see it himself, it's OK! Just a moment... "

Bao Shan promised to be very straightforward, and then called the fairy to come in and ask her to get the information collected by Yingwei.

"Xiao HuJiao was listening to Tianxue on the first day of the year, but he was very powerful." When the fairy went out, Bao Shan asked with a smile, "after that, Bao Qiong, the ruler of Xuantian mansion, always said that he wanted to thank you for saving his life. I've told him the news of your coming. Is it convenient for Hu Jiao to see him?""Of course Xiao Hua can say anything, can only reply a way, "stay to see the message of pure dust sound!"

"Well, well..." Bao Shan nodded and asked again, "Xiao HuJiao entered Senluo road from Tianxue on the first day. Before we completely evacuated, Senluo road collapsed. I don't know what happened inside. Can Xiao HuJiao solve the puzzle?"

Xiao Hua thought about it for a while, and gave a general account of the whole story, but he only said that it was the demon alliance and the demon clan, and did not mention Wen family.

Hearing that the three tigers who fought against the enemy on the first day all fell, Bao Shan couldn't help sighing. After sighing, she frowned: "what's the matter, so long?"

Without waiting for Bao Shan to urge her, the fairy flew in with some abnormal facial expressions and whispered a few words. Bao Shan was suddenly surprised and said strangely, "what did you say? Is there no record of jingchenyin in the vicinity of the 50th century before? This How is that possible? "

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Weird. Who took it??

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