Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1167

"Yes, I'm also very strange, so I saw you in a hurry..." Bao Qiong explained, "but after I saw it, I couldn't laugh or cry. Lu Zhong was just a five element immortal, and he was also a person with inflammatory tendency. His high-profile face really made me vomit. I was going to drive him away, but who dares to pretend to be a fairy in the sky? Just chat with him... "

"Hey, hey..." Bao Shan sneered, "that's you. If I had killed him, he would have seen us. No one dares to tear up his lies!"

"Don't worry..." Bao Qiong said with a smile, "I haven't finished yet. After LV Zhong left, I didn't care. However, a few days ago, he suddenly sent a message to me, saying that an immortal from xingqiong wanted to go down to the lower world. He wanted to consult with me..."

"How could it be?" Bao Shan sneered even more, "the immortal in xingqiong is at least a real immortal, and I heard that the rising immortals in xingqiong are all lonely and proud people. Xiang Xiang doesn't want to be imprisoned by the palace of desire. How can a immortal in xingqiong come out who wants to go down?"

"Yes, I'm just as surprised as you, but after reading the information revealed by LV Zhong, I believe it."

"What message?"

"The immortal in the sky I want to come to Kunming to find the seven spirits

"Damn it Bao Shan low scolds a way, "the problem is that we don't have seven spirit remnant articles in hand!"

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Bao Qiong said with a smile, "we don't have seven spirits, but I remember there are some clues, right?"

"Indeed Bao Shan nodded, "the seven Spirits chapter was a lot of years ago. At that time, it was very popular. I just took charge of Shaoying mansion, and I asked Xuanyi country to offer it!"

"What about the things?"

"That's a fake! You don't know! "

"Whether it's fake or not..." Bao Qiong said with a smile, "as long as you give the immortal of xingqiong."

Bao Shan frowned and said, "the immortal in the star dome is in the lower world. Naturally, he has a problem in his cultivation. Let's give him the fake. Isn't that a trouble?"

"You are wrong again!" Bao Qiong put out a finger to swing a way, "you and I have no practice again, how know wrong?"? Besides, don't we have any clues? "

"Xuan Yi Guo?"

"Yes Bao Qiong nodded, "let Xuanyi come!"

"Did you agree with LV Zhong?"

"Not yet!" Bao Qiong said with a smile, "isn't it discussed with you? If we didn't listen to Tianxue, we wouldn't agree. Now we have Tianxue, isn't it just right? "

"Do you want to use the power of the immortal on the star dome to suppress immortal Xiao?"

Bao Qiong was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with inexplicable amazement, and then nodded: "yes, let the immortal of xingqiong force immortal Xiao, and there is another Juyuan immortal, let immortal Xiao tell the secret of listening to Tianxue!"

"Good, good!" Bao Shan caressed his hand and said, "I'm going to ask Yingwei to inform xuanyiguo and ask them to send the royal family to come immediately!"

"It takes time for the people of Xuanyi to come, and it takes time for the upper and lower realms of celestial beings in the star dome..." Bao Qiong also said with a smile, "you and I need to count the time. Don't miss it!"

"Simple..." Bao Shan said, "come here, Mr. Xiao, and let him wait!"

Speaking of this, Bao Shan looked at Bao Qiong and said, "Bao Qiong, immortal Xiao saved you in the current year. You..."

"One time, another time!" Bao Qiong stretched himself, got up and said, "besides, I can't abandon the government for personal reasons. Listening to Tian Xue's Secret ancestors' layout for a long time will be useful to our country. If Immortal Xiao knew his way, he would not have broken his way. "

"I hope so!" Bao Shan raised his eyes and took a faint look at the ice around him. Then he resumed his unshakable manner and said casually.

"What's the matter with you?" Bao Qiong said with concern, "is there something wrong with cultivation?"

"No, no," Bao Shan shook his head. "It's just some information from Xiguo, which makes me unable to judge..."

"Take your time..." Bao Qiong said with a smile, "Xiguo has long coveted the relationship between kunguo and Tianzun mansion. Several times he provoked from it, but his majesty couldn't stop him. You and me..."

Speaking of this, Bao Qiong changed his mind and said, "if I don't talk about it, I'll go back and reply to LV Zhong as soon as possible."

"Yes Bao Shan said with a smile on his face, "if xingqiong goes up to the lower boundary of immortals, he must stay in xuantianfu for a while..."

"Know, know..." Bao Qiong said, a fire came out under his feet. The fire rolled up from the bottom and disappeared immediately.

Watching Bao Qiong leave, Bao Shan shouts: "come on..."

"My lord..." A wisp of ice flies down from afar and turns into a fairy. She bows and asks.

"Prepare two caves..." Bao Shan said, "when Ziying comes, please use it. I'll see your majesty!"

After Yu Wantian, Xiao Hua chatted with Li Mocheng for a moment. He was a little impatient. Looking at Yunzhu, he frowned and said, "why is it so slow?"

"Excuse me, master..." Li Mo Cheng said with a quick smile, "the channels of breaking the boundary in Da Kun kingdom are different from Tianzun mansion. The channels of each heaven are not the same, so it takes a long time to get to Deshao shadow mansion from here"So it is Xiao Hua has some insight. He used to use the interface in all walks of life. Where is the trouble!

Fortunately, it was only half an hour. Ziying came over with an excited flying general on her face and said respectfully, "master, my Lord is very happy to hear that you are here. He has been waiting in Shaoying house!"

"Waiting in Shaoying mansion?" Li Mo Cheng listened and sneered, "have you ever been to Shaoying mansion?"

Zi Ying was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "this is the first time that I've been to Qiyao Mo Yi Tian. Of course, I haven't been to Shao Ying Fu."

"Then you're going to open your mouth?" Li Mocheng scolded, "if you have been misunderstood by your predecessors, what should you do?"

Zi Ying was confused and asked quickly, "my Lord, what's wrong with the despicable position?"

"It's not half a month to get to Shaoying mansion from here. Is it possible that the Lord of Shaoying mansion will be waiting in the mansion now?"

Ziying blushed and bowed: "I know my mistake, I know nothing about it..."

"Ha ha, don't be wordy..." Xiao Hua laughed, raised his hand and said, "take me to Shao Yingfu!"

Li Mocheng is right. The passage from yuwantian to dehetongtian is not far, but it has passed for several hours. But it's troublesome to get out of hetongtian's passage and then to xuantai pingyutian's passage. It took more than a month to transmit immortal array and fly immortal boat. As for the Yuan Dynasty, it took one and a half months.

Ziying began to regret when he arrived at wenjutian. He was just a five element immortal, and he was still adapted to yuwantian. He Tongtian was already embarrassed, and his immortal body was squeezed badly. When he arrived at wenjutian, his body armor flashed wildly, and his silver light almost collapsed.

Fortunately, the escorted immortal general gave him a piece of immortal armor to help him tide over the difficulties for a while.

When she came out of moyitian's broken passage, a female immortal had come to meet her. She asked Xiao Hua about her identity and said respectfully, "my Lord, my Lord is in Shaoying mansion. You are ready to have a rest in the cave. She has something important to do to see your majesty. She will be back soon."

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "you lead the way!"

"Yes, my Lord, please!" The female fairy throws out the fairy boat and asks Xiao Hua and others to fly up and urge the fairy boat to fly out of the transmission hall.

Outside the main hall is a vast sea of clouds. Many temples, either resplendent in gold and jade, or ancient trees and stones, are looming in the sea of clouds. Immortal birds with light and haze around them are flying in the sea of clouds. The female immortal points to the distant streamer and explains: "my Lord, this is the city of Kun in moyitian, shaoyingfu is in the northwest of Kun city..."

Looking at the immortal flying by in the clouds, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "is there only one Kun city in moyitian?"

"Yes, my lord..." The female fairy was quite proud and said, "my majesty wants to build another capital, but tianzunfu doesn't agree."

"A capital is not bad!" Xiao Hua said, "I don't know how many immortals dream of owning a capital in Xuanyu mainland, the most central part of mayyu fairy land."

"Yes The fairy nodded and said, "my majesty is the leader of one side. I admire you very much."

Shao Ying mansion is near. It's a huge light and shadow that looks like an ice flower. The light and shadow are flowing slowly, giving birth to the fleeting brilliance of Zhaohua. The eyes of Xiao Hua and others fall in, and the two big words "Shao Ying" are blooming in the eyes of everyone.

"This This is Shaoying mansion! " Ziying's face was a little red, and he could not help moaning, "I have a dream to come and have a look. I didn't expect to see you at last today."

The fairy looked at Ziying and said, "Ziying, when you enter Shaoying mansion, I'll arrange for two elders. Other Xianwei will lead you to deliver and register. The Lord of the mansion has explained your credit. She knows that if it's too late, she will meet you!"

"Thank you very much, thank you very much!" Ziying was very excited, and then asked in a low voice, "I don't know if the Lord of Xuantian mansion is in the mansion?"

"How could I know that?" Female fairy Leng for a while, strange way, "you seek that mansion gentleman adult to do?"

Ziying said with a smile: "I have to be supported by the Lord of the mansion. I want to thank you face to face..."

"Ha ha..." The female fairy immediately understood something and said with a smile, "after you deliver, you can ask Xianwei, let them take you to xuantianfu to have a look. I don't think he will see you."

Ziying said solemnly, "it's his old man's business whether he can see the old man or not. We must let the old man know his gratitude."

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