Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1166

"Cough..." Bao Qiong coughed and said, "am I so miserable? But xuantianfu's military affairs are too busy. I have to find a way to supplement the immortal soldiers for the team... "

"Just, just..." Bao Shan was a little impatient. He waved his hand and said, "just explain. Is it because your majesty is back? Do you want to know Listen to the result of Tianxue? "

"Hee hee..." Bao Qiong looked around and said in a low voice with a smile, "if you are worthy of being the king of Shaoying mansion, you can even see my careful thinking."

"Your Majesty has given orders!" Bao Shan shook his head and said, "it's a secret. No immortal can know."

"Am I a jerk?" Bao Qiong said unhappily, "I knew exactly what happened on the first day. If it wasn't for your majesty to summon you, I was not in xuantianfu, so I would have gone."

"Well, there's nothing to say!" Bao Shan waved his hand. "In fact, it's true or false. You and I know it in our hearts!"

"Oh, I know!" Bowdome nodded and then asked, "but what about your majesty? He said, "what did you say?"

"What can I do for you?" Bao Shan looked up at Bao Qiong and said, "that man has already gone to the Taichong team. He has some means and has a good relationship with those tiger teachers. There is no problem with making a deputy tiger teacher. Would you let him go down to the Taichong team to ask him?"

"Well You can't take advantage of him, can you? What about the face of Da Kun Bao Qiong was a little excited.

"It's shameless to go straight after him!" Bao Shan shook his head and said, "this matter is too long. If we don't mention it, who can know? Your majesty has said that. You don't have to think about it any more. "

Bao Qiong said with a smile: "naturally, we don't have to ask directly. As long as it's not HuJiao, a small deputy HuJiao, not to mention tunteng, who is familiar to your majesty, or HuJiao, who has a good relationship with us, how about some of them? Oh, by the way, it seems that Zhong Xiaozhong HuJiao hasn't contacted us for a long time, has he? "

"HuJiao is a real job. He wants to lead soldiers. How can he get the job of HuJiao when he just joined the team?" Bao Shan hesitated a little and said, "but even if vice Hu Jiao, we can't offend him too much. What you said is right. If you don't let some familiar Hu Jiao to find out, Zhong Hu Jiao hasn't contacted for a long time. He may have been stationed in JieChong and never returned, right? Of course, it may also be that our senlo road has been annihilated and there is less contact with JieChong. It's not convenient for him... "

"OK..." Then Baoshan got up, and the ice in the sky suddenly bloomed, turning into colorful ice flowers. Baoshan said, "you already know your Majesty's meaning. I'll tell you about it at some time. I'll try and find out. It's time for me to do another thing."

"No, no..." Bao Qiong got up and said with a smile, "I came to Shaoying house for another thing."

"What do you mean, Bao Qiong?" Bao Shan was not happy. He looked up and down at Bao Qiong and said, "I can't understand what you're doing. Since you have something to do..."

Bao Shan just said here, a messenger on her silver armor flashed red.

Bao Shan frowned and patted the immortal utensil. The rays of the sun flew out of the utensil and coagulated into Ziying. He said, "my Lord, there are two senior Juyuan immortals here. They say that they want to see you because they are friends of Tianxue."

"Listen to Tian Xue's old friend?" As soon as Bao Qiong's eyes brightened, he said with a smile, "I don't have to say that they are coming!"

Bao Shan was equally surprised, but she asked in a deep voice, "are there any images of those two people?"

"My lord..." Ziying replied, "both of you are predecessors. I can't see their true features clearly. However, I know it's a man and a woman. The female immortal is more powerful than the male immortal. Maybe it's Juyuan immortal! "

"Since it's juyuanxian, and it's Tianxue's old friend, that's right!" Bao Shan bit his lip and said to Bao Qiong.

"Well, well..." Bao Qiong nodded and said in a low voice, "but it's strange that they are not in the fairyland. How can they be in the fairyland?"

Baoshan nodded and asked coldly, "why do they want to see me?"

"This..." Zi Ying hesitated for a moment and said, "the elder wants to see the adults in person. He only lets the despicable job lead the way, but does not tell the reason of the despicable job."

"Hum..." Bao Qiong snorted coldly and said, "you have a lot of scheming. He wants to come to seven Yao Mo Yi Tian!"

"Didn't you recommend him?" Bao Shan asked in a meaningful tone.

"Cough..." Bao Qiong was embarrassed and coughed softly. "It's just someone else's trust. I I don't know much about the details! "

Bao Shan said with a smile, "are you still entrusted by others when you come here this time?"

"Ouch!" Bao Qiong seemed to think of something, and his face brightened. He caressed his hands and said, "I have a clever plan! Let the man come here

"What do you mean?" Bao Shanqi, who has not answered Ziying, is wondering if she will meet Xiao Hua.

"Come on, come on, just promise!" Bao Qiong urged.

"If you mess up like Tianxue did last time, I will tell your highness directly!" Bao Shan still hesitated."Don't worry!" Bao Qiong patted his chest and said, "I'll tell you later, and you'll understand."

Bao Shan thought about it for a moment, and then said, "you can bring him to Shaoying mansion. My Lord is waiting for them in the mansion!"

"yes, my Lord!" Ziying is very happy. As soon as she is about to close the messenger, Bao Shan reminds her, "has the blood of heishen cattle ever been collected enough? I'm waiting for it

"My lord..." The son shadow tone some panic, low voice way, "only get 70%, return a little bit, despicable duty already let the shadow guard in all around investigate!"

When he had to turn off the messenger, Bao Shan looked at Bao Qiong and said, "do you hear me? It's not that I didn't do my best, it's the shadow you recommended that didn't do my best. Now it's only 70%! "

"Hee hee..." Bao Gonggong said, "seventy percent is enough. Thank you! If it wasn't for my convenience, I wouldn't bother you! "

"I'm tired of it. I don't know what your idea is? Say it

"Ha ha..." Bao Qiong laughed and said, "don't worry, it's not my arrangement, it's daozun's arrangement!"

"Oh?" Bao Shan is more and more surprised, "you say quickly..."

"Here's the thing..." Bao Qiong said, "the reason why I came here today is because I met an immortal named LV Zhong before..."

"Lu Zhong, what's his status?"

"I don't know Lu Zhong very well, but he calls himself the immortal of xingqiong..."

"Star dome?" Bao Shan is surprised, urgent way, "star dome of immortal how can lower boundary?"

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Lu Zhong has come out again. What's the story?

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