Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1165

The whirlpool is different from the ordinary whirlpool in the water. The more it goes down, the bigger it becomes. After flying thousands of miles down, the whirlpool suddenly has wheel shaped light and shadow. Ziying stops and explains: "master, this is the wheel shadow going to transmit the immortal array. Different wheel shadows have different directions!"

See a wheel shadow to turn over, son shadow hurried to: "elder please follow me!" Xiao Hua and Chang Yue fall into the wheel shadow with the shadow. Facing them is a lot of folded space debris, like steps leading to the deep water blue!

Xiao Hua and others fell on the steps, light halo, holding them slowly to fly inside.

"There's something about it!" Xiao Huayan scanned it and felt that the nearby space law and the water Dharma array were skillfully integrated. He did not feel praise.

"It's just a tiny path!" Chang Yue is a little disdainful, and Ziying laughs with her. She feels that Chang Yue is more powerful than Xiao Hua.

The end of the steps is also a spiral, but there is still water light flowing inside. Ziying doesn't say much, but still flies in front of his head.

"Brush..." Three people fly into the spiral, three different colors of water will cover the three people, spiral down, like falling into the water, the water into the depths of a roll of water disappeared.

Xiao Hua stood in the water and looked at the water outside. He thought to himself, "jingchenyin seems to have something to do with JieChong. If jingchenyin changed 56 years ago, it means that the source of the space storm in JieChong is jingchenyin, and Xiao's star boat can be found in jingchenyin..."

Enough time for a meal, Xiao Hua's ears gave birth to a "boom" sound of water, "pa" water burst, Xiao Hua's body flying out from the inside.

Face to face is a huge space, surrounded by dark green sky, under the sky, a fountain like water column straight up, countless three color halos circling around the water column, making a roaring sound.

Ziying flew in front of him. A group of immortal soldiers had already come over. He politely said, "my lord..."

Naturally, the immortal soldiers have long seen Xiao Hua and Chang Yue, who are hundreds of feet tall. They are so afraid that they do not dare to be polite at all.

"Get ready to send the immortal array..." Ziying took out a token and handed it to the new soldier who was the leader. He said, "go to Jietian passage!"

"Yes..." The immortal soldier took the token, turned and flew away.

"Brush..." But for a moment, the tricolor halo on the water column fell towards the bottom, and then circled a few times and rose again. Xiao Hua saw clearly that in the water column, black and white filaments gradually condensed out!

"My Lord, please..." The immortal soldier flies back and doesn't return the token to Ziying.

"Two elders, please..." This time, Ziying did not fly first, but asked Xiao Hua and Chang Yue to go first.

Xiao Hua and Chang Yue are flying through the space, and near them, like the immortal soldiers who are like children, they are in a hurry to escape.

Close to the water column, "brush..." The water column is separated from the middle, revealing a transmission immortal array inside. This transmission immortal array is under the blue crystal cloth, and strands of strange wave light rotate in an elliptical shape around the immortal array, which looks like a dream.

Xiao Hua and others fell down, and the light of the waves seemed to submerge them.

"Buzz..." Immediately, the wave began to circle, water rings flew out from the inside, and the water also trembled.

Xiao Hua felt that as soon as his shoulder sank, there were different cloud like water stains all around him. When the cloud like water stains were all over, the water curtain in front of Xiao Hua's eyes suddenly disappeared, and a huge cloud pillar stood on the distant plain like a mountain in the sky!

"Master..." Ziying flew out from behind Xiao Hua, pointed to Yunzhu and said, "that's the passage from Taiming jade to Qingming hetongtian. I'd like to send a message to my lord Fu Jun, and ask her to come to meet me. I hope you'll agree! "

"Let's just listen to Tianxue's old friend's visit!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "don't say anything else!"

"Yes, I understand!" Ziying agrees and turns to fly to Yunzhu.

However, it was a direct flight for thousands of miles, and another group of immortal soldiers stepped on the dark clouds and flew over. They cried from a long distance: "the important place of the military aircraft of Da Kun state, Xianyou, stop!"

Ziying stopped, arched to the leader immortal and said, "I'm the shadow guard of Shaoying mansion. This time, I'll take two elders to Qiyao Moyi heaven. Please inform me!"

Then Ziying presents his Keepsake!

The immortal general took the keepsake and looked at it. He frowned and said, "although you are Shao Yingfu Yingwei, you have no right to use Jietian channel privately."

"Yes..." Ziying said with a smile, "I want to use the teleportation immortal array to teleport my lord Fu."

"This..." Xian Jiang hesitated and looked up at Ziying.

Xiao Hua and Chang Yue are flying slowly. At this time, they are still far away from Xianbing.

When the immortal general hesitated, next to the cloud pillar, in a mountain like a fortress, after the "boom" of the tremor, a high-level immortal in Xuanjia and several middle level immortals flew out in a hurry!

"My lord..." The immortal general who blocks Ziying hears it and flies back quickly. He whispers the whole story. The Xuanjia immortal general looks at Ziying and says lightly, "go to summon him quickly. If the Lord Fu agrees, you can go to Qiyao Moyi heaven. If you don't agree, don't blame me for not giving you a chance."

"Yes, my Lord, I will understand!" Ziying is very happy. He will fly to the cloud pillar with other immortals."This shadow guard can speculate..." Xuanjiaxian will next to a person whispered, "he is not qualified to go to Qiyao moyitian..."

"No sound..." Xuanjiaxian was not happy. He waved to stop the man from talking. He sorted out the armor and said, "follow me to meet two elders!"

All the people came flying in groups. Xuanjiaxian general flew to Chang Yue and bowed himself and said, "I've met two elders, Li Mocheng, the general of Kun state!"

"Well..." Chang Yue takes a look at Xiao Hua, raises her hand and flies Li Mocheng up to say, "don't be polite. If we want to meet you, we need to use the Jietian channel."

"You are welcome..." Li Mocheng said respectfully, "the shadow guard has gone to tell the Lord Fu Jun, please wait a moment."

Chang Yue nodded and didn't say much. Li Mocheng hesitated for a moment and said tentatively, "can you have a token from Tianzun mansion to pass the boundary

"No!" Chang Yue takes a look at Li Mocheng and answers faintly.

"Well The elders came to yuwantian... "

"Well?" Chang Yue is not happy, low hum.

In a hurry, Li Mocheng bowed himself and said, "this This is the duty of the younger generation to guard the interface channel. Please understand... "

"Can you tell us where we came from?"

Chang Yue didn't give Li Mocheng face at all. She said coldly, "if it hadn't been for my fairy friend's old relationship with you, I would have broken the boundary."

Li Mocheng's face changed slightly.

After all, according to the laws and regulations of Tianzun Prefecture, any immortal is forbidden to break the boundary without permission. Of course, Li Mocheng also knows that ordinary immortals can't break the boundary at all. Otherwise, in order to get Huang Zengtian, Nian Qingfeng would not have to follow Shen He.

Li Mocheng, who guards the Tongjie cloud pillar, also has the duty of catching the immortals who break the boundary without permission. He was embarrassed and said, "I admire you, but It's better to be cautious. "

Xiao Hua smiles and asks: "General Li, is the interface channel still calm recently? Is there anything unusual? "

"I'm just a commander. I'm flattered by the general's voice..." Li Mocheng's face was happy and respectfully said, "the interface channel is not calm. The immortal of yuwantian wants to go to hetongtian, and the immortal of hetongtian wants to come to yuwantian. I really don't know what they think. It is said that the interface channel from yuwantian to dehuang Zengtian is often harassed by immortals who don't know the origin... "

Xiao Hua turned his eyes, looked at Yunzhu, and said with a smile, "there is not only one way to break the boundary in your country!"

Li Mocheng took a look at Xiao Hua, who was much bigger than himself. He turned to other immortal generals and said, "it will take a while for Yingwei to send a message to Shao Yingfu. You can go around and check on duty. I'll talk with you."

When the Dexian generals dispersed, Li Mocheng said with a smile: "I'm joking, the frontier breaking passage in Kunming is not as good as Tianzun mansion. The passage guarded by the younger generation is from yuwantian to getongtian, and the passage from hetongtian to yuwantian is in another place."

"No, no..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I mean, there's more than one passage from yuwantian to hetongtian, isn't there?"

"My predecessors think highly of our country!" Li Mocheng said with a smile, "the Tianzun government governs most of the Tianchuang channels in Yujie, and only a few of them are managed by other countries alone. That is to say, in Kunming, mengtianzun government looks up to it and entrusts it to take care of the Tianchuang channel. One of these channels is enough to make people envious. If there is another one, Kunming will not dare to take it..."

When Li Mocheng chats with Xiao Hua, Qiyao moyitian is in a world of ice and snow. Bao Qiong, the king of Xuantian mansion of Kun Kingdom, also talks with Bao Shan, the king of Shaoying mansion. Bao Shan is obviously absent-minded. She looks at the strands of ice flowers falling all over the sky in mid air, and her brows are slightly frowning. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

"Bao Shan..." Bao Qiong said softly, "what's the matter? What's on your mind? "

"Oh..." Bao Shan looked back at Bao Qiong and said with a smile, "yes, I was thinking What do you want from me? "

"Didn't you say that?" Bao Qiong was stunned and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. I've come to have a look..."

"You can pull it down!" Bao Shan said with disdain, "since the last time I listened to Tian Xuexian, there are Nearly 60 years? It's like looking for me for the second time. The previous time was to ask me to return your favor. This time, if there is nothing urgent, you will never come! ! "

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What will happen to shaoyingfu and xuantianfu?

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