Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1164

Unfortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Chang Yue said, "how can you manage such details? It must be the report of some immortal generals. And the immortals will I don't care... "

"Anyway, if you have orders, you'd better have a look..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I've made a sign on Yingwei's Fairy baby, just follow it..."

"He's just a shadow guard. Even if he follows, what can he get?" Chang Yue didn't agree with Xiao Hua's suggestion and said, "don't go directly to their royal family! Kunguo participates in the immortal selection of the team, and their royal family will certainly cooperate with us in the investigation! "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "if it's so simple, why do you want me to come here? Just a word from an adult? "

Chang Yue shrugged and said, "it's up to you, it's up to you..."

At this point, Chang Yue's eyes smile: "don't you say this is a military secret? How can you tell me? "

"You are not an outsider either..." Xiao Hua said casually, but just a few words later, Xiao Hua woke up, stopped in a hurry, and said with a smile, "you are also a general of the team, or an adult's confidant. I didn't tell you just now, but I'm afraid that you're oversensitive..."

"Cut..." Chang Yue's character seems careless, and she doesn't pay attention to Xiao Hua's meaning. She says, "you don't care if you don't say it. Now that you say it, won't it be all right?"

"Ha ha, let's go..." Xiao Hua waved, "I don't like to talk to those high-ranking people. If Zhong Xiao is hiding in the state of Kun, he won't let them know. Let's follow Yingwei first."

Ying Wei's Fairy baby escaped the disaster and ran into the wind and rain with his head. However, he flew out of the wind and rain for thousands of miles. He opened his mouth in a hurry, and a fairy shuttle was sacrificed. He jumped into the fairy shuttle. The fairy shuttle turned into a light and rushed into the sea and disappeared.

With such a vast sea and a strong storm, Yingwei dares not escape far by virtue of Xianying's body.

About ten hours later, the sky opened and the clouds dispersed, and a round of GUI soul moon hung high in the sky, "whoosh..." The immortal boat flies out again. At this time, Yingwei has already condensed the immortal body. Although there is still some water and light around him, Yingwei seems to have a task and dare not stay for a long time.

Sure enough, Yingwei stopped after flying a million miles to see where the ripples of light and shadow were. He patted the immortal mark on his eyebrow, and a water drop shaped immortal device the size of a thumb flew out of the boat and "poof" fell into the water.

There is a whirlpool on the surface of the water and a "buzz" inside The roar of, three three colors of light spinning out.

Stay in the middle of the light filament condensation, looks like a tower like spiral!

"My lord..." Ying Wei bowed and said, "I'm incompetent. Heishenniu is still robbed by Yanxian..."

"Well?" A voice of displeasure sounded in the tower shaped spiral, and then a human figure came out. The human figure was still the condensation of three colors. The human figure stood still and asked coldly, "how can it be? You didn't subpoena that the man was only a high-level immortal. Are you sure that he will be killed with one blow? "

"It's not a good job to be despicable!" Ying Wei said with a smile, "I'm going to kill that man, but suddenly two immortals appear. One of them is Er Qi Xian, and the other looks like Ju Yuan Xian. That Er Qi Xian will destroy the body of I'm an immortal..."

"How could it be?" The figure's tone was sharp, "don't say it's Juyuan immortal. Even if it's Er Qi immortal, what do you do here? You're lying... "

"My lord..." Shadow Wei helplessly way, "despicable duty again poor, also not as for a lie to destroy own immortal body?"

"Damn it..." The human figure was excited, and the light around him trembled rapidly. He almost blurted out, "you're just a high-level immortal. How can the two Qi immortals attack you? Now that he's done it, he's naturally familiar with Yanxian. Since he doesn't kill you, he naturally wants to see your origin... "

Naturally, Yingwei didn't dare to say that he had already told his origin in order to escape. At this time, Xiao Hua's smile rang out from the air: "ha ha, you Yingwei are very powerful. You can see so much, but you are still wrong. I just want to borrow your teleportation array!"

With that, Xiao Hua and Chang Yue showed their bodies in mid air, "Pa Pa Pa......" The condensed tricolor filament is broken inch by inch, and a whirlpool of flame is revealed in the filament!

"Come out!" Xiao Hua said to the whirlpool.

"Wu..." But seeing a five element immortal flying out in battle armor, the five element immortal bowed himself and said, "I've met you, younger kunguo Shaoying mansion Ziying!"

"Let me ask you..." Xiao Hua tone light asked, "do you always guard this dust sound?"

"Ouch..." Chang Yue understood, some surprised to see Xiao Hua, she really did not think about it.

"Yes..." Ziying respectfully said, "jingchenyin is the place under the jurisdiction of the younger generation!"

"What's wrong with jingchenyin 56 years ago?" Xiao Hua was delighted and asked, "such as space storm?"

"This..." Ziying hesitated for a moment and said with a bitter smile, "it's good to teach the elder to know. The younger generation was in charge of jingchenyin 50 years ago. The younger generation didn't know what happened in 56 years."

"Who knows?" Xiao Hua is quite disappointed."Or the fallen shadow, or go to my Shaoying mansion to find the records..."

"Is Bao Shan the king of Shaoying mansion?"

"Yes, yes..." Ziying's body trembled and her head was even lower. She replied, "since you know my Lord, there's no problem! However, if the records are kept in Shaoying mansion, it will take time for them to spread out. If the predecessors don't go there in person, they can make it clear. "

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "it seems that I can only go to Shaoying mansion in person."

"Master..." Ziying respectfully said, "Shaoying mansion is in Qiyao moyitian. If the elder takes the Tianzun mansion Jietian passage, it will inevitably delay. The younger generation dares to lead the way for the elder and take our da Kun Jietian passage, which will save a lot of trouble!"

Xiao Hua looked at Chang Yue and said with a smile, "yes, thank you

"You are welcome, sir." Ziying congratulated and said respectfully, "please, master!"

Finish saying, the son shadow urges the body shape to fly in front of the head. Xiao Hua looked at Chang Yue and said, "you go first..."

"Good!" Chang Yue is not polite. She flies into the whirlpool with her shadow.

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