Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1163

"Hey, hey..." Chang Yue's proud smile, just about to release Yan Nian to explore, but Xiao Hua raised her eyebrows and looked at a place in the wind and rain, with surprise on her face.

"Roar..." The faint roar of the beast came. In the distant storm, a little light and shadow swayed like a candle.

"Oh?" Chang Yue put down the ink immortal pupil and looked at the place. She said with a smile, "do you know the immortal

Xiao Hua was about to shake his head, but suddenly he thought of something again. He said helplessly, "well, I know you."

"Won't Xianyou go and have a look?" Chang Yueqi said, "it seems that Yanxian is not the enemy of sea animals. If Xianyou doesn't fight, he will at least destroy the immortal body!"

"All right!" Xiao Hua hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "how can we say that we have a chance to meet each other? We can't let him suffer a big loss in front of Xiao!"

"I don't like it very much!" Looking at Xiao Hua slowly flying past, Chang Yue said with a smile, "this is not quite in line with Xianyou's character."

"Not reluctantly..." While talking, the two immortals were already flying close. Xiao Hua looked at an immortal in bronze armor who was fighting with sea animals and explained, "it's because he has changed a lot. Xiao thinks it's strange. What's more, what he just appeared was also strange, as if he flew out suddenly. There was no sign before... "

"I don't think it's special?" Hearing this, Chang Yue looked into the distance like electricity. After a moment, she asked, "what's his name?"

Xiao Hua stopped, hands back, light said: "Meiyun!"

At this time, Mei Yun is already different from before. In front of Chenxiao sea, Mei Yun leaves without saying goodbye. He has a kind of scholarly spirit. He is wearing a long blue shirt. There is a thick and indelible melancholy between his eyebrows. There is a kind of deep love in his eyes!

Mei Yun, who was fighting with sea animals, was a little thin, with indescribable fortitude between his eyebrows. In particular, the bronze armor protecting the immortal body was different from the ordinary immortal armor. There are ellipse shaped array symbols on the armour. A little light cyan plum blossom mark rushes out from the gap between the array symbols. The plum blossom mark gives birth to a frightening green light. Even if Xiao Hua's eyes pass by, he has a feeling of being inhaled.

What puzzles Xiao Hua most is that Mei Yun has gone to xiaomeixin? How can it appear in taimingyu Wantian? I haven't seen him for decades. Although Mei Yun has been cultivated to a higher level than Xiao Hua expected, he is not a five element immortal after all!

The sea beast fighting with Mei Yun looks like a bull, with scales about a meter in size all over his body and fins in his waistcoat. The sea beast looks clumsy, "roar..." I only know how to use my head to collide!

Even so, Mei Yun still fell into a dangerous state. The sea beast roared and rushed forward. At the place where Mei Yun waved his hand, a half moon blue light fell like electricity.

"Keng..." Mei Yun's body was shaken upside down, and the unicorn on the head of the sea beast shot blue light, hitting Mei Yun's abdomen!

"Poof..." There was no time for Mei Yun to escape. The blue light was hitting the bronze armor.

More than ten plum blossoms were annihilated, and the blue light on the armour was quite dim immediately.

Mei Yun seems to be hesitant. After all, this sea beast is the sea beast of Taiming jade. It's not Mei Yun's enemy!

Just, Mei Yun wants to go now, it's too late!

Although the crescent shaped fairy ware in Mei Yun's hand was blocked by the unicorn, the blue light swept by finally hurt the sea beast, and the red blood dripped out!

"Roar!" The sea beast has been enraged. In the roar, the sea breeze and the rain storm suddenly condense and hit Mei Yun. The sea beast is stepping on the waves and flying high into the sky. Its flashing blue hooves are raised and it is crazy to step on Mei Yun!

Mei Yun reluctantly resisted the waves. Seeing the hooves of sea animals falling, it seemed that all around him were imprisoned, and even the immortal force in the immortal body could not be mobilized. He could not help but scold: "Damn it!"

Then Mei Yun patted her eyebrows and said, "brush..." A bloody plum blossom flew out of the immortal mark.

"Oh?" The onlooker Xiao Hua's eyes were even more surprised. He was familiar with the color of blood, which was exactly the same as the color of blood on Ruyi!

"Poof..." Mei Yun sprayed blood essence on the blood colored plum blossom, "hum..." The plum blossom is shaking, and a little bit of blood begins to gush out around the plum blossom. The blood falls in the air and instantly dyes the space nearly a hundred Li to blood red. An indescribable murderous gas gushes out from the blood!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was surprised, because he had a clear sense of the murderous spirit, which was similar to the breath of bloody Avalokitesvara!

As soon as the plum blossom's blood color comes out, it immediately blocks the sea beast's attack and power. The sea beast is so scared that the hoof that it steps down can't fall down in any case!

"Oh..." The sea beast roared in a low voice, turned his head and stepped on the waves to escape!

"Evil..." Mei Yun scolded, raised his hand a little, "Wu..." Plum blossom whimpered, some reluctantly fly up, Mei Yun seems to be unable to completely control, it seems that some weightless, "boom..." The plum blossom, like a meteor, smashes the blue light around the sea beast and penetrates the head of the sea beast!

Seeing the sea beast fall into the water, Mei Yun's body faltered and almost fell down!

"There's something strange about your old fairy weapon!" Chang Yue whispered, "he's afraid that Xianli has dried up. If you don't do it again, he..."

Chang Yue's words haven't landed yet, "whoosh..." In the distant waves, a fairy in a light black cape flew out. The fairy skimmed over the place where the sea beast fell, reached out and grabbed. A strange fog fell down, like a dark hand covering the sea beast, and then raised his hand and said, "poof..." A light purple sword light pierces Mei Yun's eyebrows!"My life is over..." Mei Yun didn't even care to clean up the corpses of sea animals. He saw the light purple sword light in the middle of his eyebrows, and the silver light of the immortal mark had begun to collapse. He couldn't help shouting!

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed softly, raised his hand and grasped it. With a "click" sound, he had broken the purple sword light!

Then he put his other hand on the immortal, "Peng..." Immortal's cloak and immortal's body burst!

Among the blood and flesh, a panicked fairy baby flew out with a token in his hand and screamed: "please forgive me, elder. I'm the shadow guard of Shao shadow mansion of Da Kun state..."

"Hum..." Xiao Hua turned his eyes and hummed coldly, "I don't kill you, not because you are a shadow guard, but because I disdain to kill you! , go away... "

Finish saying, Xiao Hua big sleeve a wave, a gust of wind rolled the fairy baby and shadow guard head to throw out!

"More Thank you, master... " Fairy baby ecstasy, body in mid air thanks a, far away away.

Xiao Hua raises his hand, and Yingwei's half empty bag falls into his hands.

"More Thank you Mei Yun was overjoyed and flew over in a hurry. She bowed and said, "Mei Yun, I don't know what you call me."

"But you don't have to thank me for raising a hand!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "if I ask you a question, you can answer it according to the facts."

"Please tell me..." Mei Yun said respectfully, "I'm sure you'll know everything and say everything!"

Xiao Hua pointed to the bloody plum blossom and asked, "what kind of immortal instrument is this plum blossom? Where do you come from? "

"This..." Mei Yun was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile, "master, I think this thing was given by my elder. I have made a promise. I can't reveal the origin of this thing. I hope you'll forgive me!"

Xiao Hua frowned and said, "your elder? Can I have your name, please

"The elder's surname is Mei, so I taboo Mei..."

Speaking of this, Mei Yun suddenly brightened his eyes, looked at Chang Yue behind Xiao Hua and said respectfully, "are you a high-level two Qi immortal?"

Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment, and turned to look at Chang Yue. Chang Yue is a high-level Juyuan fairy, but she has the same secret skill as Xiao Hua to hide her height. At this time, it seems that she is about 600 Zhang, which can be regarded as a high-level Yanxian in yuwantian. But Xiao Hua, who was already a real immortal, was only four or five hundred feet high. He looked like a two Qi immortal.

Chang Yue said with a smile: "yes, I'm a high-level Er Qi immortal!"

"What do you think of the power of this immortal weapon?" Mei Yun asked, holding the bloody plum in his hand.

"Pretty good!" Chang Yue doesn't care about any immortal utensils, but since Xiao Hua asked her, she could only express her interest.

"This is from Huang Zengtian, the elder of my family. If you are interested in it, you can leave a keepsake. When you are free, you can go to Huang Zengtian and introduce them to your family. Listen to the elder, it may be It's the ruins of Taichu, and there are better immortal utensils, but she doesn't have the strength to move forward. If the two elders make a move, they will get something! Also Thank you for saving my life

Mei Yun said the token and handed it to Xiao Hua respectfully.

"Well!" Xiao Hua takes the keepsake and Yannian sweeps it. There is a picture of immortals in it. It says Xiao Meixin's handwriting on it. It seems that Mei Yun is not lying, so Xiao Hua nods and says, "we have other important things. I'll go to you when I have time!"

"I'm in xiaomeixin, waiting for you to come!" Mei Yun was really overjoyed, and then pointed to the sea beast and said, "this is black ox. I only need to use its essence and blood, and please accept the rest!"

"What do I want the sea beast to do?" Xiao Hua gave a little smile, and water clouds came out under his feet. His body had already been flying, and he said, "keep it for yourself."

"To you two elders!" Mei Yun bows to Xiao Hua and Chang Yue.

"Isn't Mei Yun your old friend?" Chang Yue was puzzled and asked, "since he invited you, why don't you go to Huang Zengtian?"

"Because the shadow guard just now!" Xiao Hua squints at the front and takes out Yingwei's bag. While checking the contents, he says faintly.

"Da Kun state, Yingwei?" Chang Yue woke up and said, "did Zhong Xiao collude with Shao Ying Fu of Da Kun state?"

"My Lord, it's just a guess..."

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Xiao Hua went to the state of Da Kun to end the cause and effect

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