Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1162

After flying for half an hour, he finally explored the gray light and shadow around. As Xiao Hua had expected, within the vast space debris, only tens of thousands of miles were the interface barriers, and the others were the boundary barriers. If it were not for Xiaoyin, even Xiao Hua would not be able to find a drop in the sea!

At this point, Xiao Hua had no choice. He opened his eyes to observe for a moment, and immediately urged Guangdun to fly in!

Ordinary immortals break the boundary. If the interface rule is too strong, they will inevitably fall into the rule, just like ants fall into the Xumi array, while Xiao Hua's Guangdun has little effect.

When Xiao Hua broke out of the world, he didn't wait to release Yan Nian, "hum..." When a wave came, Xiao Hua rushed up into the sky. Looking around, he was in a sea.

At this time, the waves are surging over the sea, and there is a great storm.

Xiao Hua looked at the place where he was flying out and the sky covered with black clouds. He shook his head slightly. The waves that can overturn ships in the mortal world are nothing in the fairyland.

Even if the whole sea rushes into the interface barrier, it can only be submerged in the spatial fluctuation, and it is absolutely impossible to cause the spatial storm.

"It seems that if we want to find out the trace of the star boat, we have to find it carefully!" Xiao Hua sighed, but he thought that Xingzhou had been missing for more than 50 years. If something had happened, it would have been useless for him to worry about it!

"This is..." Xiao Hua calmed down and let out Yan Nian to have a look. He was a little surprised and said, "is it too clear that jade has finished heaven? Previously, Xiao and Chang Yue were in JieChong, which should belong to Qiyao Moyi heaven. How could they arrive at Taiming Yuwan heaven all of a sudden? This place is weird... "

With that, Xiao Hua quickly takes out the immortal general view. To Xiao Hua's surprise, there is a sign of this place in the immortal general view. Xiao Hua is relieved and sends Chang Yue out of the space.

"Buzz..." When the moon suddenly comes out of the space, the immortal's body immediately expands, and the eight trigrams hovering around like a lamp stand out in the storm.

"This is taimingyu Wantian?" Chang Yue was also surprised and said, "is this the place under the interface barrier?"

"That's right!" Xiao Hua nods to reply a way, "Xiao Mou also feels surprised!"

"But..." Chang Yue hesitated for a moment, looked around and shook her head. "Since it's Taiming jade, it's impossible for a space storm to enter the boundary of Qiyao Moyi heaven. But now that I'm here, I'll have a look and see... "

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to say anything, Chang Yue turned over her hand and took out a ring-shaped fairy ware. There were countless red and gold flames condensed into tens of thousands of runes.

As soon as Chang Yue patted the immortal mark in the center of her eyebrows, the silver light fell like a column, "hum..." The ring vibration alternates into a ring of light and shadow, extending all around.

Ring light and shadow sweep across the night sky, like a big hand to smooth the tsunami and wind waves, wisps of red gold light from the light and shadow, gather in the eyebrow of Changyue!

After half a cup of tea, the light and shadow of the circle subsided, and the repressed storm raged again. Chang Yue collected the immortal ware and said to Xiao Hua, "Xiao Xianyou, there is no trace of space storm here. The space storm in JieChong should have nothing to do with it here!"

"Good..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "in that case, I'll wait to go back..."

When Xiao Huagang said this, he suddenly frowned and looked down at the trump in the beast swallow.

"What's the matter?" Chang Yue asked in a low voice, "is there any urgent military affairs?"

"I'm not sure. Just a moment..." Said, Xiao Hua mind into the vanguard trump, but see trump space, a shape like a flying sword trump just floating there!

Xiao Hua reached out to hold the card and "brush" some messages immediately rushed into his mind.

"Ha ha, is that the punishment army card?" Xiao Hua smiles. He rolls up the military card, goes out of the vanguard space, and then enters the space of holding the criminal military card.

The layout of the space for holding the criminal army card is similar to that of the vanguard card, but it is much larger, and there are many more things that can be bought.

Xiao Hua didn't take a close look, because as soon as his mind entered, he saw an arrow flashing like thunder on the military case.

When he had to pick up the arrow, Sinan Kong's voice sounded in Xiao Hua's ear: "Xiao Zhangxing, I have a big or small task for you. Listen carefully..."

"How can it be not big or small?" Xiao Hua turns his mouth. Can the task that the demon commander commands be small?

Sure enough, with Sinan Kong's words, Xiao Huaxian frowned.

However, Xiao Hua was not allowed to say one more word at all. Sinan Kong's voice stopped abruptly as before.

Seeing the return of Xiao Hua's mind, Chang Yue asked with concern, "what's the matter?"

"We can't go!" Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the storm in the distance. He said faintly, "Sir, you have orders..."

"Cough..." Chang Yue quickly coughed softly and said, "it's Mr. Sinan..."

"All right!" Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "Lord Sinan, I'm looking for a demon clan in yujietian who has occupied the immortal's body. I want you to help me!"

"Want to go to heaven?" Chang Yue could not laugh or cry, and said, "there are six heaven in the world of desire. What other clues do you have?""There is no clue except a secret skill to detect the whereabouts of the demon clan. However, you and I have all seen the demon clan who occupied the immortal body!"

"JieChong, the dawn of 167!" Chang Yue didn't even want to reply, "this guy took JieChong 167 unconsciously. If you hadn't found out, Su Buyao's two dragon riders might have fallen. Unfortunately, after the team took JieChong 167 back, they only found Zhong Xiao's immortal body, and the demon clan who occupied his immortal body had long disappeared. I thought that the demon clan had returned to the demon League. I didn't expect that they were in the heaven of desire

"The problem is..." Xiao Hua said with a bitter smile, "don't say that the demon clan doesn't occupy Zhong Xiao's immortal body. Even if he still uses Zhong Xiao's immortal body, you and I can't easily find him!"

"Apart from that skill, master Sinan has no clue?"

"There are a few words..." Xiao Hua replied, "however, Mr. Sinan said that he would not let you know."

Looking at Chang Yue's lips, Xiao Hua hastily explained: "those words In fact, it's not a clue. It's just the advice and guess of Mr. Sinan. "

"What about the secret arts?" Chang Yue asked, "can I see it?"

"I can see it!" Xiao Hua replied, "it's just that only real immortals can practice this secret skill, but Qi immortals can't use it!"

"I want it, too!" Chang Yue is a little bit of a gambler. "I can't use it now. I can always use it when I practice to be a real immortal..."

"All right!" Xiao Hua didn't expect Chang Yue to have such a little woman's side. He held her forehead with one hand and pretended to have a headache. He reluctantly handed Chang Yue a ink fairy pupil.

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The sudden task, Xiao Hua does not look embarrassed!

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