Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1161

I saw a lot of blue light ripples on Xiao Hua's left arm, just like water waves. Chang Yue woke up with a fever on her face and said, "I'm sorry, I I forget that you are a real immortal, you You already have the body of law... "

"Thank you for reminding me." Xiao Hua closed his eyes and began to refine his hand.

It's very difficult to refine the universe with one hand, especially in the first stage. By chance, Xiao Hua completed the first stage of the universe with one hand and successfully saved his life! After that, Xiao Hua didn't specially refine the one hand universe. The reason is very simple. Although the second stage of one hand universe is a little simpler than the first stage, it requires that as many space debris as possible be refined to expand the space of one hand universe. Only when the space is large enough, can it condense the space attack with enough power!

Xiao Hua has never had a chance or a particularly good condition to condense. Now when he comes across this mountain of space debris, isn't it the best way to condense the universe with one hand?

Xiao Hua used to practice one hand to avoid embarrassment, but who knows that this practice lasted for three days. Seeing the unspeakable green lines on Xiao Hua's arms shining all the time, Chang Yue's heart calmed down. She finally understood why Xiao Hua practiced so fast. How could he reach such a state without seeing the painstaking practice of sewing and needling?

What a fairy!

Chang Yue has some bitterness in her mouth. It's easy to gather yuan, but hard to transform into spirit. There are no Qi immortals who can cross the path of transforming into real immortals. When she was still in a hurry, others had already rushed into the real immortals. Didn't she wake up?

Changyue is favored by the capture demon commander Si Nankong. Of course, it has its own uniqueness. But fairyland immortals are used to leisure. Even the team immortals are ordinary. Maybe Xiao Hua can become Changyue's grindstone?

On the one hand, Chang Yue protects the Dharma for Xiao Hua, and on the other hand, she begins to urge the secret arts.

When Chang Yue was practicing hard, she suddenly felt an indescribable vigilance from the bottom of her heart. Chang Yue didn't open her eyes, and whispered: "Xiao Xianyou, it seems someone has explored..."

"Yes Xiao Hua light echo way, "this is the second turn back!"

"The second turn back?" Chang Yue was stunned and muttered, "why didn't I find out?"

"I'm afraid that this man's cultivation is of high level..." Xiao Hua said, "at least it's a tiger teacher, but the first time he passed by, I didn't care, and he turned back again, that's interesting!"

"Is it related to the disappearance of the team?" Chang Yue was slightly surprised and asked in a hurry, "if you don't capture it!"

"He's gone!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "I'm not sure if he meant it or not, so I can't make a fuss. I've already remembered this man's appearance..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Xiaoyin is back!"

"How?" Chang Yue's face brightened. "Is there any good news?"

"Not yet!" Although Xiao Hua said that, he didn't feel happy because Xiaoyin didn't mean to show his merit at all. I think he didn't find anything.

"Mother's mother..." Sure enough, Xiaoyin flew out, drooping his head, and his tail curled weakly. He said weakly, "I didn't find anything..."

"Dad's Dad..." But Xiaojin, heartless and heartless, exclaimed cheerfully, "I found a lot of good things..."

Say, a few tentacles one Yang, "Wu......" A mess of things towards Xiao Hua smashed!

"Master..." Seeing that Xiao Hua's face was not good-looking, Xiao Jin panicked and yelled, "I didn't mean to..."

In other words, Xiaojin's tentacles are waving, and more dragons are rushing out. It's not so much to clean up the mess as to attack Xiao Hua!

Xiao Jin is about to cry!

"Brush..." When Xiao Hua grabs it, all the broken things fall into his hands. Then he hits those dragon figures with his big hand, which has already destroyed them. Moreover, Xiao Jin is also beaten in the air.

"Master..." Xiaojin stood still in mid air, not daring to stand upright, but to crawl, pleading, "master, please forgive me..."

When Xiao Hua was about to speak, his eyes suddenly brightened again, and the silver light on his palm flashed. A broken red Ruyi flew out from inside.

Xiao Hua recently got three pieces of blood color Ruyi. The first two pieces are in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, one is picked up by himself, the other is picked up by Xu Chong. Those two pieces can't make up a complete one, but this third piece of blood color Ruyi can make up a complete one with the previous two pieces!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "yes, Xiao Jin, you have made great achievements!"

"Ah? Really? " Xiao Jin was happy, and straightened up, with the intention of opening her teeth and dancing her claws.

"Mother's mother..." Xiaoyin quickly lost no time and said, "that's what I asked Xiaojin to take..."

"Yes..." The honest little gold echoed, "it's the silver brother who asked the little one to take it! But there are too many things at the bottom of the water. I only took part of them. If the master wants them all, I'll go back to the small ones! "

"Under the water?" Xiao Hua pats Xiaojin's head. Xiaojin shakes his hand excitedly. Xiao Hua asks, "what's the bottom of the water like?"

Xiao Hua understood that under the heavy space debris is the interface of heaven. As for which heaven is, Xiao Yin can't make it clear.All of a sudden, Xiao Hua had a kind of insight. He looked at Chang Yue and asked, "Chang Xianyou, there is another boundary barrier under the mountain. Do you think it is the boundary barrier that causes the space storm?"

"Not likely!" Chang Yue shook her head. "This is not where the Jietian barrier is. Even if there is a problem with the Jietian barrier, it is impossible to impact JieChong. Don't forget how long this immortal pet has been gone! Gradually, how thick is the space debris here... "

"Was it recorded before?" Xiao HUAFA asked, "is this not the barrier of heaven?"

"Yes Chang Yue reminded, "the ink fairy pupil I gave you is recorded! An immortal general had made a careful survey here earlier. He wanted to build a leading point from fairyland to JieChong! "

Xiao Hua read it according to his words, and there were so many records.

However, Xiao Hua still chose to believe in Xiaoyin. He asked, "I want to go down and have a look. What about you?"

"This..." Chang Yue hesitated. After all, her strength is not enough to support her to dive to the bottom of space debris.

However, just for a moment, Chang Yue said with a smile: "of course I want to go, but I still need fairy friends to protect me!"

"Ha ha, let's go!"

Xiao Hua laughs and flies. Xiaoyin and Xiaojin shout happily and fly into it first.

"Thank you, fairy friend!" Chang Yue doesn't sacrifice any immortals. She only urges the silver light to protect her body and follow Xiao Hua.

They rushed into the mountains, as if falling into the water, splashing some light blue waves. The body shape falls into, the immortal body of two people has different reaction again. However, the silver light around Chang Yue splashed like broken stars, and layers of bubbles rose at the bottom of the silver light. They didn't wait to float out of the silver light and burst. Countless small waves stabbed Chang Yue Xian like swords.

Chang Yue is calm. There are eight trigrams and four intersects on the immortal body, which easily block the ripples.

As for Xiao Hua, the silver light on his body gradually disappeared, and a circle of cloud like textures appeared. There was blue light between the textures. The blue light was exactly the same as the light blue light wave. The falling of the blue light would not have any effect on Xiao Hua.

"This This is the true immortal, this is the body of the law Chang Yue noticed and sighed.

With Xiaoyin leading the way and Xiaojin cheering beside her, Changyue was not lonely all the way. From time to time, Xiao Hua pointed out Changyue's understanding of the laws of space, which made Changyue very happy.

It's about the first day of the year. The silver light of Changyue's whole body has completely subsided, and cracks like cobwebs begin to emerge. Changyue clenches her teeth and doesn't sacrifice immortal tools. Instead, as Xiao Hua says, she tries to understand the rules and insists on half of the first day. Changyue sees Xiao Hua's flying and falling like a leisurely walk, and finally says with a bitter smile: "Xiao Xianyou, I can't insist on it just by virtue of immortal body and skill, if you are happy It's meaningless to offer sacrifices to immortals. Please protect me... "

Xiao Hua nodded and replied, "I've just come all the way here. I'm sure Chang Xianyou will feel it. At this time, I might as well strike while the iron is hot and feel it quickly."

As he spoke, Xiao Hua raised his hand, and the five fingers had already fallen with the blue light. The green light contained the law of space, which made Chang Yue very frightened.

Thank you, fairy friend However, Chang Yue is very worried about Xiao Hua. Michelle agrees to let Xiao Hua put him in his sleeve.

Xiao Hua didn't think much about it. He turned around and took out three broken Ruyi. Ruyi joined together and didn't sacrifice again. There was something in the gap that he didn't want to overflow.

Xiao Hua has the heart to take the bloody Ruyi into the space to see if it is related to the bloody Guanyin. However, in this strange space debris, Xiao Hua does not dare to be too careless and does not enter the space for the time being.

It was another day and a half. Xiaoyin suddenly went straight through thousands of miles of space debris, facing a gray light and shadow. Around the light and shadow, there were many light spots like rocks. Xiao Hua looked down and felt that there were countless interface rules.

"Mother's mother..." Xiaoyin stopped and said, "this is it."

"Well..." Xiao Hua looked around and said, "look to the side again!"

Without saying a word, Xiaoyin took Xiaohua to one side, but after half a cup of tea, the gray light and shadow disappeared, replaced by thick darkness, and the interface rules began to dissipate.

"Look around..." Xiao Hua understood and told Xiaoyin with a smile

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There's going to be a clue

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