Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1160

Xiao Hua reveals his thoughts and explores his surroundings carefully. In Xiao Hua's impression, JieChong's place is mostly dark space with light and shadow flowing from time to time, but it subverts his cognition.

But I can see that it's a gray mountain with many peaks, and the edge of the mountain can't be seen at a glance. Naturally, there are no trees on the mountain, but in the crevices of mountain rock accumulation, there are often light green filaments emitting. At first glance, it seems to be a bit gloomy.

Xiao Hua Yannian swept through the mountains, and the strong breath of space law came out from the rocks. The light green light like a sword cut his Yannian, showing a sharp pain. It seemed that there were a lot of space debris in the light.

"This is the place where space debris deposited. Because of the pressure of the interface, it became like this in the first period after the end of the century..." Chang Yue explained, "it's just that the force of the interface is far greater than the force of space breaking. This space is relatively stable. There has been no space hurricane for a long time, let alone the kind of space storm that can involve the Starship. Of course, you see, occasionally there will be some space breaking force, the force of the interface can not be suppressed, and light green filaments will be formed... "

"This kind of broken space force can't threaten our team's future!" Xiao Hua nodded and urged his body to fly deep into the mountains.

"I've been here before, and I've explored it with immortal tools..." Chang Yue followed Xiao Hua and said in a low voice, "the surrounding space fluctuates steadily, and there is no exploration Team trail.... "

"Then how can we be sure that it's missing here?"

"It's like this. Diqiao 240 is not a single team. There are other teams performing tasks before and after it, but there is a distance between the teams, so they can only send messages to each other." Chang Yue said, "when JieChong's 1741 immortal detector found the interface storm, he quickly sent a message to the passing team, and found that Diqiao 240 didn't reply. Then he contacted the teams before and after it, and knew that Diqiao 240 was just in the interface storm, that is, in this mountain..."

"Did Mo Xiantong say that he didn't find the specific location of the interface storm eruption?"

"Yes..." Chang Yue nodded, "that interface storm is fierce, but it is very short. When other teams are summoned, the storm is over. The team immortal can only judge by the power of the messy remaining interface, and give a rough range of where the storm happened, and this range It's exactly where Diqiao 240 team flew by... "

"What is the specific scope?"

"Oh, ahead..."

Chang Yue said, and took Xiao Hua to another direction. She flew about ten thousand li. She stood still in mid air, pointed around and said, "here it is, about fifty thousand li."

Xiao Hua took another look and said to himself, "the mountain here is much higher than the surrounding area. If there is no accident, it should be the accumulation of more space debris. If it condenses into a space storm, it's normal!"

"The problem is..." Chang Yue laughed bitterly, "the space debris here is also stable, and there is no trend of explosion at all!"

Xiao Hua accepted Yan Nian, patted his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua was a little surprised to see the debris in the mountains. But what he saw was countless tiny pale cyan light filaments. These light filaments, like ripples, flowed and rolled peacefully in the mountains. Even where some of the cracks were, they were just like bubbles breaking. The light filaments also scattered into the surrounding, even the waves did not rise.

It's just that the light silk looks very deep. Xiao Hua can't see it in the end!

"There are a lot of space debris..." Xiao Hua closed his eyes, frowned and said, "I can't see anything at all!"

"You You're not going to run into it, are you? " Chang Yue was worried and reminded, "the space is too messy. There are rules similar to the interface in many places. If you are not careful, you may enter by mistake and you can't fly out again. I wanted to fly in and have a look at it at that time, but just after flying in, I felt that the space was deeper and more frightening than the starry rain sky. I had to quit..."

Xiao Hua looked at Chang Yue and said, "thank you, Chang Xianyou."

"No It's ok... " Chang Yue, a little flustered, waved her hand and said, "I just want to repay your kindness..."

"With this heart, I've done so much. I've already paid off all my kindness!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "don't do such dangerous things in the future."

Chang Yue bowed her head slightly and said, "I know."

With that, Xiao Hua waves Xiaoyin and Xiaojin out of the space.

"Mother's mother..."

"Dad's Dad..."

Two flies out, one bows and the other bends. It looks very polite.

"Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu may be trapped in their star boat. I need your help..." Xiao Hua pointed to the mountain below him and said, "Xiao Yin goes to find the star boat, and Xiao Jinfei protects Xiao Yin in front of his head."

"Yes, yes..."

Xiaoyin and Xiaojin are very excited and promise to fly into the mountains.

Chang Yue raised her head and saw Xiaojin and Xiaoyin. She didn't feel her eyes lit up and asked, "are these two your fairy favorites?""How lovely they are Chang Yue said enviously, "I also want to find an immortal beast to be an immortal pet, but I haven't found it all the time..."

"If you are predestined, you can naturally find..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "but if it's not, it's just fantasy."

Chang Yue was stunned for a moment, and her big eyes took a look at Xiao Hua. She didn't understand whether there was any other meaning in Xiao Hua's words.

But if Chang Yue is really asked if Xiao Hua has an immortal couple, how can chang Yue open her mouth?

Once the scene was awkward, once it entered the previous stage.

Chang Yue was a little worried and asked, "Xiao Xianyou, you Is your fairy pet OK? "

"Nothing for the time being!" Xiao Hua replied, "his name is Xiao Yin. He is good at the law of space. This kind of place is dangerous to us. It's a piece of cake for him!"

"That's good, that's good!" Chang Yue felt at ease, but when she wanted to speak, she didn't know what to say.

Xiao Hua also saw Chang Yue's embarrassment, which was his original intention, so he said with a smile: "Chang Xianyou, I have a secret space skill to understand. Would you please help me protect the Dharma?"

"Oh, yes, yes!" Chang Yue also tasted a breath and nodded.

Xiao Hua sat cross knee, explored his left arm and put his left hand into the mountain!

"Be careful..." Chang Yue couldn't help whispering, "the power of space here is very powerful!"

Xiao Hua grinned and said, "thank you

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Xiao Hua always has different means from others, so he can go further. Unfortunately, this space storm is too strange, and he can't find any clues for a while. Take your time!

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