Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1159

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed. The sword Hugger's mouth was really poisonous. He accidentally revealed a secret that didn't seem to be secret, but it was definitely the secret of a big killer in the eyes of someone who wanted to!

The yuan God who can kill the gods and bring down the real immortals is naturally invincible in the world of desire! It can't be said that even Bu Yao's part is not his opponent!

"It's ok..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "since that adult has guessed it, it's not good for you if you don't say it."

"Don't be angry with me!" Chang Yue said pitifully, "it's actually good for you! After all, you are in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. Now The whole Taichong team doesn't know about you. Now that you have just returned to the team, the news hasn't spread out. When you come back from JieChong 1741, there must be many adults to woo you. At that time, the three Buyao adults were afraid that they could not protect you... "

Xiao Hua thought carefully that Chang Yue was right. He thought there were three Bu Yao adults to protect him, but now it seems that the three Bu Yao adults are not good, so he can only find support again. So Xiao Hua waved his hand and said impatiently, "go, don't pretend to be poor in front of me! I can do whatever I want, and my mouth is not on my face... "

"Bah..." Chang Yue blushed, spat at him and said, "I think a lot!"

"Wronged!" Xiao Hua wake up, a face of helplessness, "brother is casually said, no ridicule and temptation of any meaning ah!"

Looking at Chang Yue urging a trump instead of a seal, Xiao Hua knew it.

When she finished, Xiao Hua asked with a shy face, "who is that adult? Can I know? "

"If you want to know, you will be summoned later..." Chang Yue said with a smile, "if he doesn't want you to know, I dare not say it! But don't worry, what else do you want to know, or what do you want As long as it doesn't involve military aircraft, I I'll give it to you... "

"What a temptation Xiao Hua's careful liver "flutters" disorderly jump, he thinks or that cool and gorgeous Changyue is a little better.

The star boat is still flying forward, pulling the light and shadow all around long and thin. Occasionally, some inexplicable flame is generated in the dark, and then explodes. The flying light and shadow are like fireworks, shining the star boat brightly. Xiao Hua doesn't speak. Chang Yue peeps at Xiao Hua. The scene looks warm, but it's actually a little embarrassed.

Chang Yue also has some small regrets in her heart. Is she doing too much Are you naked?

"Xiao Xianyou..." Chang Yue is determined to break this embarrassment. She asks in a low voice, "what's the change in the immortal body after she has been cultivated into a real immortal? Hualing immortal should be a real immortal Is it two thousand feet? "

"Oh, that's it!" Xiao Hua quickly replied, "the real immortal cultivates the spirit, and there is no special change in the immortal body. Of course, I don't know if there is an immortal."

Looking at Xiao Hua's words and stopping, Chang Yue cried in her heart: "wood, wood, it's really big wood. When it comes to cultivation, she starts to talk..."

"So..." Chang Yue asked again, "from Juyuan fairy to Hualing fairy Is there anything to pay attention to? "

"This..." Xiao Hua pinched his chin, thought for a moment, and said solemnly, "it's really not!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua's words were beyond Chang Yue's expectation. She thought Xiao Hua would say some insights and experiences. Chang Yue couldn't help asking, "that How do you practice? "

Xiao Hua shrugged and spread his hands: "it's so simple! Step by step, it's nothing dangerous, nothing special! "

"Oh..." Speaking of this, Xiao Hua patted the beast swallow on his waist, took out a ink fairy pupil and handed it to Chang Yue. He farted, "this is from Su Buyao. He said it's some realization of the spirit. You can see for yourself, I didn't use it!"

Chang Yue took over Mo Xiantong and said jealously, "if you are favored by adults, you can't use these naturally..."

"Who is that man, do you know?"

"Did you say the man before you saw him?" Chang Yue asked.


"I don't know. My adult didn't say either..."

Chang Yuegang said that, with a pick on her brow, she quickly took out her trump card. Yannian swept away her great joy and said, "Xiao Xianyou, you have a message from the demon master. Wait a moment?"

"Captured demon handsome?" Xiao Hua is a little stunned. The backer behind him is bu Yao. The backer behind Changyue is actually a captive demon!

"This is for you, my Lord!" Chang Yue takes out a Mo Xian Tong from the trump card and hands it to Xiao Hua, saying, "you have a look first!"

Xiao Hua let out Yannian, just about to explore, Chang Yue quickly reminded: "enter the trump space, otherwise you can't explore, and if you can't be sure it's you, there won't be any handwriting in the ink fairy pupil!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua's mind rolled Mo Xiantong into the trump space, which was beyond Xiao Hua's expectation. His mind just turned into shape, but he didn't stand firm. A wisp of fluctuation appeared in Mo Xiantong and rushed into the trump space. When the trump space flickered, "pa......" Ink fairy pupil burst, a chip flew out from inside.

The chip is like a copper spoon, which is used in the secret room of Xianwei.

Xiao Hua frowned, raised his hand on the chip, and saw a strange whirlpool around him. Xiao Hua's body was involved in it.There are only a few lights in the secret room. Although there are several lights, the light keeps flowing, and still outlines a human figure in the light and dark.

"Immortal Xiao..." The human voice is extremely ethereal, as if separated by a million miles of sound transmission, "I am a captured demon commander Si Nankong, I think Chang Yue has already mentioned it to you..."

Xiao Hua would not be fooled again. He quickly bowed himself and said, "at the end of the day, immortal Xiao has met an adult. Chang Yue only said that there was an adult, and never mentioned his name..."

"Well..." Sinan Kong didn't seem to care about this at all. He just answered lightly and said, "I'm very glad to hear about your achievements in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing occasionally. I'll never ignore any generals of our Terran in my heart. I ask you, are you the one who wants to go to heaven

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao Hua replied, "as for why I can be in the heaven of desire, I don't know."

"I don't care..." Sinan Kong said faintly, "since you can stay in the heaven with my master, the duty of taking charge of punishment under my command is tailor-made for you. This military duty has nothing to do with base hunting and vanguard. I'm only under my jurisdiction. The beauty is endless..."

Sinan Kong's voice became more and more low, and Xiao Hua could hardly hear it.

When Xiao Hua heard that he was in charge of the criminal army, he understood what Si Nankong meant, so he simply didn't wait for Si Nankong to finish. He bowed down and said with dignity: "you don't have to say much, but if you can work for our Terran and our team, you will agree!"

"Good!" Sinan Kong's voice was very happy, and he said, "I have some important things to do today. If I don't tell you more, I will give you your trump card and other things right away. As for the task, don't worry..."

Still words did not finish, Sinan Kong's voice suddenly stopped, overflowing several light stopped, and then disappeared!

Xiao Hua's mind came out and saw Chang Yue's concerned eyes, "how about it?"

"This is a military plane!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "you have no right to know!"


Chang Yue's words almost didn't scare Xiao Hua to death. Chang Yue, you are a beautiful general with a frosty face. You can't say that from your mouth!

"Actually..." Xiao Hua hesitated and said, "my Lord is busy. He didn't say anything!"

"Hee hee, ghosts believe you!" Chang Yue laughs, the star boat trembles, speeds up again, and the light across the boundary is like the joy in Chang Yue's heart.

No matter Chang Yue or Xiao Hua, he never imagined that in a secret room of tianxianwei, a thin figure was respectfully saying to a figure flashing silver light: "my Lord, someone has received a reward from the two hundred and forty regiments of explorers!"

"Is it immortal Xiao?"

"I don't know! There is no news of the return of immortal Xiao... "

"Count the time, it's time for that immortal Xiao to go out!" The figure hesitated for a moment and said, "however, no matter whether it's immortal Xiao or not, you should be careful and send a disciple to have a look. Don't let anyone find anything strange..."

"My lord..." The thin figure said with a smile, "it's nothing strange. Why care? Fifty years ago, it was not that no one had explored it. "

"Be careful, no big mistake!" The human form lightly says, "don't you hear several Bu Yao adults say?"? Immortal Xiao is blessed. If he were, he might find something! It doesn't matter what happened to Diqiao 240. If it's revealed, it's in trouble! "

"The problem is..." The thin figure complained more and more, "what's that, adults and despicable job don't know..."

"Go, go..." The figure waved his hand and said, "how can you and I guess the minds of adults? Let's pay more attention to it... "

Xiao Hua thought that the reward offered by the 240 regiment of explorative dexterous had been taken away by a purposeful general, so he was alert. Who would have thought that this battle would be Changyue!

Xiao Hua never dreamed that when he relaxed his vigilance, there would be another variable.

At this time, Chang yuezheng steered the star boat, pointed to a mountain like place in JieChong, and said: "Xiao Xianyou, Diqiao 240 team is missing around here..."

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This is a seemingly accidental event, I didn't expect there would be more secrets, but behind this secret It's a story that you Taoist friends can't think of. Cheer for Tanhua! When Tanhua writes about it, don't be surprised. The new book begins to reveal Xiao Ming's life experience. For the time being, the new book will be updated at 12 noon with 3000 words a day.

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