Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1156

Baize said with a smile: "I don't know. After all, I never read these before. When I finish my writing, the master will look at them himself!"

"I already have the cultivation method of Yuanxing and Yuanqi. Just give me Yuanqing and Yuanjing again!"

"The master said earlier that the Yuanqi primitive chapter is almost finished." Baize is going to take down the ink fairy pupil on the heavy pupil.

Xiao Hua said with a smile, "ha ha, let's finish it."

Another moment later, Bai Ze gave Xiao Hua what he knew about yuan Qi Yuan Yuan Yuan pian. After Xiao Hua read it, it turned out that Yuan Qi Yuan Pian was also incomplete.

"It's the same with Bai Ze. He's just an immortal beast and doesn't practice. He knows some cultivation methods are good!" Xiao Hua murmured to himself that he sent Yuanshen taishangpian to Dantian to let an immortal baby understand.

Later, Bai Ze recorded yuan Qing Qian Kun and Yuan Jing Tian Di.

There are five sections in the complete yuan Qing Qian Kun Pian, and Bai Ze remembers three sections.

There are nine layers in the complete Yuanjing Tiandi Pian, among which Baize nearly remembers four layers and forgets the most.

Xiao Hua didn't say much. After receiving all the ink fairy pupils, he gave them to Xianying to realize. Then he looked at Baize and asked, "do you want to go back to the immortal space or follow me?"

Without any hesitation, Baize replied, "master, I was an immortal beast in my previous life. I was born with supernatural powers and didn't need special cultivation. Since it's a white magic power, I can't capture the nature of heaven and earth. I can only watch the fall of the emperor on that day, but I can't do it. It's a profound lesson for me. So I use the method of nirvana of Taichu's spirit to transform the human soul. I just want to practice... "

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded, "I understand. Go back to practice. If you need anything, send me a message!"

"Thank you for your understanding!" Mr. Bai Zeji.

Xiao Hua sent Baize back to the space and still sent him to the special immortal forbidden area. Although Baize used Xiao Hua's own immortal baby, Xiao Hua was not completely relieved. It was the immortal beast protecting the temple of emperor Haotian! Who knows if there is a magic power that you don't know?

Xiao Hua didn't rush out of the space, but stood in the void, raised his hand and patted on his top door, "boom, boom..." Three in a row, three lotus from the top door.

The color of a bronze is Yuanshen Taishang; the color of a pair of gold is Yuanqing Qiankun; the color of a red gold is Yuanjing Tiandi!

"Thank you, my friend..." Yu die Xiao Hua rushed to the sky and said, "brush..." Three lotus into a trichromatic meteor rushed into the sky disappeared.

"Tut tut..." Xiao Hua's voice said, "it's delicious!"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughs, raises his hand and grabs another military card. Huafeng gets out of the room.

However, for a long time, a reward appeared in butianxianwei: "my body is beautiful, and I cry for my old friend's missing army card. Furong, an old friend of mine, once sought the army card of fallen lover Camellia in Xianwei more than 30 years ago. Although she didn't achieve her wish, she found her husband in the bidding. Today, Furong and her lovers have fallen to JieChong at the same time. My concubine is dressed in a solid wound. Now I beg for the Furong military card. The person who gives the Furong military card is willing to give me ten military merits and ask for help from someone who has a chance! "

The idea of the reward is not that the wine is too obvious. After a short time, the military cards are passed into Xiao Hua's temporary military cards.

Xiao Hua sent an immortal puppet in the military card, leaving him 500000 military contributions and a sentence: "I thank you, this military card is not for Furong. However, I thank you for your kindness. I have a peerless posture. The lover I'm looking for is at least a Dragon Rider. I'll give you a military merit as a souvenir

With a good idea, I'm afraid I can't attract a military card?

Then Xiao Hua doesn't care about it, and pulls Xiang Zhili out of the space to make him control the star boat. He takes out the ink immortal pupil of qianyuhan to explore it carefully.

Xiang Zhili was puzzled by Xiao Hua, but when he saw that Xiao Hua's face was as deep as water, he didn't dare to say anything more and drove the immortal boat into JieChong.

For more than 50 years, he was only able to cultivate xiangzhili to the point of immortality, so it was quite difficult for him to control Xingzhou.

Xiao Hua finished reading the records in Mo Xiantong and sighed. Just as Qian Yuhan said, Xiangqing and other people's disappearances are normal, and there is nothing different. Moreover, the immortal generals he went to look for later did not find anything.

"Adoptive father..." To the ceremony careful way, "what's the matter?"

"My team is missing!" Xiao Hua accepted Mo Xiantong and said, "all kinds of signs show that they are caught in the interface storm, but I don't have any warning signs..."

"Interface storm!" To the ceremony of spit out his tongue, said, "you always let the child to ride a boat?"

"It's just for you to come out and practice!" Xiao Hua looked at the dim light and shadow of the star boat, flying at turtle speed, and said, "hum..." The fairy boat is shining, like an arrow rushing into the dark!

"Is this still fairyland?" To the gift received fairy power, looking at the distorted light and shadow, curious asked.

"This is the edge of fairyland..." Xiao Huagang wanted to explain to Xiang Zhili. Suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and took out the military card.Xiao Hua was silly when he saw that half a million military contributions were used up in such a short time! 500000 military cards are completely stacked in the military card space!

"I'll go..." "Feng Mei is more effective than Furong?" Xiao Hua whispered

With that, Xiao Hua withdrew the reward, and sent all the military cards into the space, then destroyed the reward just offered!

Suddenly rolled up 500000 military cards, Xiao Hua is really worried about attracting the attention of others!

"What is the adoptive father doing?" Xiang Zhili looks at Xiao Hua's flowing action and asks.

When Xiao Hua finished the story, he covered his stomach with a smile and squatted on the star boat. Out of breath, he said, "adoptive father, you are greedy. You can send tens of thousands of military medals at a time. So many will surely attract other people's attention."

"Not necessarily!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "where do others know how many military medals I have offered? The key is that after I finish this time, I can't find any reason to offer a reward. That's the trouble! "

"Hey, hey..." Xiang Zhili stood up easily and sneered, "the most important thing in the world is to make a fuss, not to mention the reason to find a lover, which is to make a fuss and make a fuss. You can draw a trump card. Take a look at it, adoptive father. Next time you make a story, you can make a pot full of money!"

"I'm sorry, haha..."

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Cough, coax army card again, sorry!!

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