Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1157

"Left and right are discarded things. If they can be used, it's a great merit..." Xiang Zhili said with a shy face, "if the adoptive father doesn't use it, give it to the child!"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua smiles, takes out a hundred Na bag and hands it to Xiang Zhi, saying, "this is for you alone!"

"Hee hee, the child knows that the adoptive father will give good things to the child!"

"Sit down..." Looking at the gift, Xiao Hua collected the bag and solemnly said, "I have another important skill to teach you!"

Xiang Zhili quickly sits down with his knees crossed. Xiao Hua raises his hand to pass on the cast corpse dog in Yuanxing spirit chapter to Xiang Zhili.

"Thank you, adoptive father!" To the ceremony is just to see once, immediately understand its importance, thanks with a smile.

"Listen carefully..." Xiao Hua said, "I still need to learn from you."

"Adoptive father..." Xiang Zhi hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "do you always pass it on to merciless and Yingying?"

"Why?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile, "can't I teach it to you alone?"

"That..." Xiang Zhili said shyly, "I'm used to being ruthless and Yingying in the world. I don't have any cover up. I'm still embarrassed when you keep doing this!"

"Ha ha, that's all, that's all!" Xiao Hua laughs and sends out merciless and Cui Yingying, saying, "since you are the third child of Yulei clan, I will help you!"

"Master..." Merciless and Cui Yingda Leng, hastily salute, "what can I do for you?"

"Hey, hey..." Xiang Zhili frowned beside Xiao Hua and said, "my adoptive father has a secret skill to teach us!"

"Hee hee, thank you, master!" Cui Yingying as like as two peas and heartless eyes, and looking at Xiao Hua with smiles, almost the same as his face.

Xiao Hua was very happy to see this. He liked to see his disciples working together, so after he taught them the skill of casting corpse dog, he explained his understanding word by word, and even explained the means of assisting cultivation one by one.

At last, Xiao Hua told them that this secret skill in the immortal world is comparable to the Dragon formula in the ordinary world. They must cultivate this secret skill well, which is related to the achievement of real immortals in the future, so that they can be sent into space.

Xiao Hua thought for a moment and sent Baojian out of the space. Baojian is the golden immortal in wanxianlu. His character is similar to Yanzhan, but he is much more gentle than Yanzhan. Xiao Hua knows that going to JieChong is not his strong point, so he let Baojian come out to help him.

"Master..." Holding the sword body shape, he fell on the star boat. His eyes swept by, and he was a little surprised and said, "is this the demon alliance boundary Chong?"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua eyebrows pick, strange way, "you have been here?"

"Alas..." Holding the sword, he sighed, a sense of sadness on his face, and said, "in those days, a certain family was also a golden immortal. Although they didn't have the ability to cross the border, they still came to JieChong!"

Speaking of this, he held the sword and let out Yan Nian to have a look. He said to himself, "but now is not what it used to be. The master asked me to come out, but I can't help him."

"Brother Baojian..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Xiao asked you to come out, one is to chat, the other is to drive a boat..."

"Ha ha..." Holding the sword and laughing, he asked the location and urged the star boat to say, "it's time to find a confidant!"

"Confidant?" Xiao Hua's face gives birth to a kind of embarrassment. There are several confidants, but he doesn't know how to face them!

"Where's brother Baojian's beauty?" Xiao Hua simply asked.

"Cough..." Hold sword light cough two, equally embarrassed, say, "two old men son chat what beauty bosom friend?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua can't help laughing. It looks like the embarrassment of male immortals is similar!

"Ouch..." After laughing, Xiao Hua suddenly remembered that he had not taken the reward of the team!

However, when he urged the trump, he didn't find the reward offered by the 240 team of exploration land!

"Strange!" Xiao Hua said, "didn't qianbuyao say that no one has paid attention to this reward for a long time? Why did you suddenly disappear? "

"What's the matter?"

Xiao hualisheng is shocked!

"Master..." In surprise, Xiao Hua held his sword beside him and said in a low voice, "I don't know our skill How to practice after the true immortal? Is it similar to the common practice method in the fairyland? "

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and asked, "why do you ask?"

"It's like this! Master... " Holding the sword, he said with a smile, "now that you have set foot in the real immortal, the body of the law has become. You must want to explore the magic of the spirit and find a way from the law to the Tao. I want to remind you that there are thousands of ways. It's better to take a down-to-earth road. Don't be clever. Look back at the two lines of tears! In my lifetime, just because I was eager to cast my soul and refine my soul, I quickly found an immortal array like Dharma, which resulted in Limited cultivation and stopped at Jinxian. "

"What What do you mean Xiao Hua was stunned. He took out a ink fairy pupil and said, "the spirit builds the spirit Is there another way? Is it true that I got the true immortal cultivation method? "Xiao Hua was stunned, holding the sword was also stunned, he took the ink fairy pupil, looked at it, and said with a smile: "this really immortal cultivation method is obviously used by the team, presumably the master got it from the Butian team, as a reference?"

"Obviously? Where do you see that? "

Xiao Hua felt indistinctly that it was inappropriate and asked in a hurry.

"Master..." Baojian explained: "because Dharma and Tao involve three thousand ways, there can't be only such a way of cultivation! Moreover, this cultivation method does not mention what kind of Dharma phase to borrow. I'm afraid that this skill alone can only achieve immortality. Therefore, since the master is a real immortal, he should not worry about it. He'd better find some innate things to cultivate the spirit.... "

"Brother Baojian!" Before he could finish holding the sword, Xiao Hua interrupted him and said, "my cultivation method is different from that of ordinary immortals, so the cultivation method of real immortals in the fairyland I didn't pay much attention to what you said. I really don't know much about it. "

Holding the sword, he looked up and down at Xiao Hua, thought for a moment, and asked, "is the master's cultivation the same as mine?"

"The same way, different ways!" Xiao Hua is concise and comprehensive.

"No wonder!" Holding the sword and nodding slightly, "I always feel that the cultivation method is different from before. It seems that the master has a unique way!"

"It's not a unique way to talk about..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "tell me about your previous cultivation!"

"Well..." Holding the sword and looking at the dim stars in the distance, he said slowly, "I'll give you some reference."

"Although there are many ways to practice in the fairyland, the most fundamental of which are Yuan Ying, Yuan Shen and Jin Shen, there is only one way to practice, which is Tao. We respect one pulse of Tao and cultivate Yuanying. Before Qi immortal, we mainly focus on immortal body, such as the immortal of dust, the body without leakage, the realm of great expansion, the root of five elements, the source of two Qi, the unity of yuan and spirit, and the transformation of spirit into Dharma. Dharma generates one, two, two, three, and the reversal of all things. The limit of Qi immortal is the body of Dharma. When it comes to the body of Dharma, it's up to Dharma and Tao... "

"I once knew a few feisheng immortals. They realized the Tao in every world, and they would laugh when they heard my big teeth. The law of every world is low, even if it condenses the body of the law, it is the lowest level. They can't bear the weight of the spirit. How can they realize the Tao? What they say is just one aspect of the Dharma

“…… In the fairyland, there are three thousand paths, which means that there are three thousand paths from Dharma to Tao, and every path can succeed. And each path extends more paths, which is true and which is false, only self-knowledge.... "

“…… The so-called Tao is invisible and produces all things in the world. The manifestation of Tao in fairyland is Dharma. When Tao is scattered, it is Qi; when Tao is gathered, it is God. This Qi is the source Qi, and this God is the spirit. Therefore, Qi immortal cultivates Taoism by his body, while real immortal cultivates Taoism by his soul... "

“…… The body is based on the immortal body, which can evolve into Tao, while the soul is based on no entity, which is difficult to evolve into Tao. Therefore, the Taoist master, the Taoist ancestor and the Taoist Zun started with the Dharma, opened up the road to heaven, and led our generation to enter the Hunyuan. "

“…… If the Qi immortal has the spirit, then the real immortal is the spirit building, also known as casting soul, and casting soul needs the help of Dharma. The so-called Dharma phase, or sign phase, or instrument phase, or array phase, or Dan phase, vary. The Taoist master's golden body method can be used to make immortals, and the Taoist ancestor's Yuanshen method can be used to make immortals, and the Taoist master's Yuanying method can also be used to make immortals, and the Taoist master's Yuanying method can be used to make immortals, and the Taoist master's Yuanying method can also be used to make immortals, and the Taoist master's Yuanying method can be used to make immortals, and the Taoist master '

“…… The yuan baby of our generation is the essence of heaven and earth, which is the essence of heaven and earth. It is the best way to touch the way of law. But the soul of Yuan baby is derived from the original statue. It can even touch the law. Our ancestors only have the meaning of respecting the immortals, which is the source of immortal strength. Therefore, the true spirit of our ancestors is mainly based on the spirit, the yuan baby is the supplement, the fairy mark is the root.

“…… The root of casting spirit by FA Xiang lies in the heaven grain land lease of the spirit, and the FA Xiang that fits with the heaven grain land lease has the greatest potential. Therefore, no matter what Dharma phase is, it is based on nature. Incomplete nature can make Hunyuan. If it is heaven, it needs complete nature... "


Holding the sword slowly, Xiao Hua is fascinated by it, and has a feeling of sudden opening.

It turns out that the cultivation of true immortals is basically a soul, but the soul is still completed by Yuan Ying. No wonder the spirit will be divided into 49 parts when he reaches the point of spiritual cultivation!

In this case, the problem comes again. Everyone else is an immortal baby, a divided spirit. The immortal baby influences the Buddha by casting the spirit with the help of Dharma. If he has 49 immortal babies, he has 49 Dharma. Each immortal baby casts a different spirit. How should his own immortal soul change?

Moreover, his spirit already has the method of casting and refining. After casting and refining, can he practice with the help of the method again? In other words, his own immortal baby also practices the method of casting spirits?

Xiao Hua would not ask Baojian about this question. After all, Baojian was just a golden immortal. He could not answer these questions at all.

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Here comes the cultivation system of the true immortal!!

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