Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1155

After a few words of encouragement, Chen Jin and Su min went out of the secret room first. Qian Yu raised his hand to Mo Xiantong and said, "Xiao Xianfeng, this is the message from JieChong. You have a look first. I won't say anything more. I'll talk to you when you find out the message! You give me the seal of HuJiao, and I'll pass it on to you after I've given you the military post of hunting base. Although you can't lead the army for the time being, it's absolutely no problem to mobilize a Dragon Rider... "

"Thank you, Lord Buyao!" Xiao Hua thanks qianyuhan and exits the chamber of secrets. After passing the seal to qianyuhan, Mo Xiantong also comes. Xiao Hua doesn't look at it carefully. First, he looks for the trump card's message.

There are only two generals, one is Chang Yue and the other is Xian Jiang who discussed the star map with Xiao Hua.

"Changyue really has some origins. Xiao fan can only summon me by seal. She knows my trump card..."

Then Xiao Hua urged the trump, inside came the voice of Chang Yue's surprise: "immortal Xiao, are you cured?"

Xiao Hua replied: "yes, just returned to the team!"

"Where are you?" Chang Yue said with a smile, "I'm going to see you, you know? Now you are the model in our hearts. When you were brave in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing on the first day, I'm inspired to think about it now... "

"That's nothing. As long as it's the immortal General of my mending the sky team, anyone close to the skeleton temple will be like Xiao..." Xiao Hua said, "Xiao is just at the right time."

"Which camp are you in?"

"Sorry..." Xiao Hua looked around and said, "I haven't been to the barracks yet, but I have something else to do right away!"

"Diqiao 240, right?"

"You know?" Xiao Hua had some accidents.

"Well..." Chang Yue replied, "in the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, I was also injured. After the withdrawal of the team, I read the war report, which praised you greatly. Later, I also mentioned the Diqiao 240 team. I went to that place too, but I didn't find any clues. Oh, I also searched for some information. If it's not convenient for you, I'll send it to you first! "

"Chang Xianyou has a heart!" Xiao Hua replied gratefully.

"Call me Chang Yue!" Chang Yue said, "a fairy friend seems to be born!"

"Ha ha, OK!" Xiao Hua replied, "thank you very much, Chang Yue!"

"Oh, don't mention thank you. Just a moment, I'll send it to you right away!"

Chang Yue turns off the subpoena, and Xiao Hua looks at another subpoena, which shows the immortal's new discovery about the sky. But where does Xiao Hua want to see the sky at this time? I didn't care.

When Xiao Hua and Chang Yue pass on Mo Xiantong, Qian Yuhan comes out of the secret room of Xianwei, turns around and goes into another secret room.

"How?" Qian Yuhan looks at Su min and Chen Jin who have been waiting for him. He asks with some satisfaction, "I say that since that adult values Xiao Xianfeng, he will surely give him good."

"This That's a great advantage! " Chen Jin had a wry smile. He looked at Su min and said, "I'm a real immortal. I can't imagine it. Aren't you afraid to encourage me?"

Su min waved his hand and said, "don't look at me. The Yuanri master just borrowed my Yuanshen. I don't know anything. I dare not ask."

Qianyuhan hesitated for a moment and said: "I dare to guess that the adult is afraid to have several meanings in it..."

"Well..." Chen Jin nodded, "one is that Xiao Xianfeng takes the human race as the root and would rather die than retreat, which is in line with the taste of adults, the other is the immortal beast! The immortal beast also valued Xiao Xianfeng. The immortal beast fell down on the spot, and the adult may have a tentative heart... "

"And the third..." Qian Yuhan said, "Chen Buyao, don't forget the frost sword!"

"Ha ha, I've ignored this!" Chen Jin said with a smile, "changqiong Shuai is a good person for adults. Her fall surprised adults. Now Xiao Xianfeng is holding the frost sword. Adults may be nostalgic."

Su Min said tentatively: "it's very possible that there will be another commander in the long dome!"

"It's too early to make this assertion..." Qian Yuhan shakes his head and says, "although Xiao Xianfeng is blessed with a lot of good fortune, and even has an amazing cultivation speed, he is not good at leading the troops. It's a fatal flaw. It's hard for him to be a commander-in-chief..."

"Su was not good at leading soldiers at first..." Su Min said with a smile, "now it's not the same as Bu Yao? Some things need to be done! "

"Just don't mention it!" Chen Jin waved his hand and said, "since Xiao Xianfeng is in the eyes of the adults, there must be arrangements in the future. Just do it according to the adults' will! Oh, by the way, there's nothing different about the 240 team of Diqiao? "

"Speaking of this..." Su Min said, "I'm very satisfied with Xiao Xianfeng's reaction. This child has his own staff in his heart. He will certainly win the wholehearted support of his staff and be a good commander."

Qian Yuhan replied: "it's normal for the Diqiao 240 regiment, or the demon League, or the fairyland. As long as there is a space storm nearby, it may affect the interface law of JieChong. Many fairies will be explored later, but there are some messages. In fact, I can't see anything. Just as Su Buyao said, Xiao Xianfeng is willing to find his own men. I can't stop him either in public or in private. ""Well..." Chen Jin nodded, turned to Su min and said, "in the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, Chen fortunately killed a part of the green ape, and even killed millions of demon soldiers in the demon League. Chen heard that our view of the skeleton cast in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing suddenly disappeared. It seems that the green ape wants to fight again!"

"Well, the green ape has been dead for more than 30 years, and he can't restrain his loneliness any more..." Su Min said with a smile, "what does Chen Buyao mean?"

"Is it time for Su Buyao to make the final arrangement?"

"Headache!" Su min held his forehead with one hand and said, "Su can't match Chen Buyao's strategic planning, grand layout, winning hundreds of millions of miles! This Su Mou still wants to think about... "

"It's su Buyao's turn this time..." "Thousand feather cold smile way," I wait for your counsel! "

"Where to operate?" Su min frowned.

"Su Buyao thought slowly, I went out first..." Qian Yuhan said with a smile, "Xiao Xianfeng is still waiting for his hunting base seal!"

"I'll go, too!" Chen Jin also got up and said, "this chamber of Secrets costs military merit!"

"No!" Su min got up in a hurry and said with a smile, "even if it's Bu Yao, there are not many military achievements in the military card!"

"Ha ha ha..." In the three steps, the body shape was dim and disappeared.

Xiao Hua waited for a moment, but no seal came back. He frowned a little. His mind fell into the space. He raised his hand and took out nearly ten thousand military medals. These military medals were obtained by Jiang Meihua from a military merit in butianxianwei last time! Although there are only 10000 military achievements on each military card, there are hundreds of millions of military achievements on 10000 military cards!

Xiao Hua breathed a breath, and ten thousand pieces of gold were spurted out. One piece of gold fell into an army card. But when he saw that the gold on the military card was blooming like a lotus, the immortal prohibition on it had been broken!

Then Xiao Hua got out of the room with the tens of thousands of military cards, and sent the general card to butianxianwei, where he began to bid for things used in ordinary cultivation.

Xiao Hua thought that hundreds of millions of military achievements would be bought for a while, but he didn't know that before his seal came, hundreds of millions of military achievements had been consumed!

"Alas, this military achievement is the same as Qian Jing. It's easy to spend, but hard to earn!" Xiao Hua sighed and sent all the things he had bought into the Chenwei of space. At this time, the seal of hunting base arrived!

The lielei seal is different from the HuJiao seal. It's a fierce beast like a tiger. After looking at it for a moment, Xiao Hua didn't know what the fierce beast was.

With a little thought, Xiao Hua sent Baize out of the space.

"Master..." If the shape of the boy's attitude is very correct, Bai Ze said with a smile, "what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Hua pointed to the fierce beast on the seal and asked, "what is this?"

"The name of this beast is Taowu t á ow, which is one of the fierce beasts in ancient times..." Bai Ze took a look at it and said with a smile, "according to the records of the age of wild animals, this beast is a monster living in the remote West. It has a tiger like physique and a dog like fur. Its hair is very long, its face is a bit like a man, its legs are a bit like a tiger, its mouth has tusks like a wild boar, and its tail is hundreds of feet long. It dominates in the West and can fight forever."

"So it is Xiao Hua said with a smile, "you are really powerful!"

White Ze genial smile, said: "than the master!"

"Flattery or truth?"

"It's true, of course!" Bai Ze replied, "master, this skill is amazing..."

Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "I thought you wanted to praise something. It's this! What does this skill have to do with me? "

"Hee hee, you can't be left or right!" Baezer did not explain.

Xiao Hua thought of something and asked, "Oh, by the way, do you have five yuan cultivation method?"

"Of course there are!" Bai Ze nodded, "I don't know which master wants?"

"Give it all to me!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and quickly handed five ink fairy pupils to Bai Ze.

White Ze took ink fairy pupil, first take out a paste on his double pupil, see double pupil purple halo fall, ink fairy pupil light clouds.

After a stick of incense, Baize hands Mo Xiantong to Xiao Hua and says, "master, this is Yuanshen Taishang."

"Good!" Xiao Hua took it with a compliment, and Yannian looked a little ugly for a moment. "Baize, this This complete chapter of Yuanshen taishangpian consists of 13 chapters. Why do you have only 10 chapters here? "

"Yes Bai Ze blinked and replied innocently, "my previous life was just the guardian beast of the great emperor's palace. It's good to know that this is the tenth chapter. Do you always think I have everything here?"

"What about the others?"

Xiao Hua was disappointed, but then he was happy. He asked casually. Bai Ze had it, and it was almost complete. What's his disappointment?

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Baize Boy of the God of wealth!

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