Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1154

"Oh, that's it!" Xiao Hua was a little calm after hearing this. He knew that qianyuhan had fulfilled her promise to him on the first day of the year. So he said with a smile, "the last general has just returned to the team in retreat. I don't know what happened before. Please Longqi!"

"Ha ha, Xiao HuJiao is very kind!" Qin Xin said with a smile, "you are the meritorious person in our team. This time you will be of great use. Anyway, Xiao HuJiao went out of Qin's team. Qin was very happy when he watched Xiao HuJiao grow up!"

Xiao Hua didn't know what Qin Xin meant. He said with a smile, "don't worry, Lord Longqi. Xiao has been under the command of the Lord since he entered the Taichong team. The Lord's care for Xiao is in his heart."

"Ha ha, that's good!" Qin Xin nodded opposite the seal, "Xiao HuJiao should contact Chen Buyao to see where Xiangfu HuJiao is!"

To urge the trump card, it's too late to check some messages inside. Qianyuhan's surprise voice has come: "Xiao Xianfeng, are you back? How is the injury? "

"Thanks to Lord Buyao, my injury has healed!" Xiao Hua politely asked, "I don't know the generals under the end general..."

"Ouch..." After hearing this, Qian Yuhan said in a hurry, "it's not that I don't care for your team, it's just that you left that they met the interface storm..."

After talking about what happened to Xiangqing and others, Qian Yuhan explained: "I immediately sent someone to visit JieChong 1741 after I got the information. Unfortunately, the space was annihilated long ago, and the storm destroyed all the traces. I couldn't find any trace of Xiangqing. Whether I or Chen Buyao or Su Buyao, I feel that you have made a great contribution to the team. As soon as you entrusted your team to us, you made such a big mistake. I feel very sorry. We put this matter as a reward task in butianxianwei. In addition to the basic military skills, we also took out the military skills of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing war. Since then, there have been many teams and soldiers The immortal general went to investigate, but there was no definite result. If you don't believe me, go to the immortal fair and have a look... "

"My lord..." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "at the end of the day, I want to go to JieChong 1741 and have a look. Can I?"

"Yes, yes!" Qianyuhan said frankly, "you can take the tasks in Xianwei. If you find them, your military contribution is also yours!"

"Thank you so much, my Lord!" Xiao Hua was quite anxious.

"Don't worry..." Qianyuhan said with a smile, "Xiangqing, they have been missing for nearly 50 years. You don't care about this moment. I'll ask someone to sort out the information about this and pass it on to you later."

"Yes, my Lord!" Xiao Hua asked, "what else can I do for you?"

"What's the matter?" "Thousand feather cold smile, say," nature is your military merit

"The amount of military merit is given by the adults. The adults will have to pay for it." Xiao Hua is worried about Lu Shu and Zhou Xiaoming at this time. How can he think more about military achievements?

"Ha ha, it's like this!" Qian Yuhan explained, "you not only made the first contribution in the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, but also inspired the morale of tens of millions of battle generals in the view of broken bones, and made great contributions to the victory of the battle, so the number of military contributions you got is terrible! If this military merit is given to you directly, I'm afraid it will be coveted by others, and it's not good for you. So I discussed with Chen Buyao and Su Buyao and wanted to give you most of the military merit to change your military position. What do you think? "

Where does Xiao Hua care about his military position? Without hesitation, he said, "my Lord is very considerate, just as he said!"

"There are different military positions..." Qianyu Han said with a smile, "I just don't know that you are favored by that adult. What's your strength after a blessing in disguise?"

Xiao Hua knew that his realm could not be covered up in front of qianyuhan, so he replied honestly: "the end will just set foot in Zhenxian!"

"Ah???" Thousand feather cold exclaimed.

Listening to the exclamation of Bu Yao, Xiao Hua can almost imagine Qian Yuhan's mouth opening slightly, a kind of pride can't bear to grow from the bottom of his heart.

"You Xiao Xianfeng, you didn't cheat me, did you

"How dare you cheat me?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "since it's the advantage given by that adult, isn't it an ordinary opportunity?"

"So it is Qian Yuhan woke up and said, "the realm is nothing in their eyes. Well, Xiao Xianfeng, just a moment. I'll discuss with Su Buyao and Chen Buyao and give you a reply. After all, your strength growth is far beyond our previous discussion!"

But for a moment, a messenger came from the trump card to let Xiao Hua go to a secret room.

Xiao Hua's mind entered the secret room of the fairyland. Sure enough, qianyuhan and other three Buyao were waiting there!

"The last general, immortal Xiao, has met three adults!" Xiao Hua hastened to salute.

"Old man Chen Jin..." Chen Jin stood in the middle. He quickly raised his hand to help Xiao Hua up and said with a smile, "although you are my general, I still see you for the first time in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. I'm proud of you!"

"You are welcome, my Lord."

Su min, on his left, looks at Xiao Hua with a smile and says, "my husband Su min, although you don't know me, I watched you fly into the view of human remains that day in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing.""Shame..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the last general is a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers!"

"It was this kind of courage that won the favor of that adult..." Su min looked at Xiao Hua with his eyes and said, "even I envy you. It's only fifty-two years. It's a strange fate to go from Juyuan to Dezhen fairy."

Xiao Hua said modestly, "it's all the love of that adult..."

After a few pleasantries, Qian Yuhan said, "Xiao Xianfeng, since you are a real immortal, you are qualified to take the post of hunting base, but this hunting base They can't command too many teams, and the amount of military contributions they take up is huge... "

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua was also stupid. He thought he would be given a dragon riding, but he didn't expect to give him a hunting base directly. The hunting base must be a real immortal, but it doesn't mean that a real immortal can be a hunting base!

After thinking about it a little, Xiao Hua realized that giving himself this hunting base is not to give him a huge amount of military merit, but the most important thing is It's the face of the unknown adult!

Xiao Hua had no affectation either. He immediately bowed himself and said, "I will thank the three adults for their love, and I will live up to their love! We'll make new contributions later! "

"Ha ha, it's still Shaoli's new achievement." Chen Jin laughs, "I don't have a better reward for you here."

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