Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1152

Old man Tianji is a real immortal. Even Xiao Hua doesn't know when he will be able to kill him. With the help of Chen Xiaoyun, when will it be finished?

"Master!" Chen Xiaoyun said, "I know this request is a bit whimsical, but This is the cause and effect of the disciple. The disciple wants to end it in person! "

"Ha ha, that's it!" Xiao Hua woke up and nodded, "there are five thunder eyes involved in this matter. There are five people with the same cause and effect as you. You can't worry about revenge if you wait together!"

"Thank you so much, master!" Chen Xiaoyun was overjoyed and said, "my disciples will use their heart to kill their enemies as soon as possible."

"Well..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I have a wisp of Yuanshen in my hand. You are so good at cultivation that you can get the weakness of that man!"

With that, Xiao Hua gets out of the space. At this time, the immortal mark of Chi Xiaoxia has been engraved, and the celestial phenomena gradually disappear.

Xiao Hua is waiting for Chi Xiaoxia to fly back.

"Master..." Chi Xiaoxia respectfully said: "thank you for your help!"

"Get up quickly!" Xiao Hua picked up Chi Xiaoxia and said, "do you remember my promise to meet you at helanque? I said, "I'll give you a fairy trace..."

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, "plop..." Chi Xiaoxia knelt down and kowtowed, "master! I have a heartless request, and I ask the master to agree to it... "

"Will you avenge yourself?" Xiao Hua was not surprised by Chi Xiaoxia's action.

Chi Xiaoxia is different from Chen Xiaoyun. Although Chen Xiaoyun is a victim, he doesn't know the truth at all. Chi Xiaoxia witnessed the whole process of the tragedy with his own eyes. His hatred is far more than Chen Xiaoyun. Even Chen Xiaoyun wants to kill Tianji old man. How can Chi Xiaoxia not?

"Yes, sir..." Chi Xiaoxia explained in a hurry, "I know my strength, but I want to be elder brother, second brother and elder Qiu Revenge

"Of course Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I'll leave him to you for revenge..."

"Thank you, master..." Chi Mu thinks that Xiao Hua is talking about him, and hastens to thank him.

"It's not just you waiting..." Xiao Hua explained, "there are others! Chi Xiaoxia, you Want to know the truth? "

"I want to!" Chi Xiaoxia gritted his teeth.

Xiao Hua knew that it was time to tell Chi Xiaoxia the cause of the incident, so he said word by word: "the key is the thunder eye of Chi's family in yunmengze..."

While listening, Chi Xiaoxia's eyes turn red. The shy Kou fairy has been watching for a long time. At this time, she quietly reaches out her hand and holds it. But at dusk, she also comes over and reaches for Chi Xiaoxia's shoulder.

Sometimes, not a family is better than a family,

and sometimes, love is the most powerful force between heaven and earth to let people forget the pain.

"Practice well!" After that, Xiao Hua offered a sacrifice to Kunlun mirror and encouraged him to say, "you have a long way to go, and you are a step closer to revenge!"

"I will work hard. Thank you, master!"

Chi Xiaoxia, dusk and shame Kou fairy into the space.

"It's time for the other disciples of Zaohua sect to come out and carve immortal marks..."

Xiao Hua laughs and throws the Kunlun mirror into the sky. In the fairyland space, the disciples who are not engraved with immortal marks are sent out in batches!

However, for a long time, his hardworking daozun began to leave his figure everywhere!

Of course, Xiao Hua couldn't see daozun busy, but he still laughed and said, "thank you

After most of the disciples of the Zaohua sect were engraved with immortal marks, Xiao Hua sent out the merciless and you Chongquan disciples.

All the people were polite and respectful: "master..."

"I have a matter that I can't make up my mind for the moment. I want to hear from you and others!" Xiao Hua said, "you'll see what happened before. My Chuanghua gate was destroyed by shenjiangzhenxian at the Mountain Gate of qiaochufeng. That shenjiangzhenxian has been killed by me. I've also searched my soul, and I know that God's coming down to the true immortal is not aimed at me, but because of some cause and effect, he's killing the immortal near you, and I'm just affected... "

"However, since I killed the real immortal, it's a formal feud. I can't say that the real immortal will come back."

"And most of the disciples of our Chuanghua sect are jieyinlingchi, which is near Qingyan mainland. We have to leave our disciples here!"

…… I can't stay long, Huang Zengtian

“…… So, I'd like to ask you some advice... "

Looking at the disciples next to him mercilessly, he bowed to himself and said, "Master Zhang, this matter is not difficult to solve!"

"Ha ha, merciless, tell me..."

"I'm not afraid of feuding or seeking revenge. I'm not afraid of committing a crime unless I'm attacked by others." Mercilessly said, "so I feel that I have to leave my disciples in Qingyan, and then lead them to feisheng. After all, it's really hard for disciples and others to come to the fairyland for the first time. Since we have a foundation in the fairyland, why can we give up? "

Xiao Hua nodded with a smile and motioned to continue.

"But what?" Merciless words changed course, "when the strength of our Zaohua gate is far inferior to others, we should also strive for strategy if we want to survive! Do you know the name of the gate of creation? ""He doesn't know!" Xiao Hua replied, "but the gate of fortune has already had an impact on the top of Chu peak. There is also yuanyuzong's attack. If you inquire a little, you will know."

"Then..." Merciless hesitated for a moment, careful way, "if not change a name? For example, Yu Lei Zong

"Ha ha..." Xiang Zhili laughed beside him, "little martial uncle, you still have a small abacus in your heart!"

"Pure nonsense!" Ruthless face some unnatural, but still argued, "the master in the space fairy has given me the foundation of Yulei clan, why should I think so much?"

Xiao Hua kneaded his chin for a moment, nodded and said: "merciless is a good idea. There are many disciples of the Zaohua sect in the four major continents and the world of ten thousand demons. They all know the relationship between the Yulei sect and the Zaohua sect. When they hear that the Yulei sect will come to have a look, and when they see that they are disciples of the Zaohua sect, they will be home. But who will stay here? "

"Ha ha, I don't need to worry about that!" You Zhongquan said with a smile, "since the master agrees, the other disciples will come to make a charter. It's not a big development either. Leave some disciples and we can take turns to garrison them!"

"The adoptive father is now invincible in Huang Zengtian's strength. You might as well sacrifice the immortal array to protect the mountain..." Xiang Zhili simply said, "even if God comes, he can't help it!"

"Ha ha, as you said!" Xiao Hua nodded, "I'm going to sacrifice and refine the immortal array. You wait to discuss who will stay here!"

At this time, Xiao Hua was no longer a dozen array runes!

With the prodding of the immortal formula, the mysterious light of the immortal spirit fell all over the world, and the 108 array symbols were refined one by one!

When Xiao Hua laid down the great array, Xiang Zhili and others had finished their discussion. There were not many people left in the gate of Zaohua, only the disciples who could urge the star array, and the disciples who went out to find and contact you Chongquan. They didn't have to stay here. They just found some second generation disciples to stay.

Xiao Hua thinks about it. Which one is not the leader of the world? I really don't need to let you be powerful and ruthless.

After everything is arranged, Xiao Hua leaves a Chuan Xi for the disciples of Zaohua sect. He accepts the merciless people and flies away on the cloud!

"Congratulations to master Zhang Jiao..." The disciples of the gate of nature fell on their knees and kowtowed, but there was an unspeakable belief in their eyes.

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Huang Zengtian's affairs have been arranged. It's time to save Zhou Xiaoming and others

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