Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1153

A peak like a cauldron is surrounded by red flames. In the flames, real immortals sit on their knees. In the hands of these immortals, there are also filaments of fire surging, or fire dragons, or flamingos, or rosefinches. These filaments fall on cauldrons of different sizes in front of them, driven by the immortal's casting formula. In the cauldrons, there are various materials burning with the fire.

On the mountain peak, in the middle of the red flame, the shape of the old man is like a God, flashing red clouds, and the secret of casting utensils sounds like thunder The art of casting utensils lies not so much in the immortal formula as in the state of mind. If you are broad-minded, you will have a grand mind. If you are narrow-minded, you will have a cowardly mind. I am a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, and I want to cultivate my mind. "

This fairy formula falls into the ears of the immortals. They all smile and nod!

At this moment, "hum..." The whole body of Tianji old man is suddenly disordered, and a complex cloud is pouring out from the top door of Tianji old man. However, listening to the red thunderbolt "crackling" like a firecracker, a faint fairy baby protrudes its head from the inside!

"Damn it..." Tianji old man a low scold, "how possible?"

And then, "boom..." On the top of the mountain, there is a great flame, and the old man of heaven turns into a flame and rushes up into the sky!

The flame turned into a misty one. Some disciples flew out of the mountain and said to all the disciples, "this is the first day of the new year. All the disciples practice separately."

As the sound fell to the ground, the flames burst all over the sky, and all the disciples stepped on the flames and scattered.

"What happened to Shizu?"

"It seems that there is something wrong with cultivation..."

"No! How can there be a mistake in the statement based on the ability of Shizu? "

"There are fairy babies..."

"Shh, I see it. Xianying's face turns blue..."

All the disciples whispered and whispered one after another, but no one thought that the old man who kept his heart would be distracted and killed!

Don't say that Tianji Pavilion disciple, is Tianji old man himself, can't believe this fact!

He turned into a flame, passed through many immortal prohibitions, and fell directly on a square copper platform! At the four corners of the platform, there are strange fairy beasts waving their teeth and claws, and at the edge of the platform, there are five colors of thunder flashing alternately.

Tianji old man's body fell, "boom..." Five colors of thunder gushed out from the platform and rushed into the immortal beast. Four immortal beasts roared and flew into the air to protect the platform!

The old man of Tianji didn't neglect him. After he fell down, he immediately crossed his knees, pinched his hands with extreme speed, and a series of thunder sounded

However, the thunder was only a dozen times, and gradually disappeared. The flashing thunder of Tianji old man also calmed down, revealing his slightly pale face.

At this time, Tianji old man's expression was a little ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said in secret: "I was careless. I was killed by someone in Huang Zengtian. At this time, if I forced divination, wouldn't it be worse?"

"This time I came down to the world on a whim, and no one could have known in advance. There is only one possibility that the immortal who killed the old man Yuanshen has been lying in ambush in the vicinity of Qingyan mainland! "

"Well, that's careless! Previously, I thought that it was the disciples of the Qingyu sect. Unexpectedly, the true immortals of the Qingyu sect knew that they wanted to harm me all the time. "

"No, maybe it's not the Jade Gate, maybe it's the old man of Dian Jin?"

"It's not right. Old Dian Jin's spirit has come down. His strength is close to that of me. He can't destroy my distraction, and He has no great enmity with me. It's impossible for him to do it... "

"It seems that it can only be jade gate!"

Tianji old man thought of this place, his face was cold, "Qinglan this bitch, I was going to go to your place to lower my head, you dare to secretly lay a cruel hand, I this wisp of spirit, can't repair it back, I'm not finished with you!"

The case of helanque has not been concluded yet. Tianji has already hated Qinglan fairy, the owner of the jade gate.

Huang Zengtian, when the red sun sets in the west, the blood red sunshine makes the clouds desolate. The breeze sits on the fairy boat, looking at the blood clouds, his eyes are confused.

"Young master..." Tu Shanxiu looked at the breeze and said in a low voice, "Butian team, JieChong's business is that..."

"Well..." Breeze casually should a, light of ask a way, "your family elder isn't there any arrangement in mending the sky?"

Tu Shanxiu was stunned and immediately realized something. He knelt down and said in a low voice: "I know what you mean. I can honestly confess to you. I didn't get any advice from my elders. On the contrary, I made it clear when I was summoned by my elders. I don't know No longer within the clan... "

Qingfeng's eyes moved to see that Tu Shanxiu didn't lift her up, but said: "maybe you don't plan, but I can guarantee that he There is no arrangement! "

Tu Shanxiu raised his head and gave a sad smile. He was miserable in the bloody sunshine. "If you say so, the slave has nothing to say. Since you can't get the trust of the master, the slave dare not wait on the master. The slave will resign..."

Qingfeng didn't answer, but looked at chiwuri falling into the horizon in the distance and said, "you and your family are just chiwuri falling. If you don't have a strong backing, you will sink into the fairyland. Now that you have found me, why can't you be honest? I want to help you to mend the sky Just to put it bluntly? ""No, no..." Tu Shanxiu tried his best to explain, "my son is wrong. I can't resist even the Shen family. How dare I covet to mend the sky? So It's the territory of the Immortal King and the heavenly lords! Before I saw the young master, the elder told us again and again that we should not be infected with the team cause and effect. That That will lead our nation to destruction! "

"And now?" Qingfeng's voice sounded sarcastic. "He asked me to go to JieChong's place and let me join in the Butian team?"

"Alas..." Tu Shanxiu sighed. He also looked at chiwuri in the distance and said, "since you know the decline of our family, you should know the hardships of our elders. He is also like chiwuri setting in the West. So he tried to arrange the family affairs before he fell into the earth. The encounter between the maid and the young master is absolutely impossible for his old man to know in advance. After knowing the good news, his old man will surely want to do more for the young master. He has never touched the cause and effect of mending heaven before, but now he is infected with the cause and effect of mending heaven for the sake of the young master. Let alone the common enemy of the young master and his old man, that is, any one of the heavenly masters who stretches a finger may kill him! "

At this point, Tu Shanxiu had tears in his eyes, and he prostrated on the ground and said, "I'm not a casual person. If I can see you, I'll follow you. Of course, I'm convinced by you. The most important thing is I know the importance of the young master. Young master It's the magic power behind the young master. Are you worried about the old man's calculation? In other words, does he dare to calculate? "

"Ha ha..." The chill on Qingfeng's face suddenly dissipated. He lifted Tu Shanxiu up with a laugh and said, "I'm just joking with you. How can you take it seriously? How can I not know your mind? If you give up the affection, you have to make use of it. Isn't it that you don't want to give up the inner race in your heart? Don't worry. I'm just confused. I'm afraid you'll get involved again. Besides, am I afraid of his calculation? It's just to mend the heaven. Those immortal kings and the God are nothing. Go, go, let me see whose running dogs my enemies have become and who dares to disobey them My orders

Tu Shanxiu smiles, and the smile is enchanting in the newly rising qiuhao Moon: "it turns out that the young master has made up his mind, but it worries the maidservant."

With that, she covered her face with her hand and said, "you see my servant's joke..."

Seeing Tu Shanxiu so charming, Qingfeng smiles, grabs his hand out of thin air, the sky collapses, and the clouds are covered on the immortal boat.

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know that Qingfeng was going to catch up with the team of mending the sky. After he flew out, he sacrificed the star boat and rushed directly into the space of Jietian.

Seeing the shadow of butianxianwei in the trump card, Xiao Hua sacrificed the seal, which was beyond Xiao Hua's expectation. The light and shadow of the seal flashed like a star, and the information was beyond Xiao Hua's expectation. However, after reading it, Xiao Hua immediately felt bad.

Because most of the internal summonses were the admiration and solicitation of other generals, there was no summon from Xiangqing and others!

"No!" Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect him. He hastily urged Yinxi to ask, "Qin Longqi, the last general Xiao Hua applied to return to the team. I don't know the last general's team What has changed? "

"Oh, it's Xiao HuJiao..." When Qin Xin heard Xiao Hua's voice, he immediately looked eager and asked, "how is your injury? Have you recovered? Don't you know, Xiao HuJiao, when you were in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing on the first day... "

"Cough..." Xiao Hua was anxious and forced to listen to a few words. He coughed and said, "thank you, Mr. Longqi. He has recovered. He wants to ask Mr. Longqi. Are they OK?"

"Oh, Xiangqing?" Qin Xin replied, "isn't he with Xiao HuJiao?"

Xiao Hua said anxiously: "Qin Longqi, when the general at the end of the first day led the military order of Lord Buyao, went directly to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, and did not stay with Xiangqing..."

"Ouch..." Qin Xin was also surprised and replied, "Xiao HuJiao, before the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, I had to ask Chen Buyao's military order to ask the Diqiao 240 team led by Xiao HuJiao to go to other places to carry out the task, not to participate in the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, and then I got the military order again. Xiao HuJiao, Xiang Fuhu, etc. were all taken away from my team, which made me rebuild Diqiao 240 team. I thought Xiang Fuhu and Xiao HuJiao were together... "

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Qingfeng really wants to rush to JieChong

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