Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1151

Or black, a "father is the most powerful!" Xiao Hua's heart was in full bloom.

Xiao Jin also flew quietly to Xiao Hua and said dejectedly: "old No, father's father, son... "

Xiao Hua looked like little gold and said, "what's the matter?"

"Before I could fly out, you You'll be back! "

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "why don't I go back?"

"Yes Excited, Xiao Jin exclaimed, "that child must be the first to fly out..."

"People are dead, can still live?" Xiaoyin is a little envious. Xiaojin talks to Xiaohua and squeezes over and says, "mother's mother is so hard, you still want him to fly again!"

"So it is Xiaojin Hanhan nodded and waved his tentacles. There were many dragons flashing. He asked Xiaoyin very seriously: "brother Yin, what should I do?"

Xiaoyin blinked, as if thinking for a moment, waved his paw and said, "I remember, just don't tell you!"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua smiles, and both Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei are rolling in the air.

"OK..." Xiao Hua covered them with a big sleeve and said, "I'm back. You can go back to practice."

"Yes, mother..."

"Yes, Dad..."

"Yes, mother's mother..."

"Yes, Dad's Dad..."

"Yes, sir..."

"Yes, Master Zhang Jiao..."

There are many strange names, but they are happy!

Then, Xiao Hua sent Chi Xiaoxia, Chi Mu and Mei Kou fairy out!

"I've met the master..." Chi Xiaoxia and Chi Mu are also high-level immortals now. They haven't seen Xiao Hua for a long time. Now they are in a hurry to bow to the shy Kou fairy.

Xiao Hua raises Chi Xiaoxia up with a smile and doesn't speak.

Chi Xiaoxia doesn't understand. At dusk, no one dares to speak.

But suddenly, Chi Xiaoxia was surprised. He looked up at the sky and said, "old Master

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded, "you can engrave immortal mark!"

"This This is fairyland? " Chi Xiaoxia some can't believe, ask a way back.

Late in the evening, he said: "master, Xiaoxia already has the high-level strength of Liuxian, but he doesn't have to engrave the immortal mark..."

"Yes "Shame Kou fairy also urgent way," don't want to beat grass to frighten a snake, give master to seek trouble! "

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughs, "I'm not afraid of this trouble now. Go and wait for daozun to come!"

"Yes, sir!" Chi Xiaoxia's tears suddenly flow down, engraved immortal mark, but a knot in his heart is what Chi Zhongping said!

However, Chi Xiaoxia is thinking about Chi Zhongping, but Uncle Qiu's face appears in his mind. I don't know when the father's love in Chi Xiaoxia's heart has been replaced by Uncle Qiu who brought him up and finally died to save him.

"Xiao Xia..." At dusk, he could not engrave immortal marks on the fairyland. There was no jealousy on his face, but only joy from his heart. He reminded, "daozun is coming soon. You'd better find a safe place quickly!"

Looking at the smile on Chi Mu's face, Xiao Hua suddenly feels that Chi mu, Chi Xiaoxia and shy Kou fairy are not bad. Chi Zhicheng really has no value in existence.

"Second brother, let's protect the Dharma for Xiao Xia..." Watching Chi Xiaoxia fly out, shame Kou fairy heart a tight, hurried to remind the dusk way.

"Master..." Looking at Xiao Hua at dusk.

"Go, go!" Xiao Hua waved with a smile, "don't ask me about your family!"

Late at night, only he could understand the meaning of Xiao Hua's words!

"Yes..." The dusk does not hesitate of kneel down to kowtow a way, "small know!"

The shy fairy blushed with shame.

Watching Chi Xiaoxia and others fly away, Xiao Hua's mind falls into space.

"Who are you?" Tianji old man is a ray of distraction, is still Tianji old man's appearance, he did not panic, but coldly asked.

Xiaohua stares at Tianji old man and doesn't speak.

"Who are you? How could Huang Zengtian surpass hualingxian? "

The old man hesitated and asked again.

"I don't want to answer any of these questions!" "I just want to ask you, the life of Chen Xian Is it worth nothing in your eyes? "

"What do you mean?" The old man was stunned for a moment and asked.

"For the sake of a few thunder eyes, you've tried your best to keep the secret of thunder eyes..." Xiao Hua continued, "once Lei Yan'er is exposed, you will order the immortal puppets to kill all the immortals concerned! You What's in your mind? Thunder eye is important, isn't immortal's life important? "

"Hey, hey, just some mole ants..." Old man Tianji sneered and said, "their life and death naturally don't matter.""Well, indeed!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, was very angry and laughed. He raised his hand to the old man and said, "you're just a mole ant. If you kill it, you'll kill it! It's nothing in my eyes... "

"Ha ha, do you want to kill me?" Tianji old man also laughed, "you are too naive!"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, laughs. His whole body is flashing with golden light. He raises his hand and falls to Tianji old man!

"Ah?" Seeing that Xiao Hua's momentum was extremely high, but in the blink of an eye, he was more than he knew. He could not help but panic and said, "you You are always Who is the God? I'm afraid that... "

At this point, Xiao Hua's momentum made Tianji old man unable to speak!

Looking at Xiaohua's figure, Tianji finally understood the meaning of Xiaohua's words: Mole ant, you are mole ant!

Looking at Xiao Hua's finger, which is like the fall of the sky, Tianji old man's face turns pale. He grits his teeth and wants to use the last resort. Unfortunately, under Xiao Hua's finger, he can't even move. What else can he do?

"Spare my life, spare my life..." Even if it is a ray of distraction, Tianji old man can't help shouting, but the voice of the face is not as low as ants!

"Don't worry!" "I will not kill you, I will let you taste the taste of being killed," said Xiao Hua. Besides, how can I kill you without you? Ha ha ha... "

"Ah ~ ~ ~ ah ~ ~" the scream of Tianji old man sounded continuously in the space, but there was not even a spectator in the silent space!

When his mind got out of the space, Xiao Hua's face gave birth to a sneer: "the old man of Tianji is too careless. His distraction has come down to the lower world, and he doesn't even have a trace of protection. That's the net of heaven. It's so careless that Xiao gets too much information... "

After a moment's exploration, Xiao Hua suddenly sneered and said to himself, "don't blame old man Tianji. He doesn't know how many times he has used these tricks, and he has never made any mistakes. After all, the real immortal in the divine world is invincible in Huang Zengtian. After a long time, he naturally relaxed his vigilance!"

While talking to himself, Xiao Hua looked up at the distant sky and said with a smile, "finally, Xiao has fulfilled a promise of Xiao Xia."

"Chen Xiaoyun..." With his eyes closed, Xiao Hua pinched his chin. His eyes were a little deep, and he said in secret, "he is one of the immortals involved in the layout of Tianji old man. No wonder Xiao will meet him in forgetchuan! In the memory of Tianji old man, the thunder eye of the Chen family did not change, and he did not know that Chen Xiaoyun had engraved immortal marks and fallen, but had responded to her It is said that Chen Xiaoyun's body has changed. Who is it? "

"This man is like him What I said may be true immortal high level, then It must be Shenjiang too. I have some grudges with Tianji old man. Two Shenjiang are really immortals. Hehe, modongling in Dongjiang is really lively. In that case, you can play first! The old man didn't know that his distraction still existed, and he didn't know who Xiao was, and it wasn't too late to go until Xiao was sure. "

Xiao Hua knew in his heart that he was distracted by Tianji old man. Tianji old man would never know. The message he received was that the distraction was destroyed.

Old man Tianji will definitely explore the other three Lei Yan'er. If he wants to, the immortals involved in the three Lei Yan'er must have been killed, including Chen Xiaoyun's family. If Tianji doesn't do it, he can't scare the snake before he's sure. Not to mention the other immortal who used Chen Xiaoyun's body, he can kill Tianji again just by his appearance.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua goes into the space again, takes out the soul prisoner, and asks Chen Xiaoyun about the details of modongling. It is confirmed that Chen Xiaoyun's family is under the monitoring of Tianji old man Xiangui.

When Chen Xiaoyun knew the truth of the matter, it was like thunder. Any disciple who could engrave immortal marks would be killed by immortal puppets. What a blood feud!

Chen family doesn't know how many disciples died in the hands of immortal puppets!

"Master..." Chen Xiaoyun knelt down in the soul prison and said, "I have something to ask Master!"

"Don't worry!" Xiao Hua raised Chen Xiaoyun up and said, "although there are real immortals there, and your immortal body is also strange at this time, I will find a proper time to pass by..."

"No!" Chen Xiaoyun shook his head and said, "I'd like to ask Master to leave that immortal to me and let me kill him with my own hands!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was stunned. This request is a little too much!

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Chen Xiaoyun wants to avenge himself, but he gives Xiao Hua a buffer. Otherwise, when Xiao Hua arrives at modongling, he will meet a magistrate waiting for him

In addition, Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, starring Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, is still serialized at the starting point https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed