Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1150

Xiao Hua stood still in mid air, his light and shadow flashing, his immortal body slowly contracted, and he didn't stop until he got seven hundred feet.

"Master, this magic power..." Yan Zhan is a bit too sad to laugh. He is a real immortal, and he turns into a two Qi immortal. What do you mean!

Xiao Hua smiles a little and looks around. He raises his hand to collect the broken stars, and doesn't sacrifice again. As long as there is a place where Xiao Hua stands, it is the safest place for the whole heaven. There is no need for him to set up an array!

"It's hard for you to wait!" Xiao Hua's eyes swept the immortals and said with a smile.

"In front of the master of Zhangjiao, we dare not speak bitterly!"

To everyone's surprise, Yan Zhan, who is always rather bent than bent, bows first.

It's not Yan Zhan's flattery. It's Yan Zhan who used to be a nine palace immortal. He really knows Xiao Hua's potential. He has never seen an immortal cultivate so fast, and he doesn't know which real immortal can maintain his real immortal strength in the world of desire. Not to mention the seal of the world of desire, what's the law of the world of desire?

Look at the light just now, it's the condensation of the law of heaven. These lights don't turn into thunderbolts to kill the real immortal, but also turn into war robes to protect the body. Isn't that enough to explain the origin of the real immortal?

"Adoptive father, the gate of creation is our gate of creation..." Xiang Zhili was the most clever. He fell down on his knees and said, "my child is willing to shed blood for me..."

"Yes..." When all the disciples came back to God, they all bowed down and said, "make Huamen for me. We wish all the dead would not regret it!"

On the contrary, he held the sword and saw that all the words had been robbed. He held the sword and bowed himself.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed, raised his hand to lift up the immortals, and said, "I have your disciples. I'm very relieved, you and If you go back to practice, you will be compensated for your hard work here! "

At the end of his speech, Xiao Hua raised his hand to sacrifice the Kunlun mirror.


Space vibration, Kunlun mirror like a bright moon, instantly cover all the disciples of the creation gate!

"Master..." Seeing the light fall, two of them cried out, "I have something important to tell you!"

"You two?" When Xiao Hua looked at the two immortals, he felt strange and didn't know each other.

"The disciples are xuansongzi and Jingting..." The two disciples quickly replied, "I have a message from an old friend of the master's four prefectures. I want to tell the master myself."

"Good!" Xiao Hua nods and urges Kunlun mirror again.

"Thank you All the other disciples said thanks in unison and fell into the space with the green light.

"It's hard for you to wait two days!" Looking at xuansongzi and Jingting, Xiao Hua has mixed feelings. When they were in the four major continents, they were just scattered babies. Xiao Hua thought they couldn't fly up, but unexpectedly they did. Moreover, they seem to be more powerful than other disciples.

In particular, these two nine robber fairy babies actually have a body. Naturally, xuansongzi and Jingting are not recognized by Xiao Hua.

Xuansongzi and Jingting knelt down again with tears in their eyes: "it's a blessing for the disciples to step into the fairyland and worship the master again!"

Xiao Hua lifted them up with a smile and asked, "how did you get your body?"

"Master..." Xuansongzi replied, "the disciple flies to the fairyland and falls into the jieyinling pool. The liquid will naturally condense into flesh. It's very easy!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was stunned and looked at Jingting. Jingting nodded.

“nnd!” Xiao Hua had no reason to scold, "how can I be so unlucky? Is there any secret that I don't know about

"Master..." Xuan Songzi looked at Xiao Hua and said in a low voice, "before disciple feisheng, Zhenkong came to visit disciple..."

"Zhenkong?" Xiao Hua was stunned and said, "is this your old friend? What does he want from you? "

"Zhenkong said that his master had ascended, but there was something strange about him, so he wanted to ask the master to ask after his disciple ascended..."

Xiao HuaSu doesn't like Zhenkong, who is a six eared macaque. He interrupts xuansongzi's words and says, "what's the relationship between his master feisheng and him? Don't worry about him! What's more, his master is promoted to the kingdom of Buddhism. How can I know? "

"Yes..." Xuan Songzi is not happy to see Xiao Hua and dare not say any more.

"And you?" Xiao Hua looks at Jingting.

Jingting is embarrassed.

Xiao Hua frowned: "is it Zhenkong?"

"Yes..." Jingting replied, "before xuansongzi ascended, he asked his disciples to pay attention to Zhenkong. It was normal at first. Zhenkong was practicing in a small temple of his own, and there was no sign of stepping into the Buddhist kingdom. But before the disciple ascended, he found that Zhenkong had suddenly disappeared. The disciple asked the monk nearby, and they said they had not seen Zhenkong open the gate of heaven. It's just that the night before Zhenkong disappeared, there seemed to be an rainbow falling in the temple... "

"What rainbow!" Xiao Hua said coldly, "it's that guy who has done so much evil that he's possessed!"

"Yes, yes..." Jingting real person quickly laughs, "the disciple is to tell xuansongzi elder martial brother this matter to the master!""Well, I see. Go to practice soon." Xiao Hua waved two people into the space.

"When Jiang liu'er comes to Xiao's Buddhist space, Zhenkong should come as well..." Xiao Hua pinched his chin and said in secret, "how could he suddenly disappear? Could it be that... "

Xiao Hua thought of another possibility: Yuan Tongtian was sent into reincarnation by the Tathagata Buddha himself, and he left the pingtian stick in the four major continents. Maybe the reincarnated yuan Tongtian took the pingtian stick to kill the six eared macaque!

"Just, just..." Think of here, Xiao Hua some helpless, "are the cause and effect of the past, do not want to let it go."

So Xiao Hua looks up and looks at Xiaohei and Xiaohuang. Xiaoyin has already slipped out, but Xiaohuang doesn't dare to come near. Xiaojingang just came out late, and now he is hiding behind Xiaohei. I'm sorry to see Xiao Hua.

"Go..." Xiao Hua big sleeve waved a way, "leave here to say again first."

Xiao Hua's revenge on the God who killed the old man Tianji is great. Although Xiao Hua is not afraid of the old man, he still doesn't want to let the old man know that he did it.

However, Xiao Hua can't go too far. After all, the jieyinling pool in Qingyan corresponds to the world of ten thousand demons, and the disciples of Zaohua sect will continue to rise.

Xiao Yinfei is in front of him and finds a place where he is full of spirit. Xiao Hua's body falls down and looks around. His brows are slightly wrinkled. It seems that there are some things he has never decided.

"Mother..." Xiao Huang always looks like a mink in front of Xiao Hua. He wags his big tail and asks, "Why are you so powerful! I think I'm making rapid progress, but I can't catch up with my mother

"How did you learn to flatter?" Xiao Hua was stunned for a moment and looked at Xiao Huang with a smile.

"How could it be?" Huang wagged his head and tail and said, "I can't flatter you. I won't flatter you all my life! What children like most is seeking truth from facts... "

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Xiao Huang's flattery and leverage

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