Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1149

The man had no expression on his face. He was surrounded by a yellowish water light, which seemed sharper than the flying sword.

The male immortal just answered with a big sleeve wave, "Wu..." The light of the water turned into a torrent and rushed to embrace the sword. The flying sword slowly stabbed out of the sword vibrated violently. In front of his head, the mysterious shadow "Pa Pa Pa" was broken!

"Two high-level five element immortals?" Cui Yingying gritted her teeth in the back and yelled, "you yuanyuzong are too shameless!"

"Ha ha..." He Meiliang laughed, and a flag appeared in his hand. The flag was slightly shaken, the yellow clouds were lifted in the wind, and hundreds of Yan immortals showed their bodies. "Today's first day, you may as well belong to our Yuanyu sect, otherwise..."

"Or what?" On the top of Chu peak, Yanzhan flies out with his foot on the immortal sword, but most of the mottled five colors of light and shadow around Yanzhan have disappeared, and the red and dark green have reached the end of condensation.

"Ah?" The male fairy and the female fairy exclaimed in unison, "two "Two immortals?"

Yan Zhan didn't answer. Behind him, "chirp..." The roar of the beast sounded, and with the angry voice, "boom..." Close to the sky, the red and black sun quickly disappeared, and a lot of thunder clouds surged in than the water light of the five element immortals before. The sound of thunder sounded in the thunder clouds. Countless lightning flashed with the wind, and the unspeakable atmosphere of heaven and earth fell down. Hundreds of dragons trembled and retreated. They opened their eyes one by one and looked behind Yanzhan in great fear.

At that place, Xiaolei spread his black wings and flew arrogantly. In a pair of red eyes, a few feet of thunder "crackling" came out!

"Haw..." Xiaolei let out a low roar, and the right claw grabbed out of thin air, "boom..." A red ray of thunder was cut down quickly, penetrating a dragon's head!

"Ouch..." The Dragon fell from the sky in a wail, blood splashing. All the dragons were scared, but none of them dared to escape. They all fell pitifully in the air.

"Go..." The male and female five element immortals looked at each other and gave up the other disciples without hesitation. The whole body gushed out blood color, turned into blood shadow and fled in two directions!

"Hum..." Holding sword is still cold hum, originally slow as snail's flying sword suddenly accelerated, almost can't see any light and shadow, flying sword has caught up with the female fairy!

Holding the sword is certainly the middle level of the five element fairy, but his strength also has the means to drive the sword, not only the high level of the five element fairy?

When the female fairy was frightened, a lot of blood color condensed in the waistcoat, mottled light and shadow, and even formed a mysterious turtle shape. But the flying sword holding the sword cut in bravely and pierced the female fairy body!

Look at Yan Zhan again, it's just a right kick, "whoosh" dazzling red light into the void.

"Ah..." The male fairy, who has escaped thousands of miles, has a faint scream and falls down. No one knows whether he is alive or dead!

"Rao Spare my life... " He Meiliang's face changed abruptly, and he called out, "please forgive me, I'm just here, everything is..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for him to finish, Yanzhan grabbed forward and "brushed" hundreds of sword silk to fly out, instantly pierced the eyebrows and Xianying of all yuanyuzong disciples!

"It's up to you!" Yan Zhan has a look at merciless, light said a, turn round to want to fly!

However, just as he turned around, his figure suddenly trembled and looked at he Meiliang as if to hell, "Wang..." A gentle barking dog, hidden in the air of the small black also shocked to fly out, also look to the distance!

Just for a moment, a mountain torrent and tsunami came!

"Ha ha..." He Meiliang felt it and laughed, "this is the master of my family, and he sent his teachers to come here. Are you not ready to catch the disciples of the Zaohua sect?"

"Back up!"

Yan Zhan roars and retreats like electricity. When he retreats, he grabs with his big hands. The disciples of Zaohua sect who have been arrayed are caught by him like babies!

Yan Zhan didn't dare to neglect his sword. He also rolled his hands and sleeves, and flew back with some of the disciples of the nature gate!

Or Xiao Hei, "Wang" a low roar, already open mouth, white light volume, Mo said left ordinary disciples, is merciless and others were taken away!

"Ha ha ha..." He Meiliang was happy, but his laughter was still not loud, "puff, puff..." Bursts of sound sounded, "ow, ow, ow..." He Meiliang couldn't help but look around. But he saw that all the yuanyuzong disciples and hundreds of dragons burst and fell on the spot!

"Who?" He Meiliang hard back, but a few hundred feet of human form, flying in the air. The figure has black-and-white fish scales all around, and the spatial texture overlaps and overlaps, which seems to be wearing a Taoist robe.

He Meiliang's eyes are shining black and white like thunderbolt. The light and shadow gush out of the space texture and drown him like water. He Meiliang's immortal body, which has entered the realm of Dayan, explodes in this whirlpool. Both the immortal trace and the immortal baby are twisted to pieces!

"This What's this? " Merciless and others hide in the star array of Du Tian under Xiao Huabu, staring at the killing of yuan Yuzong's disciples by the black-and-white whirlpool, can't help but ask in a low voice.

"It's divine..." Sword holding face also gave birth to surprise, pointed to the six petals of bright silver stains between the human eyebrows, and said faintly, "the real immortal comes to the world of heaven!""Really What a fairy To the ceremony surprised way, "that Isn't he Is Huang Zengtian invincible

"Indeed Holding the sword and nodding, "so the palace of desire forbids the real immortals to come down to the world, but the gods come down They are all severely punished! "

In other words, the immortal puppet has approached the star array, and the black-and-white whirlpool forced the star array to float out of the void!

"Hum..." Fairy puppet cold hum, right hand a lift, gently split to!

"Boom..." A black-and-white light and shadow fell like a giant axe, and the stars of the sky star array were splashed, and the mountain protection array of Zaohua gate had already broken up under this split!

As for qiaochufeng, the rocks are rolling down and the top of the mountain is split in two!

"I see!" Xiang Zhili exclaimed, "Jiao Ge men They were destroyed by this God, not yuanyuzong... "

"That's even worse!" The merciless figure shakes with the star array in the capital sky, and cries, "if yuanyuzong, we can still save our lives. When we meet this immortal puppet, our lives are all..."

Merciless words haven't finished, immortal puppet big hand toward all sky star array of an array Fu to catch down!

"Poof..." A loud, all sky star array broken!

"Whoosh..." Yanzhan and Baojian fly at the same time. They know that they are not the enemy of shenjiangzhenxian, but they are also brave and fearless!

"Roar..." Xiao Huang roared, the whole body virtual shadow blooming, a breath began to gush out!

"Wang..." Xiao Hei roared again, shining around like a pillar, and his body began to expand!

Xiaojin, Xiaoyin and Xiaolei are all flying out

"Hum..." A cold hum, Tianji old man's voice rang out in the fairy puppet, "all must die!"

With this sound, the immortal puppet raised his hand, "Wu..." The black-and-white space texture covers the space around Qiaochu peak. Jianguang, Xianli and so on are annihilated in the black-and-white texture

If the hand of Tianji old man falls, even if Yanzhan and Xiaohei can escape, none of the other disciples will survive!

"Too It's amazing... " Looking at the hand of heaven and earth, merciless and so on, they could not help comparing the old man with Xiao Hua, "just Even the master in charge is not his enemy! "

It is natural for the true immortal to come down to heaven, and there is no rival, unless there is also the true immortal to save!

"Hum..." The key to the life and death of the disciples of the gate of creation is a familiar voice of the immortals, "you die, not all of them!"

"Adoptive father?"

"Teacher Elder martial brother

"Little Martial uncle

"Master Zhang Jiao?"

Yulei Zongsan and the disciples of Zaohua sect can't believe their ears!

Yanzhan and Baojian cried in unison: "master, save your disciples, we'll stop them..."

They don't have to finish saying, "boom..." The surrounding space is shaking wildly, and the breath more powerful than that of the God descending the real immortal is coming. The black-and-white big hand who will kill the disciples of Zaohua sect has already collapsed.

Needless to say, in this strong and incomparable breath, a human form steps on the light. As soon as the human form appears, the sky's rays are like snow, and the whole world's radiance is gathered on this person. The radiance is several times more brilliant than the black and white of the God descending into the immortal!

But in the dazzling light, a pale gold fist like a meteor across the sky, "boom" hit the immortal puppet's eyebrow, the six petal silver mark that could not be broken by any immortal in the world was easily smashed by this fist!

"Who are you? Dare to destroy me... " The voice of Tianji old man roared in the silver stain. Unfortunately, the stain quickly disappeared and condensed into a dark vortex to drag the voice in!

"Whoosh..." No one knows that the wisp of Yuanshen from Tianji old man is just about to fall into the whirlpool and be wiped out. After a gust of wind, the wisp of Yuanshen has already been swept away!

"Pa..." Since Yuanshen, the old man of Tianji, has disappeared, the immortal puppet will lose its power and come down from the sky!

"Boom..." he said The immortal puppet burst and turned into powder. How can Xiao Hua strike with anger?

"Old Master? "

Others may not be aware of it, but Yan Zhan looks at Xiao Hua coming in the air, shocked and says, "you You Is it really immortal? "

Holding the sword, he called out: "how can you have real immortal power? Yujie palace No seal for you? "

"Really What a fairy Looking at Xiao Hua's immortal body, all the disciples of Zaohua sect were tongue tied.

This is not in line with common sense. Isn't the real immortal without seal invincible? This Does this make the immortal in the fairyland practice at ease?

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It took Xiao Hua only a hundred years to fight death, from being helpless in the face of God's fall to being a puppet!

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