Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1148

"Give me orders..." Merciless command without hesitation way, "fast alert, the enemy will come soon!"

A few disciples were stunned for a moment, did not dare to neglect, and quickly flew out to preach.

To the ceremony strange way: "little martial uncle, why do you judge so?"

"You haven't seen the maps around you, and you haven't remembered the positions of those forces?"

Xiang Zhili is also a wise man. He just doesn't care about it. When he says it mercilessly, he immediately understands it and says in a low voice, "are the forces that have disappeared Gradually approaching the gate of my fortune? "

"Boom..." The words of Xiang Zhili never finished, and there was a roar outside the hall!

"Damn it Mercilessly low scold a, the body shape flies up, "I am still wrong!"

"You What's wrong? " Cui Yingying followed ruthlessly and asked carefully.

Mercilessly explained: "if I were in yuleizong, I would have sent my disciples out to investigate the movement of yuanyuzong. I would never let them attack the door. Now it's in fairyland, I I think that the foundation of the gate of fortune is shallow and will not fall into the eyes of others, but In my eyes, yuanyuzong is far away, not a threat... "

Cui Yingying comforted with a strong smile: "it's OK to eat a cut and gain wisdom!"

"There's got to be a chance to learn a little bit!" Heartless cold way, "yuan Yuzong since already come, that can only fight to the death!"

"Uncle Xiao..."

Cui Yingying first said that Xiao Hua had given her so many arrangements, but mercilessly interrupted her and said, "that's the arrangement of Master Zhang Jiao. It's nothing to do with me!"

"Alas..." Xiang Zhili sighs in his heart after death, knowing that ruthlessness is still too strong.

Holding the sword, he followed them slowly and didn't speak any more.

Mercilessly fly out of the hall, and the disciples of the gate of nature have orderly fly out. Although they are weak, most of them are dust immortals, but the battle of the demon world, the test of iron and blood have made them different from ordinary immortals!

Mercilessly take the disciples to the mountain gate, the mountain protection array has been broken!

When Xiao Hua came and went in a hurry on the first day, he only set up a large array near the main hall, but did not set up an array to protect Qiaochu peak.

Mercilessly standing in mid air, squinting at the sky above, the continuous yellow clouds will cover the red and black sun, within the clouds, or yellow sand all over, or the mountains rolling like bullets, one by one tall immortal standing on the clouds with immortal tools, eyes ferocious look at themselves.

"Good, good..." Without waiting to speak mercilessly, a male immortal with a height of more than 300 Zhang stepped out of the clouds. The male immortal had a square face, a red face, and his eyes were merciless. He said with a smile, "don't be afraid to face a strong enemy, and don't be confused when the mountain protection array is broken. You can see that you are all well-trained disciples in the world!"

"You broke my mountain gate just to see the difference between us and others?" Ruthless is only a leak fairy, but a hundred Zhang, in the face of those who are not afraid, he only lightly asked.

"Not bad!" The visitor made no secret of his purpose and replied, "that's what I came here for! If it wasn't for you, I would have let people into the mountain gate. "

With that, the bearer raised his hand, and a stone like token flew up. The token was also earth yellow, with the word "Yuan" in the front and the word "Yu" in the back. The two words cast two empty shadows under the chiwu sun. The empty shadows rolled slightly, and the earth yellow thunder light swarmed out around the token!

"I'm Mr. He Meiliang, the emperor of Yuanyu. I'm here by the order of my lord..." The visitor said proudly, "when you first came to the fairyland, you didn't know that the fairyland was dangerous. My patriarch Xiang Youcai has the heart of loving talents. Seeing that you are helpless in the fairyland, he specially sent me to recruit you to join our yuanyuzong. This is an immortal fate. Why don't you kneel down soon? "

"Ha ha..." Xiang Zhili laughed, raised his hand and pointed to the immortal array behind he Meiliang, and said, "is this the array where you recruit disciples? What if I don't join your shitty yuanyuzong? "

"Don't you want to join yuanyuzong?" He Meiliang sneered. With his sneer, "roar..." In the yellow clouds, the sound of dragon's howling sounds, and more than a hundred thousand dragon's roaring out, rushing to the peak of Qiaochu. However, the gate of zaohuamen mountain has been surrounded by breath, and a stream of ideas comparable to the immortal's coming out like the tide!

Where can the disciples of the gate of fortune resist such Shounian?

One by one, it's hard to stand in mid air!

Even so, these disciples did not panic, but gnashed their teeth.

He Meiliang is very happy to see it. He really admires the eyes of the sect leader. These unfounded feisheng immortals have a bright future.

"Do you understand me?" He Meiliang said coldly as Jiaolong trapped zhongzaohua gate, "there's a saying in the world that we don't drink in a toast. Our master loves talent, but Old man... "

"Hum..." Without waiting for he Meiliang to finish, he held his sword with a cold hum. A sword light shot out like lightning. With a loud "Yi", he penetrated the two empty shadows of "Yuan" and "Yu", which were written like mountains, "Ka..." The Khaki token was even more cracked in the light of the sword!

"I'm just a little fairy, and dare to be arrogant in front of me!" Holding the sword, holding the sword and flying out, his eyes are like electricity, looking at he Meiliang."Bold..." Holding the sword, she did not stand still. In the yellow clouds, a young female immortal with a height of 500 Zhang flew out and said angrily, "it's just a small medium level five element immortal. How dare you break the token of our yuanyuzong clan? Take your life!"

With that, the young fairy patted her eyebrows and "brushed" a dark yellow glow with a dark shadow, breaking through the air, carrying a strong wind to the sword!

In the earthy yellow glow, a simple Phoenix hairpin flashes cold light, and the smell of killing will be covered with a sword!

"Hum..." Holding the sword is cold again. Holding the sword in your arms, you can fly out slowly. Ordinary flying swords can defeat the enemy quickly. Holding the sword, the flying sword is on the contrary. The flying sword flies very slowly, almost inch by inch.

However, when the flying sword passed by, the strong and unspeakable power gushed out like a mountain. Even before the flying sword broke through the air, there were groups of dark shadows in front of the head thousands of feet!

"Poop, poop..." The fairy Phoenix hairpin can be compared to a flash. In the blink of an eye, she pierced more than ten Xuanwu virtual shadows. It seems extremely sharp, but after breaking the virtual shadow, the earthy yellow glow on the Phoenix hairpin was more quickly annihilated than the wind blowing residual candle.

"You Are you already in the middle of the five elements Cried the fairy in surprise.

Xiang Zhili said sarcastically, "your message from yuanyuzong is really backward. It was ten years ago, wasn't it?"

"So what?"

A faint voice sounded, and then a skinny male fairy flew out from the other direction

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It's yuanyuzong. What about zaohuamen? Can you hold sword and fight with Yan?

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