Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1145

"Thank you for your understanding!" Tu Shanxiu was overjoyed. He opened his mouth, and a wisp of green flame flew out. The green flame was cold and disappeared like a needle.

"Hee hee, I didn't expect that your green flame could still send messages?" Qingfeng smiles.

Tu Shanxiu's face turned red for no reason. He said in a low voice: "I won't hide from you. You should be able to feel where Qingyan is going..."

"I know!" Qingfeng said haughtily, "but I won't go to see it. I believe you!"

"Young master..." Tu Shanxiu's eyes are full of God color, which is unparalleled worship!

Qingfeng smiles, "kakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakakaka..." The voice of ice rings out. When Qingfeng looks up, a thin ice crystal emerges from the earth fire. This ice silk falls on the surrounding space and begins to twist. The light is flowing into the ice crystal!

"Oh?" Qingfeng turned his mouth and said with a smile, "this means It's interesting... "

Qingfeng's words did not finish, distortion has fallen, a layer of cold all over, even his voice has been frozen!

"Gong ~ ~ Zi ~ ~ Mo ~ ~ Di ~ ~ ban ~ ~"

Tu Shanxiu's voice seemed distant and was pulled very long. Even her graceful body began to twist. With the light and shadow, the breeze and Tu Shanxiu, as well as their immortal boat, were inhaled into the ice crystal like hair!

Seems to be the transmission, breeze see cold outside, light and shadow overflow, but he did not realize the transmission of heavy pressure! However, Qingfeng has understood that he should be the size of a mole ant from the outside, passing through the slender ice crystals.

About half a cup of tea, Qingfeng suddenly stagnated and fell to a place where the light was broken and twisted.

"Young master..." In front of Qingfeng's head, there is a voice which looks like fog and light. It can't be seen clearly. The voice is also strange. It's neither male nor female. It's long or short. "Thank you for believing in the old. I'm here!"

Qingfeng didn't answer. He looked down at himself. Qingfeng's body shape was also like the halo in the water wave, wantonly distorted. He smiled, patted his forehead, "brush" the blue light, Qingfeng's body shape was stable!

Qingfeng looked at the outline of the opposite side, and did not give any courtesy. She replied faintly, "you're welcome. I don't know if you sent me a message. What's the matter?"

"Xiuer is the younger generation that I love the most. She has a place in her heart, so I want to see her." The outline didn't show, and I couldn't hear any happiness or anger. "The young master didn't let me down. It's really Xiuer's good match, so I can rest assured."

Qingfeng turns to look at the same twisted halo and fog, where can you see Tu Shanxiu's graceful? He said with a smile, "don't worry about Xiuer."

"Well, Xiuer's decision, I'm sure I can rest assured!" The voice replied, "in addition to this, I also want to discuss cooperation with you..."

"Cooperation?" The smile on Qingfeng's face was stronger, and he said, "your honor is straight to the point, which really surprised me. But I don't know What qualifications do you have to talk about cooperation with me? I think you should know my origin. Looking at the whole fairyland, who Dare you talk to me about cooperation? "

"Hey, hey..." The outline said, "since you have accepted Xiuer, you must know the origin of Laojiu. As Laojiu, let alone the fairyland, who wants to cooperate with Laojiu It's like a crucian carp crossing the river! "

"I don't think..." Qingfeng shakes his head.

The outline and taste are still light: "it doesn't matter, you and I are just seeing each other for the first time, and we haven't known each other yet. The cooperation between you and me is related to the future of fairyland, so there's no need to rush!"

"The future of fairyland? Hey, hey... " Qingfeng sneered, "your words are too big!"

"I know there is only fairyland in your eyes, there is no immortal!" The outline said, "but the fairyland is the fairyland of the immortal. If you don't understand the immortal, what fairyland can you talk about? I know you don't want to be like this. I can understand the immortal for you... "

Qingfeng raised her eyebrows and said with great interest, "how do you say that?"

"For example, xichengtianzun Po min Tian Zun... "

Listening to the other side's elongated voice, there is the meaning of "want to talk but stop". Qingfeng's face changed slightly. He looked at the other side with some disbelief and said in a low voice: "are you sure?"

"No, no..." The figure waved his hand and said, "how can I be sure? It's impossible to know so much with the strength of senility! "

"Then why are you?"

"This is my confidence to cooperate with you!"

"All right!" Qingfeng knew that the other party couldn't understand, nodded and said, "what's the purpose of your cooperation with me?"

"It's very simple..." The outline answers a way, "change old decadent to wait in the safety of fairyland!"

"So simple?" Qingfeng was stunned for a moment.

"Hey, hey, don't rush to promise..." The outline says, "this matter son is not small, wait for you and I to understand each other again some, childe again promise not late!"

"Well, that's it!" Qingfeng nodded, "it's easy to say, but it's very long-term to think about it. It's not too late to discuss it later!"

"That's what I mean, too..." The outline replied, "you and I might as well arrange some small things first to get to know each other better.""Oh?" Qingfeng smiles again and asks, "what do you mean

"Don't hide it from me, young master!" The outline said, "I can see the stars at night and get something occasionally. There is a cause and effect overlap between you and me!"

"Is it Xiuer?"

"Not Xiuer! You and I are a common enemy

"Ha ha..." Qingfeng laughed and said, "looking at the fairyland, where are my enemies?"

"If there were no enemies, young master Why did you come to Huang Zengtian? "

"Do you have such a magic power?" Qingfeng looks at the ethereal outline with great disbelief.

"If there is no such magic power, why is our family taboo?"

"Then tell me, who are your enemies and mine?"

"If I knew who it was, would I meet you here?" The outline says with a smile, "can you still pass by Huang Zengtian?"

"It's the same as not saying it!" Although the breeze in the heart a Lin, but still shake head way.

"No harm, no harm..." The outline was not forced, and he said, "the threat to the enemy is still very long. It must be a threat to the young master It's even more remote. Don't say it at this time! "

Qingfeng eyebrows pick, sneer: "Sir, this is to study my patience?"

"No, no!" The outline also laughs, but it sounds like boiling water. "It's fate and fate. I dare not study anything, just like the encounter between childe and Xiuer..."

When it comes to Tu Shanxiu, Qingfeng's face is a little better, and he says, "it's a little whiter! The enemy Where is it? "

"What a childe can't think of?"

The outline is extremely mysterious, which makes Qingfeng surprised.

Even the breeze can not think of the place, where can it be?

"Not in fairyland?"

"Of course, in the fairyland, otherwise how could you come to Huang Zengtian?"

"Don't play riddles!" Qingfeng waved his hand and said, "I can only find him in the fairyland when I use the fairyland, but I'm a little curious. Where is he?"

"The immortal's whereabouts are strange..." The outline explained, "he has nothing to do with the old cause and effect, sometimes it is extremely dangerous! To tell you the truth, I have sent someone to test some immortals, but I can't be sure who they are. As for where the immortal's cause and effect lies in the fairyland, I'm always at a loss. Sometimes I'm in and out of the fairyland at the same time, sometimes I disappear like the wind... "

"So you still don't know where he is?" Qingfeng light asked, "then how do you know in my unexpected place?"

"When I came here, it was the nearest place to Laojiu and Gongzi, or within the scope of fairyland..." At this point, the outline stopped, I don't know whether it is scruple or hesitation.

Qingfeng frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

"I wonder if I should interfere with this cause and effect..."

Qingfeng sneered: "since you dare not interfere, what do you want me to do?"

"Don't tell me..." "Before Xiuer met the young master, the cause and effect of Laojiu was generally good, and then the evil began to increase. Laojiu was afraid that the evil would increase after her interference," she said

"Ha ha ha..." Qingfeng laughed, "there is cause and effect of our interference Can the consequences get worse? Do you need the Buddha of the Buddhist kingdom to come forward? "

"No, no!" The outline heard that the Buddha in the Buddhist kingdom woke up to something and said with a smile, "the last time I watched the sky at night, I found that the threat of the young master and the old man was between the fairyland and the demon Alliance..."

"What?" Qingfeng exclaimed, "he Has he crossed the border? Repair Cultivate to the golden immortal

"No, no..." The outline suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, but he had stepped out of the possibility of no turning back. He quickly waved his hand and said, "according to the old man, he is most likely in JieChong!"

Qingfeng is just the boy who guards Zhenyu Mingshi in Moban mountain. In fact, he doesn't know much about Qingfeng, but he usually listens to the three masters of Tianwaitian and is influenced by them. So Qingfeng knows the place of JieChong and doesn't know much about the Bunian team.

"Oh, the land of JieChong!" Qingfeng suddenly said, "what did he do there?"

"Is it by chance, or experience, or related to mending the sky?" The tone of the outline was uncertain, and he was obviously extremely uncertain.

"Mend the sky?" Qingfeng is very sensitive to the word "mending the sky" and immediately asks, "what mending the sky?"

The outline hesitated for a moment, and replied: "mending the sky team..."

Qingfeng stopped talking.

But the outline continued: "if he has experience, or if he comes to dejiechong by chance, it's a good thing to say that if he enters the Butian team, then I'm in trouble... "

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