Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1146

"What's the trouble?" Although Qingfeng didn't understand, she still asked.

"There are a lot of good and bad people in the team, and all forces are intertwined..." The outline explained, "if he gets into the team, it's like a fish into the sea. If he climbs to the heaven, he will turn into a dragon..."

"Hualong?" Qingfeng sneered, "even if Jackie Chan, I can still beat him back to the original shape!"

The outline reminds a way: "childe or careful as well, since this immortal can become you and I of threaten, that his opportunity certainly is not small!"

"Well!" Qingfeng is noncommittal.

"If I disturb you this time, I'll make amends later!" The outline began to break, and the voice became weaker and weaker. "Xiuer is the most outstanding of the old pulse. I hope you can pity her..."

"I will..." Qingfeng raised her hand and said with a smile, "I'll see you later!"

"Wu..." The blue light burst like a lantern, and the twisted light and cold all around turned into a whirlpool in the lantern. The breeze and Tu Shanxiu's figure were also instantly broken, and thousands of broken fireflies fell down the whirlpool!

After that, their bodies reappeared, and they were not where they had been before.

"Xiuer..." Looking at TU Shanxiu's inexplicable expression, Qingfeng said with a smile, "your elders are very powerful!"

"Have you seen it?" Tu Shanxiu said with a smile, "I thought I didn't go in! What does he say to the old man? "

"Let's go first..." Qingfeng looked at the fairy boat not far away and said, "I'll talk to you in detail later! Oh, by the way, tell me about the Butian team... "

The breeze is gone, and on the sky, a huge cyan flame rises gently. It looks like a person's face. After looking at it for a moment, it gradually fades away.

After about half a pillar of incense, a light and shadow like human, Fox and fox floated in the sky like smoke. When the light and shadow just rushed into the jade sky, a ray of green flame suddenly flew out of the void. The green flame was extremely cold. When the light and shadow saw the figure, they stopped and whispered: "vice envoy Bai min? Why did she suddenly send a message? Is it something important? "

The green flame flashed in the air and fell into the body of light and shadow. The light and shadow just stopped for a moment, and then suddenly flew up. A very weak voice came: "it's just the internal fight of zhanglv palace, why don't you ask me! Su Zhan is a little too cautious... "

There are many causes and effects in the fairyland, but there are also many related to Xiao Hua. However, Xiao Hua did not have the opportunity to use the hand of cause and effect to explore. After decades of cultivation, the dark light in the 13200 light spots of Xiao Hua's body, the bloody thunderbolt on the white bone, and even the accumulation of the light spots from the strange stars and rain sky were completed in a little bit.

As long as the deep iron pestle is ground into a needle, this sentence is also applicable in the fairyland. When Xiao Hua got the accumulation on the first day, he didn't know when he would be able to finish it. However, when he really practiced it, it was only nearly 50 years ago and he had already completed it.

As for Youjing in Yuanxing spirit, although I don't know why there is imbalance between yin and Yang in the spirit, there is a dragon soul nest and the spirit casting skill of the demon clan. It took Xiao Hua more than 20 years to complete the casting!

At the end of the casting, Xiao Hua couldn't help but look forward to it!

It's a pity that the mysterious cloud just vibrated for a moment, and then stopped. Although there was an indescribable mysterious smell in the mysterious cloud, it was the same as before. The color of the whole mysterious cloud was a little dry and not flexible.

The only thing that makes Xiao Hua happy is that after the mysterious cloud shakes, there is a little inexplicable change in the shape. Xiao Hua can't tell the change, but he knows that the soul is not the three souls and seven Spirits of the human race, but the nine spirits and nine spirits of the demon race!

Since it is nine spirits and nine spirits, as well as the nest of dragon spirits, Xiao Hua pushed the boat along the river and began to cultivate the soul casting method of the demon clan, yingyu.

Different from the mediocrity of the whole work of Yuanxing Shenshen, when the Xuanguang sacrifice of the body was finished, the deep purple flame of Xiao Hua's whole body was completely condensed into a crystal clear filament of fire, and on the filament of fire, the 13200 words of "Tao" stopped evolving and completely disappeared into the filament of fire!

At this time, countless laws, waves, light and shadow emerge one after another in Wuji Yandao, and fall into the fire silk one after another, as if they are cleaning and replacing Xiao Hua's body.

"The realm of transforming spirit is the stage of transforming from one to law..." Xiao Hua let out Yan Nian to cover his body surface, and realized that the mystery inside the fire silk was gradually born, and the law was born and died. He was very happy in his heart and said in secret, "this law is naturally the law, and it is the appearance of the Tao! After all, Qixian is a low-level one. It is impossible to touch the root of Tao. When it comes to Dharma, it is already the limit. "

"Moreover, throughout the cultivation of Qi immortals, from dust immortals, to leakage immortals, to the development of immortals, five elements and two Qi, and finally to the accumulation of yuan and the transformation of spirit, the cultivation is all about the physical body. From one to the law, nature is to achieve the body of the law, so that later we can cultivate with the help of the mysterious light of immortals, understand the law with the body of the law, and use the law!"

"When Xiao was in the mainland of Yilin, he had already achieved the body of law, but the law at that time was lower than that at present. But even so, Xiao doesn't have to go through the transformation from one to the law. He just uses the power of the law to clean and replace the previous one. "

"Tao gives birth to one, two, three and all things. It's easy to say, but the number is the essence and foundation of cultivation. What is Tao? Nothingness and ethereal! But if you look from the appearance, there are traces to follow! Dharma is the self representation of Tao, and all fairy arts are also the representation of law! ""So, out of nothing, there is a birthday. One is the law! And the law, full of the world! At that time, Xiao nine yuan Chongjie congealed the body of the law, and realized that killing with a magic knife was the foundation of the law. And all the Lingbao and Xianqi have their own rules. If we look at the Tianwen land lease in a subtle way and know its principle well, we can't imitate one or two of them. But this imitation is inferior, and it's not the root of the law... "

"The laws make up the world, and the laws make up the details! All orders and rules are laws. From the perspective of the way of balance, the way of balance is extremely large and extremely small. Xiao had paid attention to it when he was young, but only when he got to the fairyland did he have a small success. Because if the balance falls into heaven and earth, there will be the complementation of yin and Yang, cold and warm, and turbidity, the balance of immortal body, the balance of immortal prohibition, and the balance of vast starry sky. "

“…… The law is like the moon, the sky shines in January, thousands of streams and rivers are bright. Therefore, one needs to be mellow and self-evident in nature, and from Dharma to Tao, one needs to touch the foundation of Dharma array. Therefore, the advancement of Qi immortal is to cultivate the soul and realize the road of heaven and earth engraved in the soul.... "

"It's very difficult for others, but for Xiao, it's just a flash!"

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Xiao Hua is really immortal! It's only a moment!

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