Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1144

What Mo Feiyan thought was different from Yin Yu. While he was looking at Mo Xiantong, he frowned and said, "Yin Yu still didn't trust me completely. He didn't even tell me the name of the high-level criminal emissary. However, what does this high penalty do to the lower stars? What's involved in starburst? "

"These are small things. If you find Yuxian, you may have a message soon. Now the question is, should you pass on the message that the high-level penalty fell to Xicheng through Qingyang..."

"Just look at the result of Yuxian's investigation. Now it's easy to expose myself by spreading the news of the high-level penalty envoy!"

"In addition, it's not a trivial matter. It may cause internal strife between the two palaces of zhanglv palace, and more likely cause conflicts between the punishment palace and the higher level of zhanglv palace. I'd better tell the Lord first to see how he will deal with it!"

Mo Feiyan made up his mind and went to a secret place after negotiating with Yu Xian.

Mo Feiyan let out Yan Nian to have a look, a mouth "poof" a wisp of green flame blurted out, green flame extremely cold suddenly appeared, immediately around ten thousand Zhang space ice!

Mo Fei rock body in the ice, does not move, a pair of cautious eyes looking at the ice around, will be the law of continuous wave kill, enough to have a incense, Mo Fei rock body, a light as smoke virtual shadow began to move.

The virtual shadow can't tell whether it's a man or a woman, or whether it's a human being or a demon. But the virtual shadow sways like smoke, and there's a strange rhythm. The rhythm seems to be blue and flickers in the ice, but it's just a few breath. After the virtual shadow stops, the rhythm falls into the body of mofeiyan.

The frozen green flame trembles a few times and falls into the top door of Mofei rock. As the green flame disappears, the ice in the space disappears strangely, "Wuwu..." There was a slight wind whistling around, and the immortal spirit came from the left and near to fill the blank.

As for Mo Feiyan, his face was pale, his body was a little faltering, and he stepped on the blue clouds.

Far away in the purple continent of Huang Zengtian, a fairy boat is still flying among the clouds. A woman's voice, which is a little rough but sounds charming, comes from it: "Lord..."

"Xiuer..." Not waiting for the voice to finish, another lazy voice was already unhappy, "didn't I tell you? Just call me childe... "

Isn't it Qingfeng and tushanxiu?

"Hee hee, thank you for your consideration..."

Tu Shanxiu's voice is very charming. Listen to the breeze and watch your liver.

"Alas..." Qingfeng took Tu Shanxiu's little hand and sighed, "they all say that beauty is a disaster, let alone green You wait for a pulse is the first-class bewitching monster in the world, but I don't think it's necessary to add crime to it! "

"Yes, young master!" Tu Shanxiu's face was full of sadness. After seeing it, Qingfeng felt that it was raining all over the world. "It was the immortals who couldn't tolerate me waiting in the fairyland. That's why they made a rumor..."

"Then why don't you go back to the demon League?"

"The maid doesn't know!" Tu Shanxiu showed a smile, as if the breeze had cleared up. "When I can see the Lord, I can ask, but I can't go back anyway!"

"Don't worry!" Qingfeng takes Tu Shanxiu in her arms, kisses her forehead and replies, "you accompany me all over Huang Zengtian. How can I bear you?"

"It's a pity that I'm incompetent. I still can't help you find that man..."

"Ha ha, if you can find it, why should I come to Huang Zengtian? Why go to your master? "

"You are wrong!" Tu Shanxiu kept shaking his head from Qingfeng's arms and said, "before I met you, he was a slave. After I met you, he was a senior in the family."

Looking at TU Shanxiu frowning slightly, Qingfeng's heart was broken. He got up in a hurry and said solemnly, "Xiuer, it's me who said something wrong. Don't care. I just don't know how to call it. Just say it casually."

"The servant will be relieved!" Tu Shanxiu didn't get up. Instead, he leaned forward, put his arms around the breeze, and said in a low voice, "I think you don't want me anymore!"

The fragrance of Tu Shan's XiuXiu hair fell on the nose and mouth of the breeze. He felt that there was no sweeter flavor in fairyland than this. He muttered: "how How could it be? "

The fairy boat shuttled through the clouds higher and higher. After half an hour, the voice of Qingfeng sounded again: "Xiuer, where is he?"

"Hee hee, soon!" Tu Shanxiu laughed happily.

Qingfeng watched the fire and thunder appear. She suddenly woke up and asked, "this This is going to two levels Are you going

"You're very good, young master Tu Shanxiu gave a thumbs up and said, "his old man's summons is to meet the young master in the interlayer of the two worlds."

"Well, it's hard for me to live in Jietian that year. I didn't expect you to wait for Jietian to enter your back garden..." Qingfeng said to himself, "if you are old Yes, I don't know how to think! "

"The eyes of adults are all big things. They don't care about such things at all! Now that you have slaves, you can't go anywhere? Why worry about that? "

In other words, Tu Shanxiu raised his eyebrows and said, "young master, it's time to be here. Just a moment, he can't compare with young master, so...""No harm..." Without waiting for Tu Shanxiu to finish, Qingfeng waved his hand and said, "this fairyland is my fairyland. I'm not afraid of it. Just let him arrange it."

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Qingfeng wants to meet the master of Qingqiu mountain. Will they join hands to deal with Xiao Hua?

Explain Yin Yu and Yan Yu again. The Deputy master of Linglun hall is called Yu Yan Yongxi. He has a grudge against Xicheng, the Deputy master of Jielu hall, so he arranges her younger generation Yan Yu to go undercover around Xicheng, called Yin Yu. And Yan Yu is still his name outside, so as to keep the heat of Yan Yu's name. In fact, if you go to check, you can't find it. On the contrary, it will alert the Deputy Lord of Linglun hall. In this way, Yan Yu can spread the news that Xu Zhi was imprisoned and tell Yan Yongxi, the Deputy Lord of Linglun hall. Otherwise, ordinary immortal officials would not be able to report Xicheng, and immediately Mo Feiyan would get more unexpected news, which only his own offspring can believe. It's not the time to uncover this pit, but everyone in the group is talking about it. Let's explain it! In some places before, "Yan Yu" was a clerical error of "Yin Yu", because when Tanhua wrote, "Yin Yu" was subconsciously written as "Yan Yu". Cough, Tanhua fell into the pit

In addition, Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, starring Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, is still serialized at the starting point https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed