Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1143

"High The high-level penalty makes the "high-level penalty" Yin Yu was puzzled. "I thought I was a low-level inspector!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that he was a high-level criminal emissary. Moreover, Xu Zhi disappeared a long time ago. It's said that it was related to a lower bound starburst! This matter has been listed in the secret of the penalty palace, so I haven't been able to find out. "

"Missing, starburst?" Yin Yu laughed and said, "in that case, if the deputy hall master met Xu Zhi in the forbidden area, then Xu Zhi must have returned to the fairyland from the lower world..."

"Yes Yongxi nodded and said, "combined with him, he asked you to kill Xiao Hua. His plot must be lower bound!"

"Lower bound?" Yin Yu asked, "what's the matter in the lower world that deserves such caution from the deputy hall master?"

"It's a pity that Xiao Hua has fallen, otherwise we may know more!"

"My lord..." Yin Yu said in a hurry, "when Mo Feiyan is about to leave, I remind you of two places. I think you can try..."

"You say it

"Xu Zhi must still be in the hand of the deputy hall master. If you want to know his intention, you can find Xu Zhi directly!"

"This is bullshit!" Yongxi sneered, "I also know that, before I don't know what value Xu Zhi has, I can't do it."

"Second..." Yin Yu continued, "we need to explore the forbidden area What's the secret

"Alas..." Yongxi sighed, "it's unnecessary for Mo Feiyan to say that I started to explore the forbidden area when I knew that Xicheng was on duty. But after so many years, there is still no line speed. The forbidden area is too mysterious."

"Then we can only explore things about Xu Zhi!" Yin Yu finally said, "even when he disappeared, what happened to the forbidden area, penalty palace and zhanglv palace..."

"Ha ha, this Mofei rock is good!" Yongxi smiles and says, "now it's not convenient for you to walk in zhanglv palace. Let Mo Feiyan mix the water instead of you. Maybe Xi Cheng can show his horse's feet!"

"That's what I think of you Yin Yu complimented, "it's all adults, Hong Fu Qi Tian, who are loyal like despicable duty..."

"Ha ha..." Yongxi laughs and says, "with your heart, pull down Xicheng, or get any benefits. I won't forget you!"

"Thank you, my lord..." With Yin Yu bowing, the colorful halo around slowly converged, still turning into a jade pendant!

Yin Yufei came out of the secret place and was about to move her body. Suddenly she thought of something. She quickly moved the messenger, whispered a few words and flew away.

Besides, Guan Tianyue's face is as heavy as water. He first takes a Mo Xiantong and records Xu Zhi's appearance in it. He carefully accepts it.

Then he picked up his glass and took a sip of it. He said in his heart, "Guan originally wanted to inquire about Wang Lang and Yu Miao from Yan Yu. Now Yan Yu has taken the initiative and pointed out that it was the law robbing hall! It's different from the style he used to be! What happened to him? Or he On purpose... "

"However, since we know it's robbing the law hall, it's easy to deal with it. Guan only needs a little exploration to know whether Wang Lang, Yu Miao and others are immortal officials of robbing the law hall, and then he can explain to Xiao Hua!"

"It's just that this image Give it back to Xiao Hua? "

Guan Tianyue thinks that the messenger has moved again.

"Why?" Guan Tianyue was stunned. Just as he was about to urge him, he stopped and said with a smile, "my adult is discussing things with Guan. How can I care?"

For half an hour, Guan Tianyue urged him again, and Yin Yu's message came from inside: "Guan Xiaoyou, I've got the result of that. I don't need you to look for it again. Please leave a message if there's anything wrong with you!"

"Hey, hey..." Guan Tian laughed more and more, turned off the messenger and said, "since you don't need me, I'm sorry to look for you again. It's clear!"

Yin Yu really didn't take Guan Tianyue's affairs into consideration. After all, he had cooperated with Guan Tianyue before, and there was nothing wrong with him. Moreover, he never revealed his identity in front of Guan Tianyue, and he was not afraid of anything, but he didn't expect that he would hand over the truth to a key person at once!

Yin Yu flew out of the immortal boat for a long time, and then entered the transmission immortal array. After several times of transmission, he arrived at Deyi. After the messenger was sent out, he sat down on his knees and sacrificed the immortal array to protect himself.

It was about ten yuan day. When a Yannian came from a distance and passed the immortal array, Yin Yu opened her eyes, flicked her finger, and a spark flew out, burning a passage in the space.

Mo Feiyan stepped on the fire with a happy look on his face. When he saw Yin Yuli, he bowed himself and said, "Congratulations, master Yan, Congratulations, master of the hall!"

"Oh?" Yin Yu eyebrow a Yang, strange way, "do you know?"

"I don't know my duty!" Mo Feiyan said with a smile, "but since you can let Lord Yan take the risk, there must be a clue. Let me think about it. It's the immortal official of Tianzun mansion, isn't it?"

"How did you guess?" Yin Yu asked with great interest.

"Despicable job is guessing!" Mo Feiyan quickly waved his hand and said, "it can't be compared with the wisdom of adults. Don't mention it!"

"I'm very interested. Tell me...""Then..." Mo Feiyan prevaricated but said with a smile, "that despicable job is bold."

"It's all right, you say it!" Yin Yu said with a smile, "you are my confidant. You don't have to avoid anything!"

"Thank you for your kindness." Mo Feiyan bowed his body and said, "in fact, I said a lot on the first day. Later on, I think I'm too showy. The Lord and the temple master must have started to explore the image in zhanglv palace and penalty palace, but there's no clue."

"Well..." Yin Yu looked like water and said faintly, "continue..."

"If that man was an immortal official of the zhanglv palace and the penalty palace, he would have been found long ago with the ability of the Lord of the palace..." Mo Feiyan then said, "so I think that person is probably from Tianzun palace, but the two adults habitually focus on zhanglv palace and penalty palace, which ignores Tianzun palace. At this time, as long as you look at Tianzun mansion, you can easily find out... "

Listening to Mo Feiyan's ostentatious tone, Yin Yu smiles. It's easy for the immortal officials with desire to control. Although Mo Feiyan's words are wrong, it's normal. Otherwise, Yin Yu thinks it's abnormal when Mo Feiyan guesses it!

When Mo Feiyan finished, Yin Yu said with a smile, "you Guess wrong, that image is the high-level penalty envoy of penalty palace! "

Mo Fei rock big Leng, blurted out and said: "how possible?"

"Why not?" Yin Yu received a smile and said, "do you dare to doubt the Lord of the temple?"

"My Lord, forgive me!" Mo Feiyan quickly bows, "I dare not, but I don't understand..."

"Your incomprehension is also the reason why the Lord of the temple has not found the high-level penalty envoy!" Yin Yu said faintly, "however, because of your reminding, the Lord of the temple thought of something else, and then he found a clue from the long-term file, which also has your credit!"

"And now what?" Mo Feiyan heard that he had credit, his eyes brightened, and he said, "do you want to send the news to the penalty palace?"

"What do you say?" Yin Yu did not answer, but asked.

"This..." Mo Feiyan hesitated for a moment and replied, "if you want to send this news to the penalty palace immediately, they will surely find the Lord of the palace by following the path of finding the cause of the fall of situ Hong and Wei Sheng."

"That's what you think,"

"Yeah..." Mo Feiyan nodded, "if you think from the perspective of the Lord of the temple, in this way, the benefit is the penalty palace. The Lord of the temple has no advantage. We don't have to work for the penalty palace!"

"Not bad!" Yin Yu praised, "your brain and your strength are the same, there is progress."

"Oh, my Lord, I'm flattered!" Mo Feiyan said with a bitter smile, "since Yu Miao's fall, I've been thinking about it all the time. I just know that many things can't be solved by strength. If I can use my brain, I don't use my hands. If I can use my means, I don't use immortal tools. Or if I'm a fool, I'll worry about something."

"Good, good!" Yin Yu praised again, "if you have such an idea, no wonder the Lord of the temple will praise you! Tell me, what else do you have in mind? "

"Even the Lord of the temple is not easy to explore. It must be the secret of the penalty palace..." Mo Feiyan thought for a moment and replied, "it's not easy to find the truth simply from the penalty palace. My Lord, did you come from What do you mean by other aspects of exploration? "

"Other aspects?" Yin Yu frowned and said, "be more careful..."

"For example, starting from the time and place of the high-level criminal suspect's disappearance, what happened near the place, or around the time?"

"Or, during that time, what strange things happened in the penal palace?"

"Even, we can see what happened in our zhanglv Palace during that time..."

"Oh, and what's special about the forbidden area that the adult is guarding..."


Mo Feiyan said something, Yin Yu wrote it down one by one, and finally asked, "you haven't sent that image to Yuxian, have you?"

"Of course not!" Mo Feiyan replied, "without the consent of adults, I dare not go to find Yuxian."

"Well..." Yin Yu was very satisfied and nodded, "then go to Yuxian and have a look at this place, this time, what happened. Be careful not to expose your identity!"

With that, Yin Yu hands Mo Feiyan a Mo Xiantong.

Mo Feiyan took it respectfully and said, "what else can I do for you

"There are some things about zhanglv palace..." What did Yin Yu say to let Mo Feiyan leave!

Looking at the figure of Mofei rock flying away, Yin Yu nodded to herself and said in secret: "this Mofei rock seems to have made much progress than before. It's really good that you can think of something that Yin can't think of a lot of times."

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Sorry, I'm busy today. I just proofread itYin Yu's external name is Yan Yu, which is a cover for the public. He told Mo Feiyan to change it to "Yan Yu". In fact, this name has existed for a long time. "Yin Yu" has now fallen, was killed by Xi City, he can only be called Yan Yu.

In addition, Tanhua's new book, six-year compulsory education of Chinese runes, starring Xiao Ming, Xiao Hua's son, is still serialized at the starting point https:book.qidian.cominfo1014281512 . You can have a look, help put forward an opinion, recommend tickets to the new book! New books are relaxed