Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1142

"Yes, yes..." Guan Tianyue said with a smile, "but with the ability of tasting wine, the wine fairy said that the wine fairy only deserves to know a drop of immortal wine and two coins of old wine!"

"NND, even you only deserve to know these two..." Ni Hui exclaimed, "is there anyone in this fairyland who deserves to know more?"

"It's said that he doesn't like drinking, but I don't know who it is!" Guan Tianyue smiles and answers.

"Right, right..." Ni Hui's mind is all about wine, and he doesn't ask who the man is. He asks, "what's your so-called two money old wine..."

"Hee hee..." Guan Tianyue took out a fist sized artifact from naxu ring, handed it to Ni Hui with a smile, and said, "I've just made a little bit of it. Let's do something more..."

"Brush..." Without waiting for Guan Tianyue to finish, Ni Hui raises his hand a little, and a golden light imprisons Guan Tianyue!

Then Ni Hui triumphantly took the artifact, looked at Guan Tianyue, and said with a smile: "the more the heaven, don't blame me! If you know the wine fairy, you can ask for it in the future. I want both of them! Ha ha ha... "

With laughter, Ni Hui's body disappeared in a flash. Of course, just before he left, he grabbed the two wine bottles on the table and took them away!

Ni Hui left, Guan Tianyue's imprisonment also disappeared!

Looking at the direction Ni Hui left, Guan Tian felt his nose and said to himself, "why do you want to leave, my lord? It's already divided... "

Guan Tianyue's words did not fall to the ground. A messenger hanging on his waist flashed slightly.

Guan Tianyue didn't immediately activate the immortal weapon. Instead, he sat down on the table and let out Yannian to have a look. He gently raised his hand to pat on the table and said, "brush..." The green light rises and seals around the pavilion.

Guan Tianyue was a little bit immortal, and Yin Yu's voice came out: "long time no see. I just heard that Guan Xiaoyou has been promoted to deputy head of yuxu hall. Yan has come to congratulate you!"

"Yan Lord Yan Yu? " Guan Tianyue was a little surprised. Although he knew Yan Yu and got some information about Zhanglu palace from Yan Yu, he didn't know which hall of Zhanglu palace Yan Yu belonged to. Moreover, Guan Tianyue had contacted Yan Yu after hearing from Tianxue, but he didn't hear from him. Guan Tianyue thought Yan Yu had fallen. Who thought he would suddenly summon him today.

"Ha ha, it's hard for you to remember me!" Yin Yu laughed.

"How can Guan forget Lord Yan?" Guan Tianyue said with a smile, "the adult didn't help Guan a little. Earlier, Guan sent a message to greet the adult, but the adult didn't reply!"

"No way!" Yin Yu said with a smile, "I went to the color world on business. Now I've just turned around!"

"Oh, I'm afraid it's not the promotion of an adult?" Guan Tianyue asked in a hurry, "if so, Guan must congratulate you!"

"Just a little promotion is nothing!" Yin Yu is naturally talking nonsense. It's impossible for Guan Tianyue to explore anything.

After the greeting, Guan Tianyue's eyes turned slightly, thinking about how to explore Yu Miao, Wang Lang and other people's information, so he tentatively said: "I don't know that Lord Yan this time..."

"Ha ha, I saw the news of Guan Xiaoyou's promotion in zhanglv palace. Congratulations..." Yin Yu laughs, "by the way, if it's convenient for you, help me Tianzun mansion is looking for someone... "

"Hey, hey..." Guan Tianyue said with a smile, "naturally, I don't know who the adults are looking for?"

"Just a moment, I will send you the image of that man!"

"Easy to say!" Guan Tianyue nods. In a moment, there is light and shadow moving in the messenger. Guan Tianyue reads it, and Xu Zhi's blurred appearance comes.

"This man..." Guan Tianyue frowned and said, "I haven't seen Guan. If you don't worry, Guan will find a chance to look in yuxu hall. If you don't pass, you can't guarantee that you will find it!"

"All right, all right, you can look for it as long as you can find it!"

When Guan Tianyue heard that Yin Yu was going to turn off the messenger, he did not have a chance to put forward the names of Wang Lang and others. He quickly delayed and said, "my Lord, it's hard to find just one image. Zhanglv palace must be the same as Tianzun palace. Some files have indexes of time, names and events. Do you have any other clues? "

If it had been before, Yin Yu would never have said a word about Xu Zhi's other things. At this time, he was afraid that Xi Cheng would not have much trouble, so he pondered for a moment and said in a low voice, "I can tell you, but you must promise not to reveal it!"

"Ha ha, don't worry about this adult. Guan wants to help him for a while."

"Ha ha, that's good!" On hearing this, Yin Yu felt more relieved and said with a smile, "this man has something to do with the immortal officials who robbed the law hall in my zhanglv palace. I'm investigating this matter, so I'm going to trouble you."

"May I have a name, my lord?"

"It's OK to tell you..." Yin Yu's voice was even lower, "they are Wang Lang and Yu Miao..."

"Ah..." Guan Tianyue almost lost his voice, but fortunately, Yin Yu couldn't see Guan Tianyue's face change after he was separated from the messenger!

"Little friend..." Yin Yu said, "it's my business. Don't let it out!"

"Hee hee, Guan knows!" Guan Tian took a deep breath and replied, "don't worry, my Lord. It's the same as before.""Well, what can I do for you in zhanglv palace?"

"Oh, thank you very much, but..." Guan Tian said in a low voice, "my adult has something important to look for Guan. Guan has to go there quickly. Guan's business is nothing, Yan's business, Guan's going to check, and when there is a result, he will tell you! I'll talk about the zhanglv palace later... "

"Guan Xiaoyou, you don't treat me as an old friend..." Yin Yu pretended to blame and said, "when you're done, you'll send me a message!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, Mr. Guan first!" Guan Tianyue smiles and turns off the messenger.

In the fairyland, Yin Yu, dressed in green armor, turns off the messenger. He squints at the distance. Just as he is about to move his body away, a colorful jade pendant hanging on green armor suddenly flies up!

Yin Yu's face changed slightly. He quickly let out Yan Nian to explore the surroundings. His body flew to a secret place. He raised his hand and grabbed the jade pendant. The jade pendant cracked, and more than ten pieces of it spun rapidly, confining the surrounding space.

"My lord..." Yin Yu didn't dare to neglect. She looked at the colorful halo spinning around and bowed.

"Ha ha..." In the halo came the laughter of Yongxi, "your man named Mo Feiyan is really a lucky general."

"So you have good news, my lord?" Yin Yu also asks in a hurry.

"Yes Yongxi said, "after checking for so long, I finally found out who the image was! His name is Xu Zhi. He is the high-level penalty envoy of the penalty hall. "

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