Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1141

White Ze eyes in the birth of purple gold light and shadow, this light and shadow such as ring slightly rotating, looked at the jade die Xiao Hua for a long time, white Ze bowed to the body way: "have seen the master!"

"Ah?" Xiao Hua, surprised by the jade ultimatum, quickly lifted Bai Ze up and said, "why is that so?"

"Hey, hey..." Bai Ze got up, looked at Xiao Hua with a smile, and said, "master is the master of the immortal space. You can't see through the details with children's ability. It's more than enough to be a master of children!"

Xiao Hua laughed and replied, "I underestimated your magic power. It's really powerful!"

"Dare not compare with the master!" Baize is very modest answer, "although Xiaotong is no longer Baize in this life, but the magic power is still there. Xiaotong is willing to be the child before the master's case, to grind the seal for the master!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua admires Baize. After all, he uses his own fairy baby, and it is impossible for him to escape from his own hand. Although Baize can't judge whether he is the same person as the immortal he knows, with the immortal's explanation, Baize makes a wise choice decisively!

"You have just condensed your body. You need to be familiar with it and consolidate it. I won't disturb your cultivation!" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "here is the understanding after the condensation of the body. You can understand it carefully yourself!"

With that, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, and a golden light fell into Baize's eyebrows.

Bai zewei closed his eyes and looked happy. He bowed himself again: "thank you for your kindness!"

"Not a gift!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I have a request from you, too!"

"Go ahead, master!" Baise answered quickly.

"Do you have a complete chapter of Yuanxing gods?"

"Wait a moment, master!" Bai Ze didn't answer immediately. He closed his eyes for a moment and said with a smile, "it's just there. Master, give me a ink fairy pupil."

Xiao Hua is overjoyed and hands Bai Ze a Mo immortal pupil.

Bai Ze swallows Mo Xiantong into his stomach. After a while, he sends it to Xiao Hua carefully.

"Strange!" A golden light came out of Xiao Hua's eyes. He swept the pupil of the ink fairy, frowned, and said, "this chapter of Yuanxing deity is the same as what I took. Why did I have problems casting you Jing?"

"Master, do you want to refine the spirit?" Bai Ze is a little at a loss, but Xiao Hua can't see through in his eyes. How can he still cast the spirit?

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, said with a smile, "I can get here with the help of immortal tools. Naturally, you can't see my strength, but I'm just a spirit changing immortal!"

"No wonder!" Xiao Hua pays attention to Baize's expression, but Baize's expression is calm, and there is nothing different. He says lightly, "master, give me another ink fairy pupil. Here are some notes of Yuanxing Shenshen chapter for master to understand!"

Xiao Hua took a note of the jade ultimatum. He was overjoyed and told Bai Ze to leave the space.

"NND, what a bargain!" Xiao Hua rubbed his hands and laughed wildly, "Baize is the immortal beast of emperor Haotian. He must know a lot about the ancient fairyland, and he must know a lot about the cultivation methods of the ancient fairyland. Previously, Xiao was worried that the five yuan cultivation method could not be found, and he could not understand the whole thing by stepping on the Shenque, so there is no need to worry about it now."

Xiao Hua sent out Yannian and carefully explored Mo Xiantong. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he was. The notes about Yuanxing Shenshen chapter, or the successful experience of other Immortals' cultivation, or the lessons of failure, were written in great detail, and many of them were not noticed by himself.

Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect it after reading it. He thought about it for half a month, and then he began to cast seven spirits and two spirits for the third time!

After a lifetime, Xiao Hua was the one who finished the work and thought about casting the spirit!

Naturally, there is a problem that Xiao Hua encountered in Mo Xian Tong. Not to Xiao Hua's expectation, it is the problem of balance between yin and Yang. Because each immortal's spirit is different, and the proportion of yin and Yang is also different. As the final stage of Yuan Xing Shen Shen Pian, casting Youjing is the most critical and dangerous for all immortals!

Xiao Hua uses the secret technique of the ink fairy pupil to explore, and finds that he has a serious imbalance between yin and Yang in the secluded essence!

"How is that possible?" Xiao Hua was a little stunned. "If Yang Qi is strong, it's better to explain. Xiao used the dragon soul nest earlier, but Yin Qi is so strong What should I say? "

Xiao Hua naturally didn't remember that when he was forgetting Sichuan, he sent xuanjing into the soul body to practice the zhangjiuquan skill, so he couldn't understand it!

After a long time, Xiao Hua laughed bitterly. Now it's meaningless to investigate the cause. It's better to find a solution.

There are naturally suggestions from other immortals in Mo Xiantong, which is nothing more than using the Horcruxes of gangyang!

Xiao Hua thought of longpo nest for the first time.

Longpo nest is related to Xiao Huaji. At the first time, he borrowed the fiery longpo nest from Binglong Cugu. Later, when he was in Chenxiao sea, he returned longpo nest to Cugu. But Cugu fell in Youji, and longpo nest fell into Zhuang Bi's hands. Zhuang Bi died in Shen Hu's hands. Xiao Hua killed Shen Hu Got the dragon soul nest again!

But when Xiao Hua used the dragon soul nest, he found that the Yin and Yang of Youjing still couldn't balance. There were some differences between them all the time!"No?" Xiao Hua broke his head and couldn't figure out the reason, so he said to himself, "the Yang Qi of the dragon's soul nest is fixed. Is it the Yin Qi of Xiao's soul that is the tide? And with change? "

Thinking of the change, Xiao Hua urges the dragon's soul nest to rotate with the change of Yin Qi. Sure enough, when the dragon's soul nest turns elliptical, the difference between yin and Yang is fixed.

What Xiao Hua has to do is to urge the dragon soul nest to increase Yang Qi and balance with Yin Qi.

Xiao Hua only uses the ink immortal pupil of the dragon's soul nest, but he doesn't have the secret skill of increasing Yang Qi. For a time, he is in trouble again.

"Maybe you can try the spirit casting method of the demon clan?"

Xiao Hua thought of the spirit casting method of the demon clan, yingyu!

The dragon soul nest is the soul weapon used by the dragon clan. Surely the spirit casting method of the demon clan can also activate it?

Sure enough, after Xiao Hua's slightly understanding of yingyu, he really moved the dragon's soul nest. The light of the fire shone on the mysterious cloud. With the rotation of the dragon's soul nest, there was no exception when casting the spirit!

"It's too hard!" Xiao Hua sighed to himself as he began to refine the spirit. If he hadn't taken many conveniences, he didn't know when he would be able to refine the last spirit!

In Tianzun mansion, the capital of enlightenment, in a pavilion with a bright moon hanging high, a banquet has just passed three rounds of wine!

The banquet was just for two people. Ni Hui, the leader of yuxu hall, was sitting at the top, while Guan Tianyue was accompanying at the bottom.

"Good wine!" Ni Hui put down his glass and said with laughter, "this is the best wine I've ever drunk in my life! Deputy hall leader Guan, you have a heart. "

Guan Tianyue got up with a smile and went respectfully to Ni Hui. He picked up the wine pot and poured a cup of immortal wine carefully. Then he took it with both hands and sent it to Ni Hui. He said, "master Ni, this cup belongs to master Guan. If it's not for the master, you can't get the position of deputy master of yuxu hall, no matter what!"

"Ha ha..." Ni Hui didn't take the glass, but laughed, "the more heaven, the more heaven, you are polite to me again! It is not a veteran has the final say to promote you as a deputy of the hall. This time, first of all, you always have a good reputation in Tianzun mansion. Second, you have really made great achievements! The things in Tianji Hall If you don't take it back, who knows they have lost such an important thing? There are still a few immortal officials in Tianji Hall who have been convicted of this! Oh, you also killed the demon alliance and the demon clan. The credit can be regarded as military merit. How many immortal officials can we have in Tianzun mansion? So who won't you give it to

"Those are secondary!" Guan Tian smiles more and more, and says respectfully, "I'm just a two Qi immortal. How can I break the rules unless an adult writes to me..."

Without waiting for Guan Tianyue to finish, Ni Hui snatched the wine cup from Guan Tianyue's hand, pretending to be displeased and said, "OK, OK, but it's so hard to lift a hand. It's so serious in your mouth. How dare I speak for you again in the future?"

"Ouch..." Watching Ni Hui drink the wine, Guan Tianyue pretends to be surprised and says, "if you don't speak for me in the future, how can I be filial to you?"

"Ha ha, ha ha!" Ni Hui opened his eyes, raised his finger to Guan Tianyue and said, "do you dare to pinch me? I'll see how you're going to be in yuyutang in the future! "

"No, no!" Guan Tianyue hastily poured the wine for Ni Hui again and said with a smile, "I'll remember what you said. I'll drink with you first, then I'll drink with you..."

"That's a good thing to say. Drink first and then be private!" Ni Hui took the wine cup, closed his eyes, sniffed the fragrance of the wine, nodded and said, "by the way, the origin of this immortal wine, you have never said clearly, do you have any scruples?"

"My Lord!" Guan Tianyue said with a bitter smile, "it's not the scruples of despicable duty. It's the wine fairy. He doesn't want to reveal more. What you drink is a drop of immortal wine Yanyu Qiong liquor brewed by the wine immortal. He doesn't take it away, but only let people taste it. Because I'm in love with him, I'll give it to you. I'm filial to you. The wine fairy It should be the strength of the spirit immortal! What's more, he has a very deep background. He can't be said to be the part of the adult above... "

Guan Tianyue said so much, just want to tell Ni Hui, don't take the identity of Tianzun hall leader to ask others, of course, Guan Tianyue also know Ni Hui's character, he will never be like this, but Guan Tianyue never thought, Ni Hui didn't care about what he said, wait to finish, two eyes a bright, urgent way: "a drop of immortal wine? So Do you have two more drops? "

Guan Tian was more and more puzzled and said, "my Lord, there are no two drops. There are two old wines!"

"Three more?"

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Xiao Huayuan's nature and spirit chapter begins to reach the final key. Guan Tianyue is also the deputy hall leader!

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