Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1140

"My God!" This time it's your turn to jump up and say, "is that Xiao Hua again?"

"Yes, yes!" Liu Yanyu clearly felt a kind of pride, said, "he has a complete original chapter of vitality in his hand, the child took the Star Palace seal to exchange with him!"

"Well Then... " Youlao could hardly believe his ears and said, "what about the clue?"

"Xiao Hua didn't want anything!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "I didn't mention anything, so when Xiao Hua was collecting copper money, I didn't mean to say anything! I also want to give him the copper money. "

"Alas..." You old slightly add calculate, sigh a way, "my Liu family owes others Xiao Hua too much!"

"It doesn't matter!" Liu Yanyu said, "Xiao Hua is a man who knows how to be grateful. Now he is still talking about yu'er's great ring."

"These people with pure nature are suitable for..." Youlao blurted out, but she only said half of it. She immediately shut up and said with a smile, "in this way, you want to take the initiative in the martial arts contest to recruit relatives..."

When it comes to the martial arts contest, Liu Yanyu's face has no reason to produce a cloud. She nods her head and says, "I dare not ignore my family, but if I can benefit both sides, wouldn't it be better?"

"Well, you're right!" To Liu Yanyu's surprise, you said with deep sympathy, "we female immortals should plan more for ourselves, Yanyu, don't worry, I support you..."

"You old, you old..." At this point, the voice of stupid Taoist came again. Liu Yanyu turned around and saw that stupid Taoist flew back in a hurry.

You old frown way: "how to return a responsibility son?"

"She's missing!"

"How could it be?" You old urgent way, "isn't the place that you son want to go jade end sky?"? How can Liu Qingmei be missing? "

"I just got the news from the owner, too!" The stupid Taoist explained, "Liu Qingmei hasn't used rhinoceros for a long time, and they can't be contacted in the family. On the first day of the first day, Huang's family came to look for people, and the owner of the family knew that when she left, she went to Huang's family and brought three little fairies. The owner asked people to look for jingchenyin, and then found that jingchenyin had disappeared!"

"How did it annihilate?" Liu Yanyu's face turned white.

"It's said that it's because of the interface storm..." The stupid Taoist looked at Liu Yanyu and said, "don't worry, Yanyu. She's a great athlete. She'll be fine! You stay in biyutian to practice, I'll go! "

When Liu Yanyu looked at you Lao, there was only bitterness in her eyes.

Air carrier Kill people!

"Fourth uncle..." Liu Yanyu thought a little and said, "I'll go with you! You Zhuyuan's remnant chapter has been cultivated to a certain extent. I have to go out to experience it, and I'm thinking about you er. How can I calm down? You can tell me, you old... "

You know what Liu Yanyu means. Even the stupid Taoist doesn't care much about Liu Yanyu's life and death, let alone other people. Only when Liu Yanyu goes can he really look for her!

"Go You Lao nodded, "your spirit has saved the spirit of Ji'er in forgetting Sichuan. What reaction might you have?"

"You Lao..." Liu Yanyu flashed a ray of light in her eyes and said in a low voice, "don't you forget all about forgetting Sichuan?"

"Yes, I forgot!" You Lao said with a smile, "this matter Don't forget Chuan's memory? "

At this time, Liu Yanyu had no intention to explore other things, and followed the stupid Taoist to leave biyutian in a hurry.

"Alas..." Looking at the disappearance of their bodies, you sat down with a sigh and said to himself, "this is a wave that has not been leveled, and a wave that has risen again!"

Ten years ago, Xiao Hua cast three spirits, that is, Taiguang, Shuangling and Youjing. The casting of these three spirits was much more difficult than seven spirits. It took him ten years to finish the casting of Taiguang and Shuangling. When he began to cast Youjing, suddenly the whole spirit began to shake and there was a sign of collapse!

"This What's going on? "

Xiao Hua was so surprised that he quickly stopped the cultivation of Yuanxing Shenshen chapter and carefully explored the skill of casting and refining Youjing!

The skill is correct, even the details of comprehension are correct!

"Did you have a problem with the practice before?"

Xiao Hua was not at ease. He started the chapter of Yuan Xing Shen Shen Shen from corpse dog and spent several months casting it again. There was no abnormality.

However, when Xiao Hua cast the spirit again, the spirit still vibrated.

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Hua is so confused!

In order to be cautious, Xiao Hua once again explored all the time he was practicing, such as the full moon of the yuan God, the daily surplus of the body, the pure and empty formula in his chest, and even stepping on the divine palace!


Everything is normal!

Xiao Hua pinched his chin and frowned.

"Is there something wrong with this method of casting and refining the spirit of seclusion?"

In the chapter of Yuanxing deity, Xiao Hua got the skill of refining the spirit from forgetting Sichuan. He has forgotten the specific reason.

After thinking about it, he can only think that there is something wrong with this method!"OK..." Xiao Hua said happily, "this method of casting and refining secluded essence has never been given to sister yu'er, otherwise it will cause them trouble!"

Since he can't continue to cultivate the original spirit, Xiao Hua will focus on the sacrifice of the light spot of the body! This time, the speed of sacrifice and refining is accelerating again. Xiao Hua predicts that this future trouble will be completely eliminated in another seven or eight years!

But just two months after the sacrifice, Xiao Hua suddenly became very happy and said in secret: "the sacrifice of Xuanguang and the bloody thunderbolt emphasizes the harmony of yin and Yang, and the balance between the two, then The Yin and Yang in the essence must be different from those in Taiguang and Shuangling. Should the balance of yin and Yang be introduced into it

Just thinking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly raised his eyebrows again, held his forehead with one hand and said, "how can I forget him? He has a big happy event on the first day of this year. Congratulations

Then Xiao Hua entered the space!

"Buzz..." Somewhere in the fairyland space, the mysterious light of the fairyland falls madly and shines brightly. Within the light, a person who looks like a boy just condenses successfully.

Isn't that baezawa?

Condenses the human body the white Ze eyebrow clear eye to show, in a pair of slightly enchanting eyes, the purple and gold two color heavy pupil is obvious!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, stands in front of Bai Ze and says with a smile, "are you Bai Ze? Congratulations... "

Bai Ze was stunned. He looked up and down at Xiao Hua and said, "who are you?"

Xiao Hua replied, "this is my immortal space. Who do you think I am?"

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Jingchenyin was annihilated. Did Liu Yanzhen fall?!

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