Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1139

"Baize, Baize..." Out of the space, Xiao Hua murmured to himself, "isn't the immortal beast of Haotian the five clawed Golden Dragon? How did you become baezawa? Besides, he is also an immortal beast who wants to get rid of the body of the beast and become a human being! "

"Oh, yes!" Xiao Hua's face suddenly showed a smile, "Baize actually knows the chapter of Yuanxing spirit, so he must also know other archaic cultivation methods. In this way, isn't Xiao able to get together the archaic five yuan cultivation methods? If you step on Shenque, you can... "

Just think of here, Xiao Hua mind a stabbing pain, some light and shadow flood like!

Xiao Hua is confused. What's the matter?

Heaven's destiny?

When he saw the light and shadow, he was overjoyed. It turned out that it was a new way of training from Xiao Hua, the way of heaven!

Xiao Hua entered the space again and said, "thank you, Daoyou!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome!" In the starry sky, Xiao Hua said, "it's just a little help. Why should I thank you?"

Cause and effect Xiao Hua also said with a smile: "the first name of the pagoda is qiqizhenxian. Do you care about the second name?"

Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and said, "in the second step of stepping on the Shenque, the cultivation of the immortal baby is the main part, and the external body is the auxiliary part. If not, how about making the golden immortal?"

"Good!" Xiao Hua and Xiao Hua are both called good Tao, "Li Gai Jin Xian, just like that! Daoyou talent.... "

Not to mention Xiao Hua's practice in nihilistic Yueheng heaven, in the Biyu heaven of chaotianque, youlao is sitting there with his knees crossed, pinching the strange fairy formula in his hand. With her skill, some red threads of fire are flowing on her body!

When the fire gathered on the top of her head, it condensed into a crown. As soon as you opened your eyes, the crown disappeared into her top door.

You Lao looked at the distance and said with a smile: "old four..."

The stupid Taoist's figure came from a distance, and his face was full of surprise. He looked up and down at youlao and asked eagerly, "are you really OK?"

"It's really all right!" You don't get up, just reply, "Yan Yu brought back the little holy lotus seed is really worthy of the name, the effect is comparable to the holy lotus seed, after I took it, it was only a few hours, the immortal three decline disappeared."

"Well And in the future? " The stupid Taoist hesitated and asked.

"You silly child!" You Lao said with a smile, "even if it is immortal, it is impossible to live with heaven and earth. It's good for me to have a chance. How dare I expect more?"

Then you old words front a turn a way: "you just come back?"

"Yes..." The stupid Taoist sat down at will and said, "I took the second brother Chuanxi. I knew you were OK, so I didn't hurry to come back. After all, the second brother promised Xiao Hua that he would help find Bai Xiaotu's whereabouts..."

"Did you find it?" You old looking at stupid Taoist's appearance, actually already knew the answer, but she still asked with great interest.

"No!" Stupid Taoist shook his head and said, "Yang Junke from Xieyu Palace said that Bai Xiaotu went to Xiangyu mainland. I spent many years to understand Bai Xiaotu's life experience thoroughly. His father Bai Yufeng was a disciple of Tianhong Pavilion, and his mother was a disciple of Jingfan mountain in Lianhua cave. There was no trace of Bai Xiaotu in these two places. I went to Dongfang aristocratic family again, and I didn't find Bai Xiaotu's whereabouts. Later, I thought about it and found Zhao Chengji of Qi luozong. Oh, Zhao Chengji is Dongfang Ling's original fiance, and I didn't find any trace of Bai Xiaotu's coming... "

It seems that the stupid Taoist priest really tried his best to find out the old story of dongfangling and baiyufeng.

So it seems that Bai Xiaotu's return to Xiangyu mainland is also a cover!

Even Bai Xiaotu is so scheming. How can this honest immortal live!

At last, you Lao said with a smile: "since you have been working hard, it's ok if you can't find it. Just a few days later, Yan Yu will practice and build the original remnant. It's time to go out according to the plan. Oh, by the way, I'd like to tell you a good news. Yan Yu has got some soul casting fragments from Xiao Hua. You are blessed! "

"How could it be?" The stupid Taoist, who had always been calm, suddenly lost his square inch, jumped up and yelled, "Xiao Hua, at best, will have the article about Xuanyi country's corpse dog. He How could he... "

"Fourth uncle?" Just then, Liu Yanyu's voice said, "are you back?"

"Yan Yu?" You eldest brother Leng, she quickly looks to Liu Yanyu way, "how do you go out ahead of time..."

At this point, youlao's face changed greatly. Looking at Liu Yanyu, he said, "no, absolutely not..."

"What's wrong?" Stupid Taoist some puzzled, ask you old way.

"It's all right!" But in a moment, youlao had recovered his peace, and he still replied with a smile, "don't you thank Yan Yu quickly, your soul casting remnant can continue to practice again!"

"Hee hee, fourth uncle, don't thank me!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "it's better to thank Xiao Hua."

"Alas..." The stupid Taoist sighed and said, "I can't believe that Xiao Hua, the little fairy baby, had such a fate with my Liu family! As early as when he gave him the ring, I thought it was wrong. How could he give others what I gave him? ""Yes Liu Yanyu also quickly nodded and said, "our Liu family and Xiao Hua's marriage started from zhen'er! If it were not for you, we would not get so many benefits! Oh, by the way, fourth uncle, there's more good news. You don't know! "

"What else?" The stupid Taoist was so confused that he said, "there's more good news than casting soul?"

"Not bad!" Liu Yanyu nodded, "it's also about Xiao Hua!"

"Speak quickly..." The stupid Taoist urged.

But Liu Yanyu shook her head and said, "the owner of the family has already told me about it. No one can say anything about it."

"Silk The stupid Taoist took a breath of cold air and said, "is it the second elder brother who found it in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing..."

"Well!" Liu Yanyu nodded and replied, "it's really because of Xiao Hua's help that I can find clues in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!"

"The owner is thinking about it!" You Lao interjected, "may be in the future at a suitable time, start looking for Lingxiao temple!"

Youlao didn't mention the seal of the great emperor. It seems that she doesn't know what she found in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!

Stupid Taoist thought different from you Lao, he said strangely: "how can Xiao Hua go to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing? How did he help? "

"Xiao Hua is now the general of Butian team!" Liu Yanyu explained, "he went to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing to carry out the task. As for how to help the child, it also involves other people's secrets. The child reminds the fourth uncle that a copper coin in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is not enough..."

"I'll go!" The stupid Taoist couldn't help shouting, "no wonder you said that Ji'er is predestined with Xiao Hua. Isn't that the copper coin that zhen'er brought back? Does Xiao Hua have a copper coin in his hand? "

"Not one, two!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "if it wasn't for the two copper coins, the child would have come back empty handed even when he arrived at Yunyuan Xiaotianjing! So I sent the seal to Xiao Hua! "

"Well, yes, yes!" Stupid Taoist nodded, "the clue of Lingxiao temple is about finding the ancient fairyland. It's absolutely worth replacing it with Xinggong seal."

"Where's the copper coin, yu'er?" You asked suddenly.

"That copper money is useless..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "I didn't want it. Let Xiao Hua accept it by himself!"

"Ha ha..." The stupid Taoist laughed and said, "you are not in the bar because you are drunk?"

Liu Yanyu's heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of indescribable feeling, but she still said with a smile: "our son is not predestined relationship with Xiao Hua? Since Xiao Hua is the grindstone of cho'er's, and he is so blessed, he just goes along with his fate... "

With that, Liu Yanyu couldn't help looking at you Lao, but you Lao's smiling and chanting was not dissatisfied.

"Send a message to Xiao Hua quickly..." Stupid Taoist was in a good mood and said, "I told him about Bai Xiaotu. How can I let him know that my Liu family didn't mean to be contemptuous? By the way, I'll ask him where he is and I'll find him!"

"Hee hee, OK!" Liu Yanyu chuckled and took out Chuanxi, but Chuanxi didn't move.

"I'm afraid it's in some forbidden area or demon League!" Liu Yanyu accepted the transmission of rhinoceros, "the previous child also with his subpoena."

"Just, just!" The stupid Taoist waved his hand and said, "I wanted to find him, but now it doesn't work. You can tell him next time. I'm going to find the owner!"

"Go on, fourth uncle!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "get the residual chapter of casting spirit as soon as possible, and practice as soon as possible."

Stupid Taoist went, you old look at Liu Yanyu, serious way: "Yanyu, how do you honestly answer my several questions?"

"Hee hee, you Lao, please tell me!" Liu Yanyu replied with a smile.

You old Chuan Yin asks a way: "you give copper money to Xiao Hua, is to want to match up with him?"

"Yes Liu Yanyu also said, "I've never seen an immortal who practices so fast. Although I don't know which famous God he is, it's rare that he is simple in nature. He should be a good match and can protect his safety in the future!"

"Well, how do you know that he is pure in nature?" You old light said, "a lot of immortals are know face not know heart, let alone male fairy!"

"This..." Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, and whispered, "the child once left the seal of Yuan Shen in the seal of Xing Gong. Xiao Hua's sacrifice and refining of the seal of Xing Gong are successful. The child can feel his yuan Shen a little bit!"

"Oh, I see!" Youlao suddenly nodded and said, "that's good. You think he can trust you, and I believe you, too. Then I'll ask you again, you Are there more fragments of Zhuyuan?? Wind home? Or your mother? "

Liu Yanyu blushed and said: "yes, I have a complete original chapter in my hand! But it's not from Feng family... "

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Li Gai Jinxian, the name is really powerful!

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