Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1135

"Ha ha!" Xu Chong laughed, "this is not enough to kill me! Besides, I already know that Xiao Xianfeng has just risked his life to save me. Although he has never rescued me, I would not have been able to get out of the secret without Xiao Xianfeng. Let alone send you to crack Qingbei, or send you back to the fairyland to help you heal your wounds, I am willing to! "

"You are welcome, my Lord!" Xiao Hua likes Xu Chong's forthrightness, let alone Xu Chong's surname.

Not long after, I saw the beam of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing and the mark of Pan Long. It was very strange. Yunyuan Xiaotianjing was dangerous, but the beam was protected by the blue light. There were dragons swimming in the blue light, and the whole stone beam was not damaged!

After falling on the crossbeam, Xu Chong returns the broken boundary monument to Xiao Hua. He hesitates for a moment, takes out a small half of Ruyi with blood color from the armor and hands it to Xiao Hua, saying: "Xiao Xianfeng, you are seriously injured now and need to be in meditation. Xu should give you some elixirs or enlightenment. However, Xu's elixir may not be suitable for you, and there are many elixirs in tianxianwei. As for the realization, the three Bu Yao adults will surely give you, so Xu will not add to the snake. This thing just flew out of the cloud column when Xu entered the small sky of Yunyuan. It was either with Xu or with Xiao Xianfeng. Xu didn't like the rare thing, so he gave it to you! "

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed in his heart. Of course, this thing was predestined to him. Before he met Liu Yanyu, didn't he get half a red Ruyi?

Looking at Xiao Hua receiving Ruyi, Xu Chong said: "you should urge to break the Jieqing tablet. When you go, Xu will go!"

"Lord Xu!" Xiao Hua smiles, bows himself to give the final gift, and hastens to move the Qingbei.

Xu Chong watched Xiao Hua's body disappear and turned to fly into the cloud pillar.

"Where is Xiao Xianfeng?" Thousand feather cold looking at Xu Chong return, light ask a way.

"Yes, my Lord!" Xu Chong quickly replied, "Xiao Xianfeng went back to the fairyland with a broken green monument!"

"Well, you can go to the cast skeleton temple." Qianyuhan nodded and said, "then you can follow other teams back together!"

As Xu Chongfei walked away, Su min narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice, "qianbuyao, as the saying goes, seeing is better than hearing. I've heard you say this pioneer Xiao several times before, but now it's really not easy to see him! Otherwise, how can the adult do it? "

"Yes Qianyuhan also nodded, "he is just a high-level realm of Juyuan fairy. His strength is almost immortal! Besides, didn't you see it? He returns to the sky of color world through the broken green dragon stele

"Of course, that adult has a wise eye, but Su Buyao..." Chen Jin said with a bitter smile, "when did the adult come? Why didn't you say hello to me?"

"Su is wronged!" Su min was even more distressed and replied, "Su has no idea when the adult came! Just now, Su also recalled for a long time. Fortunately, you and I are dedicated to the public, and have never said that we have done anything inappropriate... "

Qian Yuhan wanted to say more. Chen Jin suddenly changed his face and said in a low voice: "no, JieChong 1741 sent a message. Diqiao 240 regiment received the military order and returned to the barracks. But when they got there, there was an interface storm in the fairyland near JieChong. The storm rolled the star boat of Diqiao 240 regiment..."

"Casualties?" Thousand feather cold is also big urgent, she just promised Xiao Hua, how to appear so abnormal change?

"Star boat turns into storm, Diqiao 240 team is missing!"

"What a coincidence Su min was also a little stunned, "send an order to find it quickly!"

"JieChong 1741 is now in chaos. It's almost annihilated. I'm afraid it's not easy to explore. We can only wait for the storm of the interface to subside and go to the fairyland to see where the change is

"All right!" Qianyuhan nodded slightly, "Xiao Xianfeng has just left. Just wait for him to find Diqiao 240 before he leaves the pass."

"Boom boom..." Just then, there was a loud roar in the distance, and a huge view of the demon clan's skeleton was created

Not to mention the victory of the Taichong team, just say that Xiao Huafei went out of Qinglong and broke the boundary stele. He immediately took the stele and flew to any place. He tried to promote the art of light escape. Unfortunately, the light spot of the body was not completely controlled by him and could not integrate into the light.

Finally, Xiao Hua sacrificed the pioneer star boat and flew to the depth of nihility!

After flying for more than ten days, Xiao Hua felt that the confinement of thousands of feathers was loose, so he quickly closed the star boat and urged Shuidun to fly directly to the bottom of the blue water!

To Xiao Hua's surprise, the pool was extremely deep, and in the depth of the pool, there was a tattered Red Palace submerged in the water.

Xiao Huayan read swept, and did not see anything different, simply fly to the center of the temple, will all star array out!

Sitting cross legged in the star array, Xiao Hua plans how to sacrifice Xuanguang and bloody thunder. Xuanguang fills his whole body with 13200 light spots, while bloody thunder completely covers Xiao Hua's bones!

"Yes After thinking for a moment, Xiao Hua thought and said in secret, "the spirit of Prajna, the ancient immortal beast, occupies a light spot, and the other 13109 light spots are dark light. If Xiao moved the spirit of the immortal beast away, wouldn't he free up a light spot, which could let the dark light and the bloody thunderbolt enter, form a balance, and then refine them separately, isn't that the number of Dayan who escapedJust now I have a plan, but I haven't started yet. Xiao Hua's biography has news.

Xiao Hua hastily urges Chuanxi. There is Liu Yanyu's voice inside, saying that the Liu family is willing to exchange the incomplete Yuanxing spirit chapter with Xiao Hua, and that they have given the name of the secret art preserved by the Liu family.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed when he heard that the articles of Yang God, swallowing thieves, removing filth and smelly lung in Liu's family were exactly what he was missing!

After that, Liu Yanyu passes the remnant chapter of one soul and three spirits to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua hastily gives the remnant chapter of one soul and three spirits to Liu Yanyu.

However, after the biography, Xiao Hua hesitated again, because he had concealed something before, and he still had a soul in his hand. If he gave it to the Liu family, wouldn't the yuan spirit chapter of the Liu family be complete?

But just as Xiao Hua was about to talk to Liu Yanyu, he was so awed in his heart that he closed Chuanxi!

It's absolutely fair not to say that the transactions with the Lius are all one soul and three spirits. It's not a small risk just to leak the information about one soul and one soul to the Lius!

What about a complete chapter of meta gods?

Xiao Hua can believe Liu Yanyu, but Xiao Hua will not believe Fenghua! I don't believe the owner of the Liu family who has never met!

After the emperor Haotian, they planned and figured out where Xiao Hua could measure. Would they tolerate an immortal without foundation and share a complete set of meta gods with them?

Xiao Hua dare not bet his life!

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Zhou Xiaoming and Lu Shu are together with Xiangqing. Their life and death are unpredictable

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