Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1134

Xiao Hua, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened his eyes and was surprised!

"Kill..." Chen Jin could not say more, and immediately ordered: "revenge for the dead generals of our Terran race!"




The morale of tens of millions of immortal generals has never been so high. One by one, they sacrificed their immortal utensils and rushed to the panic demon clan.

"Xu Chong..." Qianyuhan's body shape urged him to rush to the escaping pot begging, and he said, "go and protect Xiao Xianfeng!"

By the time the skeleton view was annihilated, Xu Chong was out of the maze. After hearing this, he rushed to Xiaohua with a gun.

"Go and kill the enemy!"

Another voice came out. Su min, who had just shrunk to a bullet, was puffing up again. He looked at Xu Chong and said with a smile, "I've got Xianfeng Xiao!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Xu Chong naturally wants to kill the enemy. He bows to Su min and pours at the demon clan with a long gun!

"Big My lord... "

Looking at Su min, Xiao Hua quickly welcomes him and bows.

"Su min, my husband..." Su min lifts Xiao Hua up and stares at him. His eyes are complex, both envious and puzzled. He says, "like Qian Yuhan and Chen Jin, they are all Bu Yao!"

"I've met Su Buyao at the end of the day!" How dare Xiao Hua neglect it? Salute again.

"Oh, you're welcome!" Su min grinned bitterly, lifted Xiao Hua up and said, "you are favored by that adult, not to mention Bu Yao. Even Yue Xiao and Chang Qiong can be expected."

"The end will panic..." Xiao Hua asked in a hurry, "I don't know who the adult is..."

"Who is that adult? How dare Su say that?" Su min waved his hand and said, "since you are in the eyes of that adult, you will naturally know."

Speaking of this, Su min took a look at Xiao Hua's dark light, patted his waist, took out a ink fairy pupil and handed it to Xiao Hua, saying: "it's not a time to think more. You are hurt by the bloody thunderbolt. Maybe the demon clan doesn't want to kill you, but his strength is similar to that of the adult. The adult will help you recover your body, but your realm and Daoji will be damaged. As the saying goes, there is a big chance in a great calamity. If you can use the power of Xuanguang, you may be able to turn good luck into bad luck and become a real immortal. This is my experience when I broke through the real immortal. Take it and it may be useful... "

Xiao Hua listened to the great joy, and quickly bowed to the passage: "thank you for your love, general!"

"Ha ha, I can't talk about love!" Su Min said with a smile, "I envied your good fortune before, but now I see your persistence. I understand that good fortune doesn't come out of thin air. The way of heaven always favors those who are pure hearted. You Take care of yourself

"Yes, yes, the end will understand!" Xiao Hua repeatedly replied.

"Heal yourself!" Su Min said, "I don't think your body is stable. Don't break Daoji! I will protect the Dharma for you... "

A Jinxian distracts himself to protect the Dharma. Xiao Hua is really flattered. However, he sits down with his knees crossed and is extremely embarrassed.

Su min was right. The bloody thunderbolt of the shadow was really powerful. Even Xiao Hua's body of the beginning light was annihilated after ten strikes, that is, Xiao Hua's nine bones were barely annihilated!

If there is no dark light of that adult, as long as you give Xiao Hua time, Xiao Hua will certainly be able to refine the bloody thunderbolt and re coagulate the body. And that adult is kind Xiao Hua's body is now dark light and self condensing. Although he suppresses the bloody thunderbolt, Xiao Hua now wants to refine the dark light and bloody thunderbolt. Can it be solved in a short time?

What's more, it's impossible for Xiao Hua to perform the skill of stepping on Shenque in front of Su min!

"Why? This This... " Xiao Hua pretends to check the body, and suddenly sees a snow-white in a dark spot of light!

"Well The spirit of the beast? "

When Yan Nian swept away, Xiao Hua was stunned and exclaimed to himself, "he Isn't he dead? "

Xiao Hua is the body of the first light. The 13200 light spots that condense his body are essentially an unformed world, and it is normal for Baize's spirit to fall into it.

When Xiao Hua looked at it carefully, he was even more confused, because Baize's spirit was burning, a little bit destroyed, and at the same time, a new spirit appeared!

"Rebirth of Nirvana?"

Xiao Hua suddenly woke up.

No wonder Baize will easily choose to die with shadow. It turns out that Baize has a way to go!

Unfortunately, Bai Ze did not expect that he would fall into Xiao Hua's body. He began to nirvana in a light spot of Xiao Hua's body!

"What to do?" Xiao Hua's eyes turned sharply. "Although he didn't know the origin of the immortal beast, he was obviously related to Emperor Haotian. The roar of the beast that Xiao and yu'er heard in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing was also made by him, which showed that he was very powerful. Xiao was willing to be reborn, but what should Xiao do when he was reborn?"

"No way..." Xiao Hua made a quick decision, "send him to space first! He's not good for anyone out there! "

But in front of Su min, Xiao Hua didn't even dare to release his mind. Who knows if it will cause any change!"My lord..." Xiao Hua suddenly thought of what, quickly opened his eyes and asked, "how is the situation of the end general?"

"Oh, just a moment..." Su min was stunned for a moment, then urged Yinxi to ask, and said, "qianbuyao replied. Because you were sent to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing temporarily, you can't command the team, so Diqiao 240 team was sent to other places to carry out the task, and didn't take part in the war!"

"What a pity!" Xiao Hua looked around at the shouts and said with regret, "they missed a big war!"

Su min's eyes flashed through the darkness, looked at the blood light in the distance, and said, "as long as JieChong exists, such a war will never end. They There are plenty of opportunities to participate! "

Seven days and nights, this war will fight for another seven days and nights!

In addition to a few demons fleeing, the vast majority of demons are killed by the team!

"The view of casting bones, the view of casting bones!"

The last demon clan's head fell to the ground. I don't know who started it. A voice rang out and all the voices followed!

"The view of casting bones!"

Chen Jin gave a cold smile and raised his voice without any hesitation!

"I will obey you!"

All the immortal soldiers and generals agreed in unison, and the voice was really earth shaking. Although the previous humiliation had been washed away with the blood of the demon clan, the shame of the Terran could only be eliminated with tit for tat!

Chen Jin and Qian Yuhan, the flying generals, came to visit Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua quickly got up to the ceremony, but just said a few words, Xiao Hua's dark light and blood light reflected each other, disorderly waves from the light and shadow, crazy impact Xiao Hua immortal mark!

"Alas..." With a sigh, Qian Yuhan put his hand in Xiao Hua's eyebrow and imprison the immortal trace for the time being, saying, "my Lord is still in a hurry!"

"My Lord, I'm not in a hurry!" Su Min said with a smile, "adults have high hopes for Xiao Xianfeng!"

"Xiao Xianfeng!" Qian Yuhan's beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Hua and said, "I allow you to leave the team for a while and practice in seclusion. It's not too late to return to the team after your injury is healed!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Xiao Hua also has some helplessness. His body at this time is just like the previous demon alliance. The two forces compete with each other, which is really very unfavorable to him.

"Our army has won the battle!" Chen Jin said with a smile, "if Xiao Xianfeng doesn't follow the team back, it won't be too late for him to close the door until he clears up his military achievements!"

Chen Jin naturally meant to shut Xiao Hua up in the barracks. After all, if Xiao Hua had any news, he could know it for the first time.

However, Xiao Hua thought a little more, looked at the cast demon clan skeleton view, and bowed: "thank you for your kindness, general. I feel that I can't support it, so I want to leave now. Please allow me!"

"Ha ha, of course!" Chen Jin lifted Xiao Hua up and said, "this battle is your first success, and you are wounded by the powerful demon clan. You decide when and where to shut up. As for your military exploits, after I count them, I will send them to you in person. You just need to rest in peace! "

"My lord..." Xiao Hua looked at Qian Yuhan and said, "at the end of the day, please take care of the team. You should always take control of it and give it to Deputy Hu jiaoxiangqing!"

"Don't worry about that!" Qianyuhan said with a smile, "they went to attack JieChong 778. It was Chen Buyao's plan to attack the West and the East. Now they should have got the military order. It won't be a big problem. When they return to the barracks, I'll ask Qin Xin to make up for the immortal soldiers. When you return, there will be a new atmosphere! "

"Thank you very much, thank you very much!" Xiao Hua was very happy. After bowing down again, he looked at the shrinking Yunyuan Xiaotianjing and said tentatively, "the end general wants to return to the fairyland through Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. I don't know if the adult can send someone to send the end general for a visit?"

"Ha ha!" Qianyuhan smiles and says, "you are a cautious guy. Don't worry. Qinglong broken boundary monument has been used. I'm afraid it doesn't need to be used in the future. I'll ask Xu Chong to send you there and return Qinglong broken boundary monument to you by the way."

"Hee hee, my Lord is so wise that I admire him!"

Xiao Hua's little flattery.

Xu Chong is ordered to come and see Xiao Hua off. He already knows Xiao Hua's move to save him, so he is very eager. After watching Xiao Hua and three Bu Yao distract and say goodbye, he puts a big hand on Xiao Hua, who is also the pillar of cloud flying into Yunyuan's small sky!

Only when he got the inside of the cloud pillar did Xiao Hua know how high and deep his request was. The inside of the cloud pillar was a complete chaos, and every wind and every cloud had the power to destroy the world.

Even the silver light of Xu Chong's body protection was blown to oblivion in the storm.

"My lord..." Xiao Hua is embarrassed way, "the end will confess a crime, the end will really don't know this rhyme yuan small day territory became like this!"

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Xiao Hua Finally, we are going to shut up. Let's look forward to his further progress.

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