Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1136

The remaining one soul and three spirits of Xiao Hua are given to Yuan Ying to understand, and then free up his mind to take Baize's spirit out of the light spot and put it into the fairyland space!

As soon as Baize's spirit left, the dark light in the surrounding light spot rushed into this light spot. Xiao Hua didn't dare to neglect it. He didn't care about Baize's spirit, so he quickly led the bloody thunderbolt on the white bone into it!

Sure enough, the bloody thunderbolt and the dark light rushed into the light spot and soon formed a balance!

"Ha ha, this is the way of balance, everywhere..." Xiao Hua laughs, sits down with his knees crossed, looks at his nose and nose, looks at his heart, steps on the Shenque skill in his body, and the mysterious light around him falls madly!

At the immortal mark of Xiao Huamei's heart, the confinement of qianyuhan disappeared, the silver light fell, the holy and dark life and death on her body surface, and the causal water ring came out again!

This water ring of life and death and cause and effect turns into innumerable big and small. The big one encircles Xiao Hua's body and plunges into the void, while the small one falls into the light spot interwoven with dark light and bloody thunder!

At the same time, the immortal body also urges the Riying secret skill to condense the dark light and bloody thunderbolt in a light spot!

Riying skill is a kind of mysterious skill, but the dark light and bloody thunderbolt are also of extraordinary origin. Xiao Hua is just a little Qi immortal. How can he get it easily?

It took him four yuan days to condense the dark light and the bloody thunderbolt in just one light spot, but the dark light and the bloody thunderbolt were about to disappear, and the star nuclei and other things that had been obtained in the strange star rain sky appeared again. Xiao Hua simply kept on condensing these star nuclei and other things into his body!

In this way, a single light spot cost Xiao Hua seven yuan days!

Wouldn't it take 15 years to condense 13200 light spots?

The 15th century is nothing to ordinary immortals. Did it take Zhuang Bi, a gifted man, to cultivate Er Qi immortals in the 13th century?

But where can Xiao Hua be compared with Zhuang Bi?

When we have to refine the light spots again, Xiao Hua condenses two, then four, and eight. When we get to the back, Xiao Hua's light spots can be condensed by himself. Xiao Hua just needs to separate the Yan Nian and lead the bloody thunder on the white bone into the light spot!

Even so, the 1320 million light spots are not just in a short period of time. About a lifetime later, Xiao Hua is just one of the thousands!

But one in a thousand It's a big deal again.

Xiao Hua's Liangyi is not ordinary. The Liangyi cultivated by gathering Yuanxian can be compared with each other. These Liangyi directly point to the road of life and death and the road of cause and effect. This is Xiao Hua's opportunity and also Xiao Hua's bottleneck.

If there is no special opportunity, Xiao Hua will have to have a full understanding of the road of life and death and the road of cause and effect, and make up for the time saved by his previous practice.

This is the way of heaven.

But Xiao Hua's flesh has the mysterious light of the mysterious immortal and the bloody thunderbolt of the mysterious demon clan. Every time Xiao Hua condenses a light spot, it will affect the life and death and the water ring of cause and effect. So many times of condensing can be compared with the meticulous carving of the understanding of life and death and the understanding of cause and effect, but it can make up for Xiao Hua's previous lack one by one.

As time goes by, the water ring of cause and effect disappears in the two instruments of life and death, and the two instruments of life and death gradually merge and become one!

It's very difficult for Xiao Hua to unify the two instruments, which is relatively easy for ordinary immortals. After the unification of the two instruments, it's the unity of Juyuan!

The so-called unity of Juyuan is the reversion of Dao Shengyi!

The real Tao is not the one that Qi immortal can covet. In the final analysis, the "Tao" of Qi immortal is just the appearance "law" of "Tao". Law is law!

And even if it is "Dharma", how difficult it is to reverse it!

With Jiang Zibo's ability, he is also trapped in the realm of spirit, waiting for a breakthrough!

This breakthrough is a breakthrough of enlightenment, maybe a moment, maybe a hundred years, more likely to be permanent.

It's almost impossible for ordinary immortals to cross over. For Xiao Hua It's time to lift a finger again.

Seeing Liang Yi returning to one, in order to achieve the unity of Yuan Dynasty, Xiao Huaxian's trace of Hongmeng purple Qi began to beat slightly again, as if by some chance!

Xiao Hua's Qi and blood are surging, and he uses the skill of cause and effect slightly. He already knows that the Hongmeng purple Qi has a great relationship with Juyuan Heyi!

As soon as Xiao Hua patted the immortal mark, Hongmeng purple Qi flew out. Hongmeng purple Qi had just fallen into the air, and immediately turned purple around. In the purple light and shadow, countless deep purple flames were born around Xiao Hua. At the root of the flame, there was the outline of life and death.

But how wonderful is Hongmeng Ziqi?

"Buzz..." Space vibration, infinite waves from the deep purple, instantaneous waves to all around!

There is a sign that the star array will collapse immediately!

"How can this be done?"

Xiao Hua was so surprised that he quickly collected Hongmeng Ziqi!

Hongmeng purple disappeared, Xiao Hua's body surface of those flames also disappeared, but in the annihilation of these flames, one by one "Tao" words, vaguely visible!

"Ha ha, that's it Xiao Hua sees this, caresses the palm to laugh.

Laugh, sacrifice the Wuji Yandao map!"Brush..." Waiting for Wuji Yandao to protect Xiao Hua around, Xiao Hua raised his hand a little, "pa" Wuji Yandao burst, first showed seven "Dao" characters, and then slowly evolved, seemingly endless "Dao" characters began to spread all over!

Yannian sweeps around and feels ready. Xiao Hua sends Hongmeng Ziqi out again.

"Wuwu..." Deep purple gushes out again, waves rush into the word "Dao", blocked by the word "Dao", and more words of "Dao" are derived!

When the infinite word came into being, Xiao Huaxian gave out "hum..." There is no need for Xiao Hua's action. The immortal trace in the starry sky opens and the Taoist seed flies out!

As if the infinite word had a root, it swarmed to the seed of Tao. As for the seed of Tao, it began to transform into infinity and fell into the word of Tao!

"Tao begets one, Tao begets one..."

Xiao Hua's eyes were bright. Looking at everything in front of him, he had an indescribable realization in his heart. On the surface of his body, there was a deep purple spark, and then two, that is, three. After three, "brush" 13200 sparks were ignited at the same time, covering Xiao Hua's whole body!

The fire is light, and the word "Tao" is flying around with a kind of Taoist seed that is as deep as the root inside. The Ruyan returns to the nest and plunges into it.

Under the fire, nature is already blurred to the two Yi of life and death, and with the word burning, the two Yi of life and death began to completely merge into one!

However, after a while, Xiao Hua found that on the spot where the dark light had been condensed, the flames gradually condensed into crystal clear filaments, while on the spot where the dark light had not been condensed, the flames were still burning!

"I'll go!" Xiao Hua was a little too sad to laugh and said, "Xiao, this What is the realm? The realm of spirit? "Juyuan is a great success"

There is no specific realm in stepping on Shenque, but Xiao Hua forced himself to approach the realm of fairyland for convenience!

After observing a few days, Xiao Hua felt that everything was in order before he stepped on it. He collected his mind and began to practice again!

The dark light of the flesh, the bloody thunderbolt of the white bone, and the accumulation in the light spot don't need Xiao Hua's deliberate accumulation now. Xiao Hua will transfer his energy to the chapter of the original spirit!

Because from the perspective of the common cultivation method of real immortals in the fairyland, the key from the spirit to the real immortals may be the spirit!

One lifetime is enough for Xianying to comprehend the rest of Yuanxing spirit chapter!

Xiao Hua didn't dare to be contemptuous. He calmed down and realized the whole chapter from beginning to end. Then he began to practice a little.

There is no time to cultivate the truth. What about the fairyland?

The most worthless thing is time!

Little by little, ten years is enough time for Xiao Hua to cultivate the remaining seven Spirits of the swallowing thieves, decontamination and stinking lungs one by one! After the casting of seven spirits, "Wuwu..." With the whistling of the strange wind, Xiao Hua's head sank, and all kinds of strange and inexplicable silver light and shadow came out of thin air and fell towards Xiao Hua's mysterious cloud!

"Damn it Xiao Hua feels headache and wants to crack, but he doesn't feel low scolding, and his mind falls into the space in a hurry.

"Da Shan..."

Xiao Hua of the way of heaven laughs in the space, and the silver flashing light and shadow splashes towards the sky!

After ninety-nine and eighty-one days, the light and shadow gradually disappeared. Xiao Hua's mind got out of the space and looked at the mysterious clouds again. Unexpectedly, a silver ring appeared!

To Xiao Hua's surprise, after the appearance of the silver ring, the silver ring appeared in all the condensed filaments outside the body surface!

"Sure enough..." Xiaohua complacent, "xiaomou this step is right!"

Then Xiao Hua still sat cross legged, ready to continue to forge three souls!

At this time, Xiao Hua's ring-shaped filaments gave birth to a silver light and rushed to Xiao Hua's lower Dantian!

As for the lower elixir field, fifty-two immortal babies who are forming a large array of cultivation suddenly spread out, one by one surprised and abnormal looking at the top of their heads.

In ten years, Xiao Hua's body has also been cast and refined 30%, and Xianying has also made great progress, almost catching up with the realm of Xiao Hua.

"Fellow Taoists..." Seeing this, Xiao Hua said to Fu Zhi in a secret way, "after all the hard work, please continue to use the skill!"

"Thank you, Daoyou..."

Fifty two fairy babies bowed and sat down again. The silver light came out of thin air and fell on these fairy babies!

At the same time, on Xiao Hua's mysterious cloud, the silver halo began to roar and rotate slowly. Some silver shadows poured down towards the fairy baby, and the fairy baby had a mysterious cloud outline

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Xiao Hua finally closed the door. It's really rare. All the previous accumulation can now be digested one by one

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