Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1133

At this time, "roar..." An animal roar came from the cloud pillar of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing in the distance, and a breath that Xiao Hua was familiar with flew out like the wind rolling the remnant cloud. This breath blocked the green ape's big hand, and the green ape's big hand could not move an inch.

Then a decent human voice sounded: "you provoke me with our human bones, and I will bear it; you lure me with our human lives, and I will bear it; you plan to kill sinister, and I will bear it! But this son treated our human skeleton with red courage, and gave his life to protect it. Though he was broken and did not scratch, how could I bear it? How can I let him fall in front of me... "

With the sound, a snow-white figure flew out of the circling cloud column, which was beyond all the immortal generals' expectation. This figure is the shadow of the beast!

The animal's shadow is like a lion, and its white fur is scattered. It gives out holy radiance, and the radiance falls in the air, giving birth to ice flowers! The unspeakable tranquility and peace envelop the whole battlefield!

Look at the animal's head. It looks like a goat. It has not only two horns, but also a goat's beard!

But in a pair of red eyes, the double pupil is obvious, and the unspeakable majesty of the great emperor radiates from the double pupil!

"White "Baize"

Su min screamed, "yes Is it the fairy beast protecting the hall before the hall of the great emperor of Haotian in ancient times

Chen Jin's body stopped in the air, and his face became pale. At this time, he didn't know that the real purpose of the demon alliance's battle in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing was to lure this ancient immortal beast!

Chen Jin's head is a little dizzy. He has heard of Baize. He knows that Baize can speak human language and know everything. He is also an auspicious animal that can turn evil into good. He is a symbol of good fortune.

In ancient times, when Emperor Haotian was in charge of the fairyland, Baize came out from the book of heaven. That day, the book recorded the real names, shapes and uniforms of all the ghosts and monsters in the world. Baize protects the immortal beast for the great emperor Haotian, helps the great emperor expel ghosts and ward off evil spirits, and protects the fairyland.

The spirit of demon alliance and demon clan is in Baize. Naturally, they want Baize's blood and the ancient book of heaven!

"Protect Baize..."

Chen Jin made a quick decision!

However, it does not wait for Chen Jin.

"Ha ha..." A strange shadow swept down from the top of the skeleton view. The shadow breath swept across the world like ice. No matter the demon or the Terran, they all stopped fighting and urged their powers to resist!

The shadow has no real shape. It's like a wind blowing in front of him!

"Click..." In his eyes, the shadow of the emperor's seal came out, and the purple gold lightning roared like a dragon.

"Brush..." On the shadow, there is a very thin pitch black flying out. The pitch black is thinner than the hair, but it falls into JieChong. The incomparable suction instantly tears and inhales the surrounding space!

The great emperor's seal struck the pitch black and sent out a "boom..." The roar of, left nearly 100000 Li boundary Chong is shaking, the interface law begins to collapse!

The shadow of the emperor's seal flies out and roars, and the blood flows out of Baize's eyes. The blood drips down the corner of his eyes and dyes the white fur red!

"Poof..." The shadow falls on the radiance of life, the radiance withers instantaneously, and the ice flowers melt!

"Boom boom..."

We can see the white light shining around Baize, but the shadow can't be dispelled like ink. The two corners of Baize suddenly burst, and then the purple gold lightning quickly shrouded Baize from the top down. No matter it's white, or the shadow is destroyed with the purple gold lightning inch by inch!

"You You... " "You don't want to live?" the voice of the shadow panicked

"I was born to protect the heritage of the human race. What's the use of living?" Bai Ze's voice was calm and thunderous. "I'm tired of the birth and death of the human race."

Baise sound is getting weaker and weaker, thousands of miles of space in black and white annihilation!

"Alas, it's a pity that I'm a beast. It's hard to protect me in the end..."

The last sound of Baize is as light as a mosquito!

But just before the sound disappeared, "whoosh..." A very pale shadow of the soul swept across the sky and fell on Xiao Hua's scattered bones!


The space concussion, innumerable immortal Xuan light breaks the air, will entire boundary flush shine bright!

Xiao Hua's white bones gather together in the immortal light, but it's not a human shape. It's a shining white Ze, visible to the naked eye!

Guangyao Baize looks up to the sky and screams: "it's only a matter of playing between fingers for hundreds of millions of years. At this time, let me guard the Terran once more."

"Hum..." Guangyao Baize turned into thousands of Zhang, a mouth, countless bright congealed to make seal like hit on the skeleton view, "boom boom..." The blood color of the remains disappeared, the blood was clean, and the heads turned into immortal generals. These immortal generals closed their eyes with a smile, and slowly disappeared into the light!

At the moment of the disappearance of the skeleton view, "pa" is shining, white Ze is also like a bubble, Xiao Hua's white bones are scattered!

However, in the process of scattering, these bones were put together automatically, although the blood red thunderbolt flashed

"Damn it The green ape had been injured by the light when it was shining at Baize's mouth and flew back quickly. Now it's a low curse to watch Baize disappear and the shadow disappear!

Green ape's curse has not yet fallen, he is the demon body shock, protect the body green light flash like a fish, the demon body quickly dim."It's too late to leave now!"

Qianyuhan's voice sounded with a red flame immortal sword piercing into the body of green ape!

"You You... " The green ape turned his head and looked at qianyuhan's figure. He was surprised and said, "how can you hide until now?"

"I can kill you..." Thousand feather cold looking at Green ape slowly disappear in the flame, light of say, "this son patience again calculate what?"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." The green ape laughed and said, "even if you kill me, you still can't compare with Gu she alone! Besides, like Gu she, you can't leave here alive... "

"Ah?" Thousand feather cold a startle, hastily look around.

In JieChong, the interface rules are chaotic, dark and light and shadow are mixed, because all kinds of changes have come out, the demon clan and the Terran clan have stopped fighting!

Qianyuhan looked at it for a moment, and found nothing special!

She was about to remind Chen Jin, "brush..." Deep in the dark, a small whirlpool appeared silently, it was just the dark light silk that was driven by the shadow!

Baize ChongTong in the emperor seal virtual shadow actually did not destroy this light silk!

"Withdraw quickly..." Thousand feather cold wake up, quickly to Chen Jin sound way, "this is Xuan annihilation light silk, it can destroy the whole world, not we can resist..."

Chen Jin is rushing to the gourd shaped pot to beg at this time. After listening to Qian Yuhan's words, where can he care to kill the pot?


Su min suddenly uttered an obscure voice, "it's useless!"

With the sound of his body shrinking rapidly, a strong will swept the interface, the will of a dark vortex, like the wind swept away!

"My lord?"

Qian Yuhan and Chen Jin's face changed greatly. They also looked at each other and exclaimed.

"That's good!"

Far away, the obscure voice came, and then, a little dark light flew down like a star, just hit Xiao Hua's white bone, which had just condensed into human shape!


The dark light is like water, and Xiao Hua's body condenses quickly!

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It's Baize. It's the roar Xiao Hua heard in the pool

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