Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1132

"His name is immortal Xiao!" Chang Yue also said, "he saved me. He's a great tiger teacher!"

"Immortal Xiao!"

"Immortal Xiao!"

At the beginning, it was just a few. More than a dozen immortal soldiers were shouting. It was only half a cup of tea. Almost all the immortal soldiers were shouting.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao!"

Unfortunately, the disordered water mirror demon array is so powerful that Xiao Hua can't hear the call of thousands of immortal soldiers!

Xiao Hua rushed through the halo and finally came to dekuiguan!

When he got close, Xiao Hua could see clearly. How could he be afraid of millions? And every head has a blood band connection, even if you want to take out one It's all very difficult!

"The lower part of the skeleton view is the foundation. The prohibition must be strong. There are fewer bones above the skeleton view. You can try..."

Xiao Hua's eyes swept, and immediately made up his mind to urge Xianli to fly to the top of the skeleton view again!

"This little guy can't stay..." Huqi looked at Xiao Huafei and said coldly, "his means are weird. If he becomes a real immortal, it's amazing!"


Green ape light nods, "rest assured, have Wu Xiao!"

Green ape is right. Just as Xiao Hua soared, a giant ape with an iron bar flew out of the blood band of the skeleton view!

The giant ape's more than 100 star tracks flash dazzling green light. The fierce image in his blood eyes is hard to express. Isn't it just Wuxiao?

"Daredevil!" Well, with a shrill howl, he lifted the iron stick in his hand and cried, "since I came to the skeleton temple, I'll leave a head for the skeleton temple!"

"Wu..." Well, the iron rod is down head on!

Seeing the green light around Wu Xiao, Xiao Hua naturally knows that he is already a green star, comparable to a real immortal. But Xiao Hua has left life and death behind. How can he be afraid of him?

But listening to Xiao Hua's roar, "I don't know who's going to do it! Long, long, long! Eat my stick

Ruyi stick is also held up, fighting with Wuxiao iron stick!

Not to avoid the blow, the body of the great ape turned like a wheel of wind and fire, and Xiao Hua himself fell like a meteorite under the blow!


"How can a green star demon have the face to attack our human Qi fairy!"

After all, Xiao Hua's strength was better than that of Juyuan immortal, but he was much worse than that of Zhenxian!

"Immortal Xiao is as good as the demon clan. He may not be defeated..."

"Yes, yes, not necessarily..."

Another immortal general was lucky. "Immortal Xiao has a powerful method. Maybe..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for the idea of fluke to sprout, some immortal soldiers said hastily: "no! The green star demons have taken shape! "

Xiao Hua's momentum is close to the stars. How can Xiao Hua use more means?

Xiao Hua's strength is not inferior to his own, and the Ruyi stick is more arrogant than the iron stick. Wu Xiao's whole body glows with green light in the middle of the sky. More than a hundred star tracks emit green light and turn into more than a hundred star halos. Among the star halos, a huge green star sends out a "buzzing" sound and hits Xiao Hua directly!

"Damn it

Even Su min scolded him. He knew Xiao Hua couldn't resist!

However, Xiao Hua, who just stopped, suddenly appeared a purple gold book in the fairy armour. The book disappeared in a flash and turned into a light purple halo. In the light and shadow, a pale gold figure flew out of it. Wasn't it Xiao Hua's Wanxian book?

Since Xiao Hua got the record of ten thousand immortals, all he thought about was how to release the spirits of the real immortals inside. He never thought about using it. It was the first time Xiao Hua used it in his life and death.

"Lord..." The pale golden figure is a real immortal named Pei Xianyun. He flew out of the immortal record and said respectfully, "what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at the closed space around him. The star was as sharp as a sword. He said faintly, "I can use your magic power!"

"It's my pleasure Pei Xianyun was stunned. He never thought Xiao Hua would use his own spirit.

"Wu..." Xiao Hua urges wanxianlu, and Pei Xianyun's golden light falls into Xiao Hua's body.

"Buzz..." As the golden light enters the body, Xiao Hua's body gives birth to a purple radiance. This radiance turns into thousands of small whirlpools, in which there are faint blood spots, such as plum blossom blooming!

"Wu Wu Wu..." In the view of human remains, the color of blood flies out and falls into Xiao Hua's body crazily. Isn't it Pei Xianyun's secret technique of transforming blood into essence?

With the blood light falling in, Xiao Huaxian's body expanded rapidly, and his prestige also increased, but in the blink of an eye, he was a real immortal!


Although I don't know what magic power Xiao Hua used, all the immortal soldiers cheered in unison.

"Kill that man!"

Su min's eyes are bright and he can't help roaring.

"What a real Xiao!" Chen Jin rubbed his hands and said, "infinite means, boundless courage!"

Green ape's face is not good.

No matter how ugly the green ape's face is, it can't stop Xiao Hua from turning into thunder light to meet Wu Xiao!This fairy and demon is just a trial move. They all take out the most powerful means immediately!


The space was transformed by Wu Xiao, the green stars shook, and the nearby view of skeleton also shook.

"Wu..." Looking closer, Xiao Hua's purple and blood light is as thick as a war robe. He raises his hand to sacrifice the cloud to the stars!

The smoke and cloud destroying the star is the wind of the family's dust. Now Xiao Hua is driven by the real immortal's strength, and he is even more fierce.

Xiao Hua's body and blood light suddenly condensed into two colors, and the haze fell into the immortal vessel. The smoke and cloud extinguished the stars, and the bright light flashed like a huge fishing net cover to the green stars!

Countless purple and gold interwoven milli light all over hundreds of miles of space!

All the immortals thought that there would be a huge roar, but to their surprise, "brush brush..." Light and shadow flash, green stars even through the light and shadow!

And the vast green will annihilate the purple gold light!

Not to mention Xiao Hua's body shape in the green impact, the whole body shining annihilation, towards the bottom of the skeleton view fall!

"What's the matter?"

The hearts of a group of immortal soldiers were pulled up again.

Just a few breath, the complete green star suddenly scattered, turned into thousands of star stones, and then

"boom! Boom!! Boom

All the stars and stones begin to burst. The sound of explosion is like a firecracker during the Spring Festival, lighting up the joy of Xianbing!

"It's incredible. One A Qi immortal killed the green star demon family

"Unfortunately..." The immortal soldier sighed, "immortal Xiao died with the demon clan!"

"I'd rather have immortal Xiao alive..."

"Come on, look..." An immortal soldier was surprised and said, "immortal Xiao, still alive!"

"He He's flying up... "

"My God, he He's going to fly to the top of the skeleton temple

But see, Xiao Hua is like a stubborn ant, said to be flying, if not climbing, slowly toward the skeleton view tenacious fly up!

"Just one head!"

"I Just one head... "

Faith supports Xiao Hua, let him fly to the top of the skeleton view!

Time seems to be still. All the immortal soldiers are staring at Xiao Hua's back. Although the silver light is as weak as a firefly, his back is great!

"Green ape..." Huqi reminds me again.

The green ape raised his hand slightly, as if hesitating

At this time, "boom..."

At the top of the skeleton view, a cloud of blood light came down like thunder.

The blood light was so fast that Xiao Hua didn't even have the idea to escape. Thunder had already hit his top door!

Blood light into Xiaohua dingmen, his head of flesh and blood such as water melting, exposed bones!

"What is the means?"

All the immortal soldiers were shocked!

"The green ape did it!" Su min had a strong silver light all over his body. His body rose to the sky and cried, "I'll do it, too!"

"I'm going to save Xiao Xianfeng..." Chen Jin's body also flew out and said.

"Will your God stay here?"

Suddenly, a cold voice rang out in Chen Jin's and Su min's ears.

Chen Jin and Su min were not surprised, but said, "what if I stay here?"

"You don't care..." The cold voice said, "where are the tens of millions of immortal soldiers?"

"You..." Su min is a little impatient, "do you dare to attack them?"

The voice did not answer, only said: "green ape did not start, that little guy is not dead..."

"Boom boom..." That is to say, the top of the skeleton view has blood light and thunder falling down one after another!

A blood vessel of "brush" fell on Xiao Hua's left arm, and his left arm became white bone.

"Brush" a thunder fell on Xiao Hua's right arm, right arm stand into bones!

However, Xiao Hua is still biting his teeth and flying high without hesitation!

One head,

he just needs to take one!

"Come back, let him come back!"

Su min's eyes were a little wet, and he cried out, "even if we can't get a head here, we will win!"

"Come back..."

"Come back!"

According to Chen Jin's word, all the immortal soldiers cried out in unison.

Xiao Hua seems to have heard it. He looks back a little puzzled. The white skull looks strange, but all the immortal soldiers see Xiao Hua's determination!

Because Xiao Hua's body shape is not stagnant!

"Boom..." After the bloody thunder, Xiao Hua's right half immortal body became white bone!

"Boom boom..."

Xiao Hua flies nearly a hundred miles, there are ten thunders, all flesh and blood are annihilated in the thunder!

Only a white bone was left, and there was still a bloody thunder lingering on the white bone.

Although we know that the annihilation of immortal body is not enough to kill Xiao Hua, all immortal soldiers and generals can't help but cry!"Damn it The green ape finally can't restrain, his body shape moved, a big hand patted to Xiao Hua at the same time, low roar way, "absolutely can't let him to the top of skeleton view!"

"Pa..." The green ape beat Xiao Hua down thousands of feet with one palm, and the white bone was not human.

Green ape was a little surprised. He didn't understand why he didn't smash Xiao Hua's white bone with one palm, but just before he reached out again, "hit..." Chen Jin's voice rang out, and immediately saw a golden light coming out of his mouth and hitting the green ape.

But Chen Jin is still far away. His golden light has not yet touched the edge of the water mirror of the 1898 movement. The hand of green ape has already hit Xiao Hua's falling bones

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Xiao Hua Will it fall again?

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