Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1131

Su min pursed his mouth and said: "Chen Buyao, do you want to bet with Su?"

"What bet?" Chen Jin was stunned. He didn't expect that Su min still wanted to bet.

"Xiao Xianfeng will give us an unexpected surprise!"

"This..." Chen Jin grinned bitterly and said, "what's the surprise?"

"I don't know, but I believe him!" Su Min said word by word, "he is a well-known general. He It must be OK

"Well, I'll bet you!" Chen took a deep breath and said, "although I also want to win!"

"If I win, I will send this Xiao Xianfeng to my command..."

"I can't bet with you. You have to find qianyuhan!" When Chen Jingang said this, he raised his eyebrows again and said, "not good..."

Su min looks at it in a hurry, but he sees that Xiao Hua's blood has shrunk to more than a hundred feet. Within the blood, a heavy amount of blood falls from the top of the view and drowns Xiao Hua!

"Despicable demon clan!" Chen Jindi scolded, "this is the soul blood of the demons who cultivate their souls. There are demons in it who attack the spirits. Is Xiao Xianfeng or Qi Xian..."

At the same time that Chen Jin scolds, the immortal soldiers who are a little far away from the battle between the two armies have stopped. They are all surprised to see Xiao Hua fly into the blood.

"And Can you still fly out? "

"I think it's a lot. This kind of blood stain is not an ordinary immortal..."

"Come out, come out..."

All of a sudden, some immortal soldiers began to cheer. They were happier than killing the demon clan.

This cheering provoked the immortal soldiers and Demons fighting in the distance. They couldn't help looking up at the skeleton.

But see blood color such as waterfall, a bright as hook appear, this bright place, "boom boom..." Blood is not burst, really comparable to Wu hook!

And Xiao Hua's body shape is in after snow bright, tear blood color to rush toward skeleton view!

"Why How can it be Even the green ape could not help groaning at this time, and exclaimed inconceivably, "he How can he resist the attack of so many soul destroying demons? "

"You What else do you have? " Pot beg urgent way, "he already approached the skeleton view, definitely can't let him take a head!"



In the distance, a huge sound came from the immortal soldiers who knew they could not get close to the skeleton temple. They all followed Xiao Hua to the skeleton temple!

Xiao Hua seems to have heard the cry of the immortal soldiers, and the soul sword has been cleaved to the end of the blood waterfall!

"Don't worry..." The green ape narrowed his eyes, watched Xiao Hua's figure fly close to the skeleton view, and said, "there are three thousand stars halo outside the skeleton view, which I specially prepared for Chen Jin. This little guy can't get through it!"

"The star halo of 1898? Three thousand The demon body of the pot begging like a gourd gave birth to an ugly smile and said, "that's OK."

"Unfortunately..." The green ape looked into the distance and said in a low voice, "the immortal soldiers of the human race have begun to cease fighting. It must be that Chen Jin has already ordered them to withdraw! The temptation of such a stingy fairy is enough to hold up his face... "

In other words, the green ape slightly side his head and looked at the small sky of Yunyuan, which was still shrinking. The regret in his eyes was even worse than before.

"So many corpses, can't they lead it out?"

Green ape thought secretly.

Xiao Hua naturally didn't know what green ape thought, his eyes only blood red! He urged the soul sword to kill a strange spirit demon that looked like a green bird. The blood color in front of his eyes finally disappeared, and a sea of stars appeared in front of his head!

What a magnificent halo!

A halo of different colors, such as waves, swept through the gorgeous halo in the mid air and fell to another place. The falling halo aroused hundreds of flowers condensed by three colors of light and shadow. These flowers burst in the mid air, but the shadows did not fall. Instead, they converged towards the center of the flowers and produced dark spots.

In the light spot, the extremely dangerous breath gushes out like a sword.

Xiao Hua took a breath of cold air and knew that he could not resist it!

"What is this?"

Xiao Hua squinted and looked up at the other side of the star halo. The heads of the dead were so clear that Xiao Hua could even see their frowns!

"How do you get there?"

"Is it hard to stop here and give up halfway?"

Xiao Hua clenched his lips and couldn't make up his mind. For a moment, Xiao Hua clenched his teeth and urged his body to fly slowly into the sea of stars!

"He doesn't want to live!" Hu Qi sneered, "a Qi immortal dares to enter the star halo of 1898!"

"Yes Green ape some absent-minded, obviously he already knew the outcome, casually said, "he will die no doubt!"

"This It's like the Death Star halo? " Su min in the distance looks at the star halo to reveal and protects the skeleton. Some of them are not sure.

"The immortal star halo that claims to be able to kill the golden immortal!" Chen Jin sneered, "this is green ape for you and me!""That Xiao Xianfeng..."

"Give me orders..." Chen Jin said in a hurry, "ready..."

"Ah?" Before Chen Jin finished, Su min exclaimed, "Xiao Xianfeng has gone in!"

"He's not looking for his own death. It's really unnecessary..." Chen Jin stopped and shook his head.

Sure enough, Xiao Hua had just come near, and the star halo had already passed by like a knife, cutting off most of his silver light!

"Hey, hey..." Looking at the star falling, Xiao Hua was not surprised, but happy. He said with a smile, "this place is the place where others think it's the last resort, but in Xiao's eyes But the road is smooth

With that, Xiao Hua urged the light escape to disappear!

"He He's gone

"What's the matter?"

"Killed by xingyunmie?"

All the immortal soldiers were shocked when they saw Xiao Hua.

"Green ape, green ape!" Huqi cried, "where's that stingy fairy?"

"Ah?" The green ape was also surprised. The blue light flashed in his eyes and said, "really It's gone! "

In addition to fighting in some places, all the Terrans and demons are looking for Xiao Hua.

"There! There! "

Su min suddenly called up, his face showed joy, that joy with joy, where is like a golden fairy?

With Su min's fingers, Chen Jin also saw that at the end of the halo of stars, Xiao Hua flew out in glory. Although the glory was mottled, and there was even blood dripping in some places, his unrepentant move forward was really like the return of the king!



The immortal soldiers cheered!

"I saw him. He He rushed to the star halo... "

"It's incredible that he Who is he

"Immortal Xiao, his name is immortal Xiao!" Xiao Fan is proud to be in the Qingguang of the battle array and says, "I joined Xiao in the tiger education selection together!"

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