Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1130

Su min also looked at the silent battlefield for a while and asked in a low voice, "is Chen Buyao waiting for qianbuyao?"

"Yes and no!" Chen Jin shook his head, "qianbuyao It's not suitable to come out at this time. We are far more likely to fall in this area near the demon league than in other places. If the green ape dares to challenge, he must have something to rely on! "

"Then you..." Su min just said two words, his eyes lit up, because Xu Chong's whole body was full of red flame, and a dazzling spear flew out of the immortal mark between his eyebrows!

"Pa..." Chen Jinshi clapped the seal and roared, "all generals, command the team to attack with all strength, help Xu Chong and Xu tunteng recapture the corpse of the general!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Demon alliance demon clan's crazy action is to hit the soft rib of the immortal General of the Taichong team, but it also aroused their anger. At this time, the attack is three points more crazy than before!

"Not bad!" Su min watched the generals rise up to kill the enemy and nodded, "maybe we can't take all the skeletons from the skeleton view, just take one, that's victory!"

"I'm afraid I'm afraid it's not easy! "

Chen Jin was not optimistic, but worried and pointed out: "although Xu Chong has entered the outer fire formation of the skeleton view, his subordinates who returned to kill have been blocked by the demon formation again. oh This This demon array is strange. It seems that different generals can produce different powers according to their different levels? "

"Wuxu water mirror demon formation?" Su min's face changed greatly, and he called out, "this array is the same as the mirror. Xu Chong is in the realm of immortals. This array has the strength of immortals. No wonder his separation skill has just been broken!"

"How could it be?" Chen Jin also Leng for a while, said, "green ape unexpectedly can cloth such strange demon array?"

"Don't forget the origin of qingniu!" Su Min said with a bitter smile, "since the green ape wants revenge, the demon clan will naturally support it!"

"Trouble!" Chen Jin clenched his fists and said, "this is their demonstration! Are they going to get involved in the war? "

"Xu Chong is lost!" Su min didn't answer. Looking at the red light and shadow flying like a headless fly in the blood light, he said with a bitter smile, "the Wuxu water mirror demon array itself is an extremely complex maze..."

"Just..." Chen Jin, despondent, gritted his teeth and said, "even though Chen has a reputation, he can't let tens of millions of immortal soldiers lose their lives..."

"Chen Buyao..." Su min wanted to talk and stop, which was really a difficult decision.

"Su, go and have a look!" Su min gave birth to the golden light, some absolutely said.

"Su Buyao doesn't have to!" Chen Jin shook his head. "You and I are not real people. Their strength can't compare with that of ordinary people. Besides, there are their shadows behind this concept of human remains..."

"There is something to be done, there is something not to be done!" Su Min said with a smile, "you are the leader of the war. Naturally, you can't do it. Su is just..."

"Why?" Chen Jingang was about to open his mouth when he suddenly looked into the distance and said, "look!"

"Why?" Su min raised his head in a hurry, "is Qianbu Yao gone?"

"No!" Chen Jin shook his head Xiao Xianfeng

Yes, it's Xiao Hua!

Watching Xu Chong urge Xianli to fly to the view of human remains, Xiao Hua doesn't move. He knows in his heart that a celestial being can't accomplish a task, and he can't accomplish it alone.

So Xiao Hua chose to watch the change!

What happened next didn't come out of Xiao Hua's expectation, or even reach Xiao Hua's bottom line. After all, Xu Chong sacrificed Xianli to the immortal array, and the immortal soldiers in the distant array also urged Xianli to return to attack.

However, watching Xu Chong bump back and forth in Xinghao, Xiao Hua also knows that Xu Chong is trapped in the demon array!

Although hundreds of thousands of immortal soldiers return to attack not far away, and tens of millions of immortal soldiers attack angrily in the distance, Xiao Hua knows that he is on the side of the skeleton view and has the advantage of being close to water!

Xiao Hua never evades his Terran position, nor is he afraid of being hurt and falling, so he urges his body to rush into the bloody star of the skeleton view.

Never look back!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua has never been in the blood red. He has long been shrouded by Xinghao. In the face of Xiao Hua, the immortal General of Juyuan immortal realm, the disordered water mirror demon array naturally gives birth to the defense of Juyuan immortal strength!

However, Xiao Hua didn't have any stagnation at all. As soon as he grasped, the thunderbolt of "boom" was just like the anger in his heart, which broke and annihilated Zuo Jinxing.

"Oh?" Green ape is sure to have a good idea, but it's hard to be surprised to see Xiao Hua like this.

Xiao Hua's body shape is ceaseless, a little urge has already rushed through a heavy star!

"Hum..." Green ape is cold hum. He knows better than Chen Jin that there is a mirror rule in the outer layer of the demon array, but is the danger inside a mirror?

Sure enough, without waiting for Xiao Hua to break into the core of the demon array, there was already an immortal flying out of the blood!

"Liao Chengzi?" Xiao Hua is a little surprised, but looking at Liao Chengzi's godless eyes, Xiao Hua already knows that this is the trick of the demon clan!




Xiao Hua's technique of urging thunder has already had more than a dozen sharp cone-shaped thunderbolts pierce into Liao Chengzi's body and smash him to pieces."Xianyou..." Liao Chengzi's only head looked at Xiao Hua strangely and said, "you Did you kill Liu

"Not bad!" Xiao Hua said coldly, "it's you that killed!"

"Liao Liao is still a human

"If you are a human, you should know the overall situation. If you die, you will die. Why do you have to show up again?"

"Ha ha ha!" Xiao Hua's words just finished, a two headed demon clan burst out from Liao Chengzi's body laughing!

"Brush!" Xiao Hua doesn't give Liao Chengzi a chance to talk any more. With a wave of his big hand, the thunder sword flies out, and the two thunder lights kill the demon clan with lightning!

The demon clan didn't believe it until he died. Xiao Hua was so cruel to himself!

"Terran Don't we all care about friendship? Why did he kill me? "

This is the last idea of the demon clan!

The demon clan just died out, "Wu..." There is another evil wind blowing out in front of Xiao Hua's eyes. A huge wind tunnel condenses. There are more than ten vortices in the wind tunnel, each of which has different forces of suction and repulsion. These forces envelop Xiao Hua around, like a big hand rubbing. Seeing the ripples in the space, Xiao Hua's body begins to twist!

"Please..." Chen Jin whispered, "this is the law of the wind imitated by the demon array. I'm afraid Xiao Xianfeng doesn't understand it..."

Unfortunately, before Chen Jin finished, "pa......" Xiao Hua patted his eyebrows, the immortal mark opened, "Wuwu..." Bursts of blue light like debris gushed out, blue light fell into space, instantly turned into a messy hurricane, and scattered around.

Although there are few hurricanes, they fall into the space like snowballs and increase rapidly. It's just a matter of breath. More than ten hurricanes comparable to the whirlpool of wind tunnel have been formed, and they are also rushing to the wind tunnel!

"Ha ha, ha ha..."

Su min clapped his hands and laughed: "I know that although the level of this Xiao Xianfeng is low, his means and strength are higher than his level. The green ape has moved a stone and smashed his own feet!"

The hurricane, like more than ten sharp swords, pierced into the wind tunnel. It not only annihilated the wind tunnel, but also deeply penetrated into the halo of stars. Xiao hualue added the technique of driving the wind to escape, turning it into a gust of wind and easily burst into it!

Facing the seemingly vast starry sky, each star is like a demon family, similar to the star marks engraved on Fengwu in the holy land of a thousand demons. Xiao Hua smiles coldly, closes his eyes and flies into it.

"Quick Look... "

"An immortal will fly into the demon array..."

"Ah? He Is he going to save Xu tunteng

"It's the pioneer!"

"Is he an immortal? How How is that possible? "

Some generals have noticed that Xiao Hua is fighting and whispering in the battle array.

"He's a Qi fairy who can go all out. Why don't you and I try our best?"



The spirits of the immortals are greatly boosted!

"Green ape..." The gourd shaped pot beggar was a little worried and asked in a low voice, "it's strange for this tiny human race..."

"Hum..." The green ape snorted coldly and said, "my water mirror of 1898 was directed by the adult himself, not to mention a little immortal. Even when my aunt shot alone, she would fall down..."

"But..." There was a vine growing on Huqi. He pointed to the distance and said, "he's getting close to the fairy!"

"Damn it The green ape took a look, but his face didn't feel iron green, because Xiao Hua had passed a shortcut that he didn't even know, and was not far away from Xu Chong!

"Don't worry..." The green ape flashed a cold light in his eyes and said, "he can't get close to that fairy!"

Green ape is right. When Xiao Hua saw Xu Chong from a distance, he was very happy. Just as he was about to move his body, his face suddenly changed slightly, because he felt that there was a solid stone in front of his head, and his body could not fly over!

"This What's going on? "

Xiao Hua nahan, his body is flying in other directions. All other directions are normal. There is only a block in the direction of Xu Chong!

Xu Chong didn't see Xiao Hua. He held a firegun, looked around and flew towards a star.

As soon as Xu Chong leaves, the imprisonment in front of Xiao Hua's head disappears!

"I see!" Xiao Hua suddenly said, "when I fly into the starry sky, there is a strong confinement around me, but this confinement is broken by my immortal power. Then, when Xu Chong flies into the starry sky, there must be some confinement around him. This confinement can be broken, but I There's no way to break it, that is to say, I can't get close to Xu Chong, and I can't take Xu Chong out of the starry sky! "

Wake up from the Xiao Hua, and no more hesitation, a turn to fly to another direction!

To save Xu Chong, the only way is to break the array. The skeleton view should be the eye of the demon array!

"Xiao Xianfeng went to see the remains!"

"Why didn't he save Xu Chong?"

Su min is a little strange.

"It's very simple..." Chen Jin explained, "Xu Chong is a celestial being. The water mirror of 1898 gave birth to the attack of celestial strength. This attack is not something Xiao Hua can resist, so he can only retreat!"

"Only by taking a deep cut can we save Xu Chong!"

"It doesn't matter if you can save Xu Chong. As long as you grab a head, Xiao Xianfeng is a great success!"PS: for those who like this book, please go to the starting point( https:book.qidian.cominfo1010594608 )Subscribe to support, vote monthly, vote for a recommended vote, collection, reward, thank you for all forms of support!!

Let's see Xiao Hua break the battle!

, in addition, Wang Ming, who is in the WeChat official account, tries to read, and you can look at it and help to make an opinion.