Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1129

"Damn it The green ape will appear naturally. He looks at the immortal generals flying out of the cloud pillar and cries, "who can tell me what happened? How can Xianjie station come out of here? "

No one can tell him, because the station will fly out, immediately waving the flag, a pair of immortal soldiers flying out from the inside, copied the way back to reinforce the demon soldiers!

"Kill, kill, kill..."

Seeing the appearance of the strange soldiers, the spirit of the immortal soldiers who were blocked by the jichong group was shocked. They also roared and rushed to the demon soldiers, and the advantage of the demon alliance was fleeting!

"Big My lord... " The ape flying general with the iron bar came over, but he didn't dare to get close to the green ape's shadow. He just bowed himself and said, "the Terran is already attacking the interface abyss..."

The green ape looks up, and his eyes are red with blood. Just as the ape people said, there are many colorful rainbow bridges in the place where the interface abyss is located. Although the interface is closed severely, nine out of ten rainbow bridges are broken, but one or two of them can penetrate the abyss. The green ape's eyes have swept by, and several rainbow bridges have been condensed together, and there are teams of immortal soldiers on the rainbow bridge !

"Green ape..." The gourd shaped demon clan shows its origin from the blood color, and says faintly, "since the Terran flies out of the small sky of Yunyuan, the plan to kill some of the immortal soldiers of the Terran has been destroyed. Now we are suffering from the enemy, so we should make a decision as soon as possible!"

"Just a moment..." The green ape closed his eyes and watched Xu Chong's immortal soldiers attack the demon clan. He said faintly, "the time has not come. It's too early to make a decision at this time!"

"Yes, my lord..." The ape people didn't dare to say more, but bent down to leave. The green ape raised his eyebrows and said, "Wu Xiao, as I said before, set up the array!"

the ape people named Wu Xiao hesitated for a moment and quickly turned around.

"Green ape, are you hiding something from me?" The cucurbitaceous demon clan looked at the green ape and asked harshly.

"Hey, hey..." Green ape a tiny smile, say, "pot beg, you wait and see!"

The cucurbitaceous demon clan didn't know what medicine the green ape sold in the gourd. He could only look at the war situation in front of him. The demon formation of the demon clan is obviously not as sharp as that of the Terran. However, with half a stick of incense, the reinforcements that just flew out have been attacked by Xu Chong's men. Dozens of station generals have not participated in the battle, and there are immortal soldiers flying out of their flag.

At the top of the kettle, a blue and blue star burst out!

Without waiting for the starlight to rush out, the green ape raised his right hand and pressed it down with a "pa" sound. He asked faintly, "what are you doing?"

"Kill the dead first!"

"Don't lose face!" The green ape sneered, "didn't you look there? Chen Jin of the Terran, they are waiting to see your joke. If you don't do it, they will have more Jinxian coming! "

"There are not so many rules!" The pot begged displeasantly, holding down the starlight, and said angrily, "kill when you should!"

"This is JieChong, not the demon League. If you don't want to be shameful, I still want it!"

After about half a pillar of incense, the reinforcements of the demon league are completely defeated, and Xu Chong's team has been connected with other teams. And the interface abyss behind the jichong team is also broken through. The demon League seems unable to stop the jichong team's victory, let alone the withdrawal of the jichong team.

Green ape's face gave birth to a fierce color. He looked at Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, which had not yet completely contracted, and whispered a few words.


With a loud noise, the just silent torch suddenly glowed with blood, and a lot of blood colored flames began to burn and rotate from the bottom up!

At this time, Xiao Hua just followed Xu Chong to fly out from the cloud pillar of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!

The bloody fire lights up the darkened interface and ignites Xiao Hua's eyes. Within the bloody fire, a tower like object gradually becomes clear.

When Xiao Hua saw it clearly, he didn't realize that his blood was surging up and his eyes were cracking!

Because it's the heads of hundreds of thousands of Terran generals that come into view!!!

The heads of these generals are piled up in a tower shape. On the head, the eyes that never closed their eyes are staring at the void, and the wisps of blood are still dripping down the tower shape!

Xiao Hua finally understood what he was going to do when he saw the corpses of the war generals dragged by the demon clan on Yuanri!

He couldn't help clenching his fists and swearing, "Damn it!"

"View of human remains!"

Xu Chong also exclaimed to remove the silver light around Xiao Hua!

With Xu Chong's exclamation, his immortal body immediately turned into thousands of fist sized light spots, and rushed to the skeleton view in the form of storm!

But all Terrans, seeing such a miserable situation, how can they restrain themselves?

However, without waiting for Xu Chong to rush to the bloody flame around the skeleton, he just came into contact with the fire wire outside the flame and said, "boom, boom..." The sound of successive explosions sounded, and Xu Chong's light spots were annihilated one after another. As the light spots burst, a faint light and shadow of stars and moon flashed away.

Although it was an instant, Xiao Hua could see clearly that there were countless stars flashing in the light and shadow of the stars and the moon. In each star, there were stars of different colors rotating. The stars overlapped and overlapped, but he didn't know how many layers there were.

What Xiao Hua couldn't see clearly was the murderous opportunity in the overlapping stars!Even as a real immortal, Xu Chong only showed his birth form when he saw the light spot killed. He looked at Xinghao not far away and Xueguang. He clenched his teeth and didn't know what to think!

"Damn it

Chen Jin, who has always been calm, finally stands up, looks at the skeleton view with bright eyes and scolds in a low voice.

"Alas..." Su min sighed and stood up and said, "that green ape has grown up. He knows how to see the weakness of our human race!"

"Yes Chen Jin's face was complicated and said, "this skeleton view is the killer of the green ape. Chen is sure that there must be a demon array around the skeleton view that will kill the real immortal, and this demon array is more than one! The purpose of the green ape is to tempt our Terran generals to take the skeletons and kill our Terran generals... "

"If you don't order to attack and take the skeleton of the general, Chen Buyao will lose the trust of the team, and even our team's morale will plummet, and we won't be able to fight against the green ape again!"

Chen Jin said with self mockery: "Chen boasts that the battle layout is far-reaching, and he got the first chance at the beginning. Who knows that the green ape is more powerful at this time, and directly hits the hearts of our people..."

"My lord..." Chen Jin's seal flashed light and shadow, and a voice came out, "the last general Xue mingbai is willing to lead his troops to fight to the death. Please return the remains of our Terran general!"

"General Jin Yuhan asked for help..."

"General Zhou Qian asked for orders..."


The generals may have different opinions, but they have the same attitude before.

Unfortunately, although the seal flashed wildly, Chen Jin didn't look at it at all. He just looked at it in the distance and said nothing.

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Human skeletons!!?

, in addition, Wang Ming, who is in the WeChat official account, tries to read, and you can look at it and help to make an opinion.