Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1122

"Not bad!" Chen Jin took a look at Qian Yuhan and said, "if it hadn't been for the sudden disappearance of the dishonored cloth and the fall of the three tiger teachers under Qian Buyao's command, Chen would not have found another clue!"

"It's so complicated!" Su min also some can't help but, curious way, "isn't it too ancient fairy clan to start, robbed that dishonoured cloth?"

"Of course, it's the smell of the archaic fairies, but They didn't succeed! " Qianyuhan explained, "because the three HuJiao passed by a JieChong, they found that there was a demon alliance demon tribe invading our fairyland, so they temporarily entered the Yujie heaven. Now it has been found out that those demon clans were put in by the Wen family and led the three tigers into the urn. While in Yujie Tianli, they are selecting, and the three tigers meet immortal Xiao... "

No matter qianyuhan or Sumin, they didn't mention why Wenjia knew about the news, because it was obvious that Chen Jin should have let it out. He wants to test Wen Jia, or the immortal behind Chen Jin wants to test Wen Jia.

When Qian Yuhan finished, Su Minqi said, "where did the copper coin go in the end? Is it true that immortal Xiao or Meijiang took it? "

"They don't know the origin of the cloth. If they take it, they will give it to Qin Xin!" Qian Yuhan said with a smile, "and from the Mo Xiantong and Lei Ming brought back by Meijiang, we can see that there are three possibilities for the copper coin. One is to put it in a tiger sect's trump card, the other is to be taken away by Mei's disciples, and the third is to fall into JieChong again..."

"But..." Hearing this, Chen Jin broke in and said, "no matter what the possibility is, there is no need to pursue it further, because the role of the copper coin has been completed."

"And then?" Qianyuhan asked, "I can't understand Chen Buyao's layout."

"Ha ha..." Chen Jin said with a smile, "when it comes to this point, it's actually the end of our discussion, and Chen basically put it down. However, just after Chen got the news that the green ape was arrayed in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, he suddenly thought of a very long-standing legend. This legend came from the disciples of the archaic fairy family. It said that there was a trace of the palace where Haotian the great emperor lived in the ancient fairyland in Yunyuan Xiaotian, and the basis for finding the trace was empty headed cloth! "

"Is it difficult for Chen Buyao to have an empty cloth in his hand?" Thousand feather cold some understanding, ask a way.

"Yes, Chen got the empty head cloth for immortal Xiao from the Taigu fairy disciple, but it was too long. If it wasn't for the green ape, Chen would have forgotten it."

"How can a Juyuan fairy hold such an important thing?" Su min frowned.

"Chen is also helpless!" Chen Jin replied, "the Wen family already knows that there is a dishonored cloth. But the fact that immortal Xiao attacked and killed a disciple of the Wen family can't be concealed. Since he is the only one who can possibly contact the first dishonored cloth with Meijiang, he can only take it!"

Su min looks at Qian Yuhan. They don't speak. They know that Chen Jin wants to get rid of the relationship with the dishonoured cloth. He doesn't want people to find the origin of the second dishonoured cloth.

"And immortal Xiao is a man of deep fortune. He goes to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing with empty head cloth. Chen is at ease!" Chen Jin went on to say, "facts have also proved another conjecture of Chen. In addition to the ancient aristocratic family, the Taigu fairy family, there are other mysterious forces who are also interested in this ancient fairyland..."

"What do you say?" Thousand feather cold a surprised, hurriedly asked.

"I haven't found out..." Chen Jin shrugged and said, "the immortal I sent to follow Mr. Xiao will be killed unconsciously. Mr. Xiao Also missing... "

"What?" Su min couldn't laugh or cry, and cried, "Su thinks that Xiao Xianfeng is approaching Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. Who knows that he is missing? Since he is missing, what are we waiting for?"

Qian Yu's eyes turned a few times and said, "although immortal Xiao is missing, the time I agreed with him hasn't arrived. Didn't Chen Buyao also say that? He is a man of deep fortune. He has to be near Yunyuan Xiaotianjing quietly

"That copper coin is so important?" Su min asked, "where are tens of millions of generals waiting?"

Qianyuhan shook his head and said, "I don't know. That's what I said before. It needs Chen Buyao to explain."

"It's almost time..." Chen Jin looked up at the distance and said, "if Immortal Xiao can succeed, you will naturally know Chen's intention. If he doesn't succeed, Chen will explain it no later..."

Chen Jin's words just fell to the ground, and in the dark in the distance, "boom..." A very weak vibration, the vibration like a grain of sand into the sea, very little, almost inaudible!

However, there is something special about this vibration, which seems to be a process from nothing to something. A slight sound is like knocking on Chen Jin's heart.

"Why How is that possible? " Even Chen Jin was shocked, "Xiao Immortal Xiao, he How could he really take the dishonoured cloth into Yunyuan Xiaotianjing

"It's a good fortune. It really deserves its reputation!" Thousand feather cold also excited low call way.

Su min didn't know much about it, but he wasn't particularly excited. He asked: "Chen Buyao, empty headed cloth enters Yunyuan Xiaotianjing What celestial phenomena will there be? ""Hey, hey, I can say..." Chen Jin looked up at the darkness, listened to the second vibration, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, do you believe it?"

Qianyuhan and Sumin naturally don't believe it, but Liu Zhifei and Fenghua in Yunyuan Xiaotian completely believe it, because even they don't know what to do and what will happen after they take the dishonoured cloth into Yunyuan Xiaotian, otherwise they won't let Liu Yanyu take a dishonoured cloth into Yunyuan Xiaotian!

However, when Liu Zhifei looked at the shaking of the cloud pillars around him, the golden light gradually bloomed from the depth of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, and the huge light purples became as clear as stars. His face could no longer help but be excited. He held the hand of Fenghua and said incoherently: "we We have finally found the clue to the palace.... "

"Yes, yes!" Fenghua's tears are dripping, "true or false, I don't know how many legends, how many relics, this Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is finally true."

With Fenghua's tears dripping, "Wuwu..." The strong wind comes from the deep of the cloud pillar, and the golden light breaks through the sky and condenses into huge dragon faces. Although the Dragon faces are not clear, the power of heaven and earth is obvious and gradually brewing inside. Especially, around the Dragon faces, the light purple stars circle and fly out, with the emperor's solemn killing all around.

Although Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is in JieChong of demon League, and there are strong interfaces around it, none of these can stop Longxiang from looking up, nor can they stop the stars from rotating, looking for the fairyland atmosphere!

Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is far away from qianyuhan's army tent, but the brilliance and breath of the Dragon phase and the stars break through all the shackles and spread towards the fairyland. With qianyuhan's immortal strength, they gradually feel it.

"Chen Chen Buyao... " Su min almost jumped up and said, "you You're still miscalculating. If you stir up such celestial phenomena before the battle between the two armies, the green ape will surely fall! "

"It's not too late now..." Chen Jin's heart is naturally remorseful, but he got up calmly and said faintly, "the golden light has the meaning of traction. Our team, following the origin of golden light, will be able to attack the green ape and let it follow the example of the green ox!"

"Not bad!" Qianyuhan also stood up and said, "qingape is qingniu's loyal. He always wanted to avenge qingniu. Now it's time to kill him and let them know the strength of our team!"

"Herald!" Chen Jin said with a smile, "let the teams sacrifice the ancient military boats that have been prepared for a long time!"

Su min thought of something and said with a wry smile, "brother Chen has no plans. Su admires him!"

"Boom boom..." The cloud column of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing vibrates violently, and the surface layer bursts. At first, countless purple stars rush out, and then there are golden dragons dancing wildly. The fury has already disturbed the four surrounding areas.

In the past, Xiao Hua's view of human remains was as thick as a mountain. Now it's like smoke. From a distance, it looks like a red torch!

Looking at the golden light, light purple and bloody darkness, countless demon families show their bodies. Although they are different in appearance, animal or bird, their faces are full of fear. Even in the majestic atmosphere, they can't even stand. How can they build a demon array?

Suddenly, a huge purple arc of light flashed like thunder in the dark, and then an ape song came down from the sky. The sound of ape song was full of anger. When the sound fell to the ground, the purple arc also turned into an elliptical star shadow and stopped beside the skeleton view.

"Wu..." In the view of skeletons, the blood color is flowing into the stars, and a fierce ape family is gradually taking shape!

"Wu Xiao..." As soon as the ape clan was formed, it growled, "what's the matter?"

Far away from the skeleton view, in the chaotic demon array, an ape family came with an iron bar in hand. The mane of the ape family stood up. I don't know whether it was fear or anger.

"Green ape..." The ape family named Wu Xiao was flying and shouting, "little Small... "

"Wu..." Seeing that Wu Xiao was flying hard, the green ape put his hand across the sky to cover him. However, when the green ape's arm retracted, "roar..." A dragon appeared from the cloud pillar and smashed the ape's arm!

"Damn it Green ape low scold, watching the Dragon into the dark gradually disappear, really have a kind of powerless feeling!

"My lord..." Wu Xiao flies to, quickly bows a body way, "small also don't know what happened......"

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Eye discomfort, go to the hospital, update late, sorry

, in addition, Wang Ming, who is in the WeChat official account, tries to read, and you can look at it and help to make an opinion.