Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1123

Don't wait for Wu Xiao to finish saying, green ape urgent way: "can have immortal will attack?"

"No!" Wu Xiao replied, "I don't see any shadow of immortal generals!"

"OK..." Green ape relieved, looking at the distant weather of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing said, "so, this is Yunyuan Xiaotianjing's own change, but it's nothing to do with Chen Jin!"

"Nothing, nothing!" Wu Xiao accompanied the smiling face.

Without waiting for the green ape to speak again, "boom..." In the distance, the purple starlight rushes in. The starlight condenses into a spiral shape in the dark, but the gap between each spiral is huge. The starlight is pressed down, and the blood color rushes into the starlight. It is the condensation of a strange demon clan. The demon clan is like a gourd, with two eyes up and down. There is a dark whirlpool around the waist. The sound is from this whirlpool: "green ape, how many times have I told you about this It's close to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. There's a fairyland in it. The battle situation will be affected if you set up the array again, but you won't listen to it! "

"I won't listen. What's the matter?" Green ape a pair of blood red eyes in the flash fierce light, "what bullshit rhyme garden small sky realm!"

"Now what?"

"No way!" Green ape sneered, "fairyland has not begun to attack, we have plenty of time to deal with, and wait for this bullshit Yunyuan Xiaotianjing to stop..."

"Green ape, you are Take a chestnut from the fire

"Haha, Huqi, you know the human language, but it's not right to use it to make a fool of yourself. Hahaha..."

Xiao Hua naturally did not know that so many things had happened outside.

Yunyuan Xiaotian territory, the golden juice condensation has come to an end, a shape like a seal things revealed!

However, there are 365 dragon phases around the seal, and 365 star like runes between them. The color of the runes is light purple, which is brilliant in Liu Yanyu's eyes.

"Big The seal of the great emperor.... " She murmured in a low voice, her face excited uncontrollably, "I think that when this seal was placed in front of Lingyun hall, all the immortals worshiped, and all the world came, how powerful my ancient family was..."

Liu Yanyu said that she wanted to hold the seal of the great emperor in her hand several times. However, the golden light condensed into a strong confinement, and Liu Yanyu could not get close to half an inch!

"Pa..." The last drop of juice drops, the roar suddenly disappears, and the disordered halo fades away like the tide!

"Haw, haw, haw, haw," the three little ghosts whispered, and their bodies began to smoke, as if they were exhausted!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, but quickly raised his hand, and the three empty headed cloth fell into his hands again.

Liu Yanyu didn't pay any attention to Xiao Hua. She just stared at the drop of juice and waited for the moment!

"Roar..." An inexplicable roar of the beast sounded in the unknown place, listening to Xiao Hua's ear divided into palpitations?

"Demon clan?" Xiao Hua turns her head and tries to block Liu Yanyu!

"Brush..." A purple and gold hand shadow flashed by like electricity, holding the condensed seal of the great emperor in his hand!

The seal of the great emperor disappeared, the IMP and the golden millstone disappeared at the same time, and a stone cliff pouring golden waterfall appeared in front of Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu.

When Xiao Hua looked again, he and Liu Yanyu were in a golden pool. The whirlpool in the pool was similar to the so-called mysterious water before!

"Go..." Without saying a word, Liu Yanyu flew to the golden waterfall, and the original chapter of vitality stirred up again.

Xiao Hua followed Liu Yanyu into the waterfall. Liu Yanyu's figure had disappeared into the cliff, and a convex and concave outline remained on the light purple stone wall.

"How can you be so familiar?" Although it was only the outline of the lines, Xiao Hua had an inexplicable feeling, as if unforgettable.

However, Xiao Hua didn't dare to think about it. He also urged his body to rush into the stone wall. The light purple stone wall seems to have many layers, and there are different interface rules between each layer. But Xiao Hua felt that there was an infinite extension of water wave like curve in front of him, and waves of heavy pressure began to emerge.

"Poop, poop..." Xiao Huaxian's body is compressed again!

"The world of color?" When Xiao Hua's heart moved, a huge abyss appeared in front of him. The abyss was full of countless light spots, large and small. Every light spot brewed extremely strong light and heat!

However, Xiao Hua was still wrong. There was no fairy light in the abyss, only the power of the stars and the moon. It was obviously a demon alliance.

"Follow me..." Xiao Hua's figure was just steady, and Liu Yanyu's voice came out in his ear. Then he saw the purple and gold light and shadow under the cover.

Knowing that Liu Yanyu was going to fly out of the abyss, Xiao Hua quickly gave up to resist and flew away with a piece of purple and golden clouds.

Xiao Hua is used to rolling people with his sleeves. It's the first time that he has been rolled with his sleeves. Purple and golden clouds are rippling around, with faint fragrance surging.

"Why is the aroma familiar?" Xiao Hua was surprised, "I When did I get to know sister yu'er so well? "

"Hoo..." The sky wind blows, and the purple clouds disappear. Looking around, Xiao Hua has seen Liu Zhifei and Fenghua not far away!

"Why Why are you again? "

Fenghua was welcomed by Liu Yanyu with a smile. It can be seen that Liu Yanyu's sleeve shakes, and Xiao Hua flies out of it. She doesn't feel that she is in a daze."I've met two elders..." Xiao Hua looked at Fenghua, but also quite embarrassed. After all, people had just warned him that he was shameless again!

"What's going on?" There was a chill in Fenghua's eyes. She looked at Liu Yanyu and asked, "is he following you?"

"Yu'er..." Liu Zhifei didn't think much and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Daddy..." Ignoring Fenghua, Liu Yanyu raised her hand and handed it to Liu Zhifei, saying, "the great emperor seals the seal!"

"Why How is that possible? " Liu Zhifei's face changed greatly, and he said, "how can there be a seal of the great emperor here? In the spirit of my Liu family It's the seal of the great emperor. I Why didn't I feel it? "

"Daddy..." Liu Yanyu whispered, "this It may be the shadow of the seal of the great emperor.... "

"Yu'er..." Fenghua heard this and said angrily, "how dare you tell outsiders the secrets of the clan?"

"Mother..." Liu Yanyu was quite helpless and said in a low voice, "I'll get Xiao Hua's help in Yunyuan Xiaotian, otherwise I won't get it..."

"Cut..." Fenghua glanced at Xiao Hua and said with disdain, "if he recovers his real immortal strength, maybe..."

"This is not the place to elaborate..." Liu Zhifei glared at Fenghua and said, "Yunyuan Xiaotianjing has created a vision. Let's leave first!"

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Liu's got it. What about the Bunian team?