Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1121

"Yes Qianyuhan said with a smile, "it's just a tiger education selection. It's just an accidental whim. He has become my Pioneer!"

"Hu Jiao? "Juyuanxian" Su min's tone is hard to doubt, "this immortal Xiao, with his strength of gathering Yuanxian, can actually explore the real situation of JieChong 167, so that Su's team can avoid huge losses?"

"Ha ha, HuJiao, pioneer, juyuanxian, you don't have to say..." Chen Jin laughed and said, "you don't understand the real face of immortal Xiao!"

"Ah?" Not to mention Su min, even Qian Yuhan was surprised and said, "Chen Buyao, what do you know?"

Chen Jin's shadow stretched out a finger, on which there were thousands of light purple runes, in which there was a sharp light. With the swing of the finger, the light flickered, and I don't know how many rules were annihilated.

"You are still wrong!" Chen Jin's voice, shining with his fingers, sounded mysteriously, "I don't know anything, and I haven't seen this real man Xiao, but I know he is a lucky general! He is a pioneer with deep fortune! "

"Not bad!" Chen Jin's words point to the dreamer. Qian Yuhan can't help but caress his hands and say, "if it wasn't for this little guy, how could I get Linglong? What's more, the cunning Linglong, originally the most difficult task of tiger education, was captured by him after walking in the world of desire. In addition to his good fortune I can't think of any other words

"More than..." Su min also said with a smile, "after you sent me a message, I was also explored. During that time, it seemed that there was only immortal Xiao passing by JieChong 167, and his mission to JieChong 167 was to explore the sky of strange stars and rain? Where Chang Yue almost fell, he rescued her unharmed, and And I got the broken green dragon stele.... "

"Chang Yue, ha ha..." Hearing Su min mention Chang Yue, Chen Jin sneers. He looks at Qian Yuhan.

Sure enough, Qian Yuhan said faintly, "Chang Yue is Su Buyao's man. I thought it was Chen Buyao's arrangement."

"I'm sorry!" Su min was bitter and explained, "Chang Yue went to your team to rob Hu Jiao. Su didn't know in advance. I didn't know until she was saved by immortal Xiao..."

"Why don't I understand that?" Qian Yuhan said faintly, "whether it's Xiao Fan or Chang Yue, he's just a Juyuan immortal. It's OK to be a tiger teacher anywhere. Just tell me. Chang Yue takes my military position as a tiger teacher. How can su Buyao not know?"

"Well, make it clear!" Su min was forced here by qianyuhan, so he had to say, "Changyue is the confidant of the demon lord..."

"How could it be?" Qianyuhan doesn't believe it at all.

"Hey, I don't believe you can ask!" Su Min said with a smile, "I've made it clear. Now you two can Tell me when to wait? "

Qian Yuhan looked at Chen Jin and said with a smile, "let's talk about it separately with Chen Buyao, so I won't be the host."

"The root of this matter is still here..." Chen Jin waved his hand and said, "what's more, the chess pieces are all under qianbuyao's command. How can Chen win the prize?"

"For merit?" Qianyu Han said with a smile, "Chen Buyao has a long layout in this battle. Where can I snatch it by chance?"

Seeing qianyuhan's insistence, Chen Jin said: "Su Buyao, it's like this. You must know some of the previous layout, such as the demon league's attack in the clear sky and the demon league's attack to lure the enemy..."

"Well, Su knows..." Su min nodded, "it's Chen Buyao who wants to stir up the anger of the green ape, so that he can fight to the death with our team in the world!"

"Yes, this is Chen's original plan..." Chen Jin said with a smile, "and Chen also got the information, the green ape began to layout, to set up an array near Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, and invited me to wait in the past..."

Speaking of this, Chen Jin stopped and asked, "brother Su, if you were, would you fight?"

"Of course I won't!" Su min lightly replied, "Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is a changeable place. I remember that not long ago it was still somewhere in Huang Zengtian of our fairyland. Now it is rushing to appear in the demon alliance world, and that world is like a bay, which will be extremely unfavorable to our fairyland war."

"The problem is..." Chen Jin said, "this battle is initiated by Chen. It's so easy for the green ape to enter the urn. How can we give up easily?"

Su min shrugged, even the silver shadow was also obvious, he did not speak.

"And now..." Chen Jin took a look at Qian Yuhan and said, "one thing Qian Buyao said casually attracted Chen's attention."

"Ha ha, it's just a few tigers who teach the mission, and occasionally get a dishonorable cloth, which causes a lot of twists and turns..." Qian Yuhan said at the right time, "I said casually that Chen Buyao should plan a thousand miles. I really admire him!"

"Empty headed cloth?" Su min frowned, "the copper coin that the ancient fairyland used to say?"

"Yes Qian Yuhan said with a smile, "the three tiger teachers went to JieChong to investigate the enemy's situation. They found a dishonoured cloth. One of them sent a message to the dragon in time, the other didn't care, and the third called the deer the horse! Qin Xin, the Dragon Rider, didn't care much about it either, but after questioning, he thought it was different, so he told me in private. I looked at the figure and knew that it was a real immortal in ancient times, so I asked them to bring it back. At that time, Chen Buyao was just discussing another matter with me, so I told him casually. I didn't know that when he patted his head and said that it was not good for the war, he could stir up the conflict between the archaic fairies and the ancient real Fairies in the team. I was puzzled... ""Ha ha, don't say Qianbu Yao, even Su is confused now!" Su min even laughed and said, "it's just a copper coin. How can it stir up the conflict between the Taigu fairy family and the ancient aristocratic family?"

"This copper coin is not a simple one!" Chen Jin said meaningfully, "what does Su Buyao know about the things that the ancient aristocratic family missed most?"

"Nature is looking for the broken fairyland to restore the glory of the ancient fairyland!" Su Min said with a smile, "it's something that ordinary Jinxian may not know. You and I are all commanders of the team. How can we not know?"

Speaking of this, Su min raised his eyebrows and said strangely, "is there a clue to the ancient fairyland on this copper coin?"

"What Su Buyao thinks is right!" Chen Jin explained, "Chen was also a long time ago. By chance, he heard about it from a disciple of the archaic fairy family..."

"Archaean fairy family?" Su Min said with a bitter smile, "what does the Archean immortal family do with the real immortal world of the ancient family?"

"This Chen Mou did not know!" Chen Jin said with a smile, "when you have this thing, you can stir up their conflicts and clean up your team. This is Chen's original plan!"

"What are the plans for the future?"

Su min frowned more deeply!

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Take your time to analyze the truth. If you have any questions, go to the irons and ask the man of heaven

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