Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1120

"Did you kill Shen's disciples?" Liu Yanyu thought a little and said in a low voice, "if there's anything going on in the Shen family, you can tell me with the rhinoceros that the fourth uncle doesn't like the style of the archaic fairies all the time..."

It's a pity that Xiao Hua hasn't answered, "hum..." The space suddenly vibrates, and the golden light and shadow just like a flash of light suddenly turn into substance, and rush to the top of the space like a stormy wave. Then look at the place where the golden waves open, and the silver white water pours down

"The mysterious water of heaven and earth?" Liu Yan Yu Leng, surprised way, "they can grind into what thing?"

Xiao Hua is also confused. He remembers that the earthly millstone can grind tofu, and the so-called mysterious water falls into the millstone

Liu Yanyu's words just landed, "boom boom..." The top of the silver pool began to crack. The pool, the stone cliff and the waterfall twisted and fell into the millstone. The millstone began to make a "squeak" sound, and the speed of the three kids slowed down!

"Boom..." After a cliff fell, another one followed, together with the waterfall and pool water, and the space vibrated again.

"My God!" Liu Yanyu exclaimed, "this Does this golden millstone have to grind the whole Yunyuan small sky

Liu Yanyu really guessed right, and then, one by one, stone cliffs with pools of water and waterfalls fell into the millstone. Although the three kids had a hard time pushing, they only had the empty cloth in front of their head in their eyes. They didn't want to stop at all, so there were strands of sticky juice flowing out from under the millstone and dripping in the air.

"Yes What would it be? "

With the first drop of golden juice falling, there was an extremely dignified breath coming from inside. Xiao Hua was surprised, while Liu Yanyu was ecstatic. They all stared at the juice, and they didn't know what it would be like!

Xiao Hua and Liu yanyujing are far away from JieChong. In the vast darkness, there are countless faint blue lights fluttering like tassels A series of inexplicable thunderbolt comes out and instantly penetrates many barriers. However, the strong interface force in the barriers is like a pair of big hands killing thunder. The flash of thunder lights up the blue light, and there are teams in the blue light!

There are ten thousand people in each team, but their bodies are different, even twisted like ribbons. The thunder has disappeared, and the team in the dark has not been fully illuminated. I really don't know how many immortal soldiers are hidden in the dark!

In the dark blue light, Qin Xin, dressed in ancient armor, looks at the disappearing thunder. The silver light of the body protection covers her locked eyebrows. After a long time, she finally can't bear it. She pats the seal in the beast swallow and says in a low voice: "Lord Jin..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for her to finish, Jin Yuhan's majestic voice came: "you still can't help it?"

"Yes, yes..." Qin Xin took a deep breath and said, "I've been waiting for more than half a month, and I don't see any military orders coming here. A few days ago, Pu Wen, a demon scout from the demon League, came and almost found the whereabouts of the last general's team..."

"Wait!" Jin Yuhan's voice came from the distant darkness, and his tone was as deep as the darkness. "This battle is arranged by Chen Jin and Chen Buyao. I'm just tunteng, and I'm also following the military order. I don't know the specific arrangement, but At present, we may be waiting for an opportunity... "

"An opportunity to attack?" Qin Xin was still puzzled and asked, "the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing It should be a general assembly war, not a sneak attack. What chance is needed? "

"Chen Buyao's layout has always been focused on hitting the target with one strike, and using more magic weapons..." Jin Yuhan patiently explained, "it's too far from here to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. It's hard to use wonder soldiers. It's estimated that Mr. Chen has another arrangement! And

At this point, Jin Yuhan's voice stopped. I don't know whether it was hesitation or interruption of communication.

"My lord?"

If it's normal, Qin Xin will wait, but Qin Xin is a little anxious at this time. After all, the demon clan often visits. If her team is found, it's a big mistake!

"Actually..." Jin Yuhan's voice said, "sometimes the purpose of the war is not the same. It's important to defeat the demon clan and capture JieChong. If you can cut off some adults' unrealistic ideas at the same time, maybe it's more important in the eyes of Mr. Chen!"

"Silk..." Qin Xin took a breath of cold air, and his face was surprised.

"Have you noticed..." Jin Yuhan said, "in the last half of his life, there were many dispatchers in the army, such as the battle of JieChong 377. Oh, by the way, the recent battle of JieChong 167, and several generals of your team..."

"How can the last general's team be involved?" Qin Xin lost his voice and said, "those generals are nothing more than tiger education. At most, they are Juyuan immortals. How can they fall into the eyes of Lord Buyao?"

"Don't forget that JieChong is a special place..." Jin Yuhan said with a smile, "a lot of things, many places can only go to Qixian, and it's easier to do."

Qin Xin had to say more. Suddenly, there was a slight fluctuation in the dark in the distance. Qin Xin's seal flashed wildly. Her face changed slightly. She said in a hurry, "my Lord, there's PU sniffing again. I won't tell you."

"Well, be careful!" Jin Yuhan replied, "it seems that the demons are aware of something too..."As soon as Qin Xin patted the seal, a voice came from inside: "my Lord, you have pu olfactory, the number is far ahead of twice..."

"To strengthen the defense of the battle array, don't cause Pu olfactory alarm..."

With that, Qin Xin closed the seal, and the silver light began to fade. But after a few breath, the silver light faded away, and large rust spots appeared on the ancient armor. The rust spots became gray and gradually spread around Qin Xin, which looked like stones.

Look at the darkness in the distance, and gradually there is a small light splashing from the fish scale shape. At first glance, it looks like a silver fish migrating in a mortal river!

But there are so many tiny lights. It seems almost endless. Where is the world silver fish?

Moreover, as the fine light approached, it revealed the true face of Pu Wen. This Pu Wen was like a dandelion, but it was the top of the fist size. There were more than a thousand hair like tentacles. These tentacles trembled slightly and disappeared into the darkness. Under the tentacles, there was a spiral halo, on which there was a faint flicker of stars and moon.

The tentacles fall in the dark, which makes the halo light and shadow change. However, the light and shadow are either dark green or green red, which are stable. Occasionally, silver white light and shadow appear, and there must be more PU olfactory gathering around. However, once the silver white light and shadow disappear, other Pu olfactory will fly away again like the wind.

Pu olfactory gradually approached Qin Xin's ambush. In the dark, where the blue light disappeared, the whirlpool of thumb size appeared. The whirlpool whirled slowly and quietly. However, from time to time, some green silk could be splashed out. The green silk was like a big tree hidden in the earth's rhizome. It was complex and slender, and could not see the end hidden in the dark.

Pu olfactory flew disorderly around the battle array. Those who floated across the battle array were not attracted by the whirlpool, like falling into the water. When Pu olfactory flew out of the battle array again along the green silk, he could no longer explore.

At the beginning, there was not much smell and there was no difference. However, when the Pu olfactory became thick, the Pu olfactory who inhaled the whirlpool would inevitably collide, and there would inevitably be silver white light and shadow. However, the silver white either disappeared in the wall of the whirlpool, or disappeared before flying out of the whirlpool. It seemed that the left and right sides were similar to those without detection.

After a bag of smoke, Pu olfactory just drifted away like cooking smoke, and Qin Xin, who was transformed into a rock, took a long breath. She is not afraid to meet the demon clan, nor against the demon array, what she is afraid of is to mess up the layout of Chen Jin and Chen Buyao!

"Many birds with one stone?"

All of a sudden, an idea came into Qin Xin's mind: "is this the plan of master Bu Yao?"

Qin Xin coincides with Qian Yuhan.

Near the fairyland, in a huge golden military tent, three figures with silver and white light and shadow are sitting in the middle of the tent. One of them is like a woman, and says with a smile: "Chen Buyao is really good at killing many birds with one stone, but I still don't quite understand..."

Without waiting for the woman to finish, he frowned at a man like figure and said, "what does qianbuyao mean? Did you and Chen Buyao work together to make some layouts that Su didn't know? "

"Ouch..." The first human figure flashed, light and shadow poured out like the Milky way, and a slightly complacent voice sounded, "brother Su, I think so much. Although the battle of Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is Chen's layout, the war situation affects you and me at the same time. How can Chen hide from brother Su? It's just the key to some details Chen, with the help of qianbuyao's command, has not made it clear to brother Su yet? "

"Is it?" Su Buyao is Su min naturally. He seems to be a suspicious person, and his response is a little faint.

Qian Yuhan said with a quick smile: "it's just a coincidence. If I didn't have a pioneer suitable for Chen Buyao's layout, Chen Buyao would not look for me..."

"A pioneer?" Su min was even more puzzled and said, "pioneer Is your task important? "

"Nature matters!" Chen Jin replied, "you and I, three Bu Yao, and our army Waiting for the pioneer

"Chen Buyao!" Qianyuhan also said with a smile, "don't play a riddle, even I don't know the meaning of your hand, let alone Su Buyao who is stuffy in the drum."

"This pioneer Who is it? Do I know? "

Su min is really powerful. His question is to the point.

"If you don't know JieChong before the battle of 167..." Chen Jin said with a smile, "and at this time, as long as Chen points out, you must know."

Su min light answer way: "Xiao true person!"

Su min's tone is not a bit tentative. Obviously, his judgment is not beyond Chen Jin's expectation.

But then he turned to qianyuhan and said, "why is he under your command Pioneer

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Next is a big war. I don't know if you are satisfied with it. Let's see