Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1117

Sure enough, it was just a meal. Liu Yanyu's body was covered with rust, and even had a bronze luster.

Liu Yanyu then got up, opened her mouth and swallowed the tripod into her stomach. She looked at Xiao Hua and asked, "Kung Fu Do you have any more? "

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded hastily, "if the fairy doesn't let me pass it on to his disciples, I will destroy it!"

"Ha ha, no need!" Liu Yanyu waved her hand and said, "a lot of Taigu skills have been annihilated, and some of them can be inherited. But you can keep it a secret for me for the time being... "

"Don't worry, fairy!" Xiao Hua answered quickly.

Liu Yanyu turned her head to look at the pool and said intentionally or unintentionally, "please call me sister Yu Er."

"Well, well..." Xiao Hua was overjoyed and nodded desperately, "I know, sister yu'er!"

"Sister yu'er" is mixed with Liu Yanyu's complicated mood. She is entrusted, courted and sold well. Unfortunately, under Xiao Hua's surprise, she can't tell.

"Have you practiced the original part of Yuanqi?" Liu Yanyu looked at the whirlpool and frowned.

"Well, I've seen some, but I don't have any special cultivation..." Xiao Hua understood Liu Yanyu's meaning and explained in a hurry, "if I practice another kind of skill, I should be able to go down if I can resist the mysterious water of heaven and earth in Yuanqi primitive chapter!"

"Well, you try first..." Liu Yanyu said, "if not, I'll go down and save you!"

"Good!" Xiao Hua promised and fell into the pool.

A little embarrassed!

Under the mysterious water of heaven and earth, everything on Xiao Hua's body surface is restored, and only a light golden light can resist the erosion of silver white mysterious water.

Liu Yanyu had no wave in her heart, but her eyes couldn't help looking away.

After Xiao Hua fell into the pool and disappeared, Liu Yanyu was relieved and sighed: "this Xiao Hua is so powerful. Is there any skill in this world that can resist the mysterious water of heaven and earth better than Yuanqi primitive chapter? Hope I hope you can get along with him

Later, Liu Yanyu's whole body developed a bronze luster, and she jumped into the water, thinking that the same water had just been passed by a male immortal, and she had no body. Liu Yanyu felt uncomfortable.

Xiao Hua naturally carried the waterfall on his back. He could not imagine that the mysterious water could resist easily.

"Go..." Liu Yanyu is very satisfied with Xiao Hua's back. She whispers a word and takes Xiao Hua to fly forward again.

This flight is more than ten days, even Xiao Hua can't remember how many waterfalls he flew!

However, it's strange that the previous anxiety did not reappear. Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu chatted with each other, and time passed quickly. Besides chatting, Xiao Hua also collected the so-called treasure.

Of course, except for the first time, it was Liu Yanyu who jumped into the pool first. She didn't want the "strange" male immortal to go down first.

In addition, during the Yuan Dynasty, Liu Yanyu's original works of vitality also made rapid progress. Xiao Hua's Fairy baby had already realized it before, and now she borrowed Xiao Hua's words to tell Liu Yanyu about it, which really made Liu Yanyu look at Xiao Hua with new eyes.

"You are worthy of reincarnation..." Liu Yanyu thought, "it's more than enough to protect her in the future!"

Another half month later, Xiao Hua could not help but ask in a low voice, "sister yu'er, why haven't you arrived yet? You Are you taking your little brother to hide and seek

Liu Yanyu did not answer directly, but asked: "Star Palace seal, how long have you sacrificed?"

When Xiao Hua was about to speak, Liu Yanyu didn't wait for him to speak at all. Then she said, "the complexity of Yunyuan's Xiaotianjing is not much smaller than that of Zhixing palace seal. If I don't have the imperial secret technique, how can we be so relaxed?"

"Emperor's secret skill?" Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said, "what kind of skill is this?"

"You know both the archaic and the archaic..." Liu Yanyu's eyes flashed with light gold. She was still flying forward. She was not impatient and said in a low voice, "I The Liu family is the empress of the great emperor Haotian in ancient times! "

Xiao Hua was startled and blinked: "that So Isn't sister yu'er a princess

"Cut..." Liu Yanyu waved her hand and said, "I don't want to be a princess, and now the ancient family is declining. If I am a princess, I won't be killed by heaven!"

"Actually..." Xiao Hua rubbed his hands and was embarrassed to say, "I only know about the ancient family and the archaic fairy family. It's the first time I've heard about the emperor Haotian in my sister's mouth!"

Liu Yanyu squinted at the cliff in front of her head and said, "the so-called emperor Haotian is called Haotian because of its vast vitality. If you look far at the sky, you will be called the heaven. No one can respect you more than the emperor, so you are called the emperor."

"The secret skill passed by emperor is naturally the magic power passed by Emperor Haotian..."

"The name of the emperor should not be defiled..." Liu Yanyu reminded: "Haotian is not easy to export!"

Xiao Hua hastened to smile: "yes, yes, I don't understand. I've offended you!"

"What do you say?" Liu Yanyu was lonely and said, "after the fall of the emperor, the fairyland collapsed, the inheritance disappeared, and the palace of the emperor disappeared into the void. Our ancient family is on the verge of being ordinary. If we want to recreate the glory of the emperor and welcome his return, we must first find the palace of the emperor, Lingxiao.... ""Ah?" Liu Yanyu's words include that there were too many secrets in ancient times. Xiao Hua couldn't inquire about them one by one for a while, but when he heard "LingXiao palace of the emperor", he lost his voice and cried: "LingXiao palace?"

"Yes Liu Yanyu's eyes seemed to pass through time and space, and she said, "it's said that in the past, the emperor was sitting on the top of the celestial world, commanding all the immortals and dominating all the world. What a beautiful scenery..."

"This The name seems familiar! " Xiao Hua's eyebrows are locked. He rubs his right thumb on his temple and thinks hard.

"It's normal for you to hear that..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "there are many legends about the fall of the emperor, whether in the fairyland or in the mortal world, even me Can't tell which is true and which is false! "

"Fairyland collapse..." Xiao Hua suddenly asked, "what about the fairyland now?"

"I don't know..." Liu Yanyu shook her head. "I can only see from the records within the clan, and then it's Secret I don't know. I shouldn't have told you so much, but I come to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing just for the sake of the temple. You need to see the vision in a moment. I'd better tell you! "

"Don't worry, sister yu'er. I'll keep my mouth shut!"

"Well, I believe you!" Liu Yanyu smiles sweetly. She feels relieved to have Xiao Hua.

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something. He carefully asked: "by the way, sister yu'er, since the Liu family is the empress of the great emperor, is there any in the clan What about the meta gods

"What do you want to do in the chapter of Yuanxing deity?" Liu Yanyu did not answer, but asked in reverse.

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Haotian emperor and Lingxiao hall are ancient mysteries. The fairyland is getting better and better!

, in addition, Wang Ming, who is in the WeChat official account, tries to read, and you can look at it and help to make an opinion.