Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1118

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and quickly replied, "my elder sister should know that my younger brother's spirit is rare when he steps into the fairyland with the body of an immortal baby. I have a chance to get the seven spirit fragments, and I benefit a lot from casting the spirit. After that, my younger brother got other fragmentary articles one after another, but they are not complete until now. If there is one in my elder sister's family, my younger brother wants to put together the original spirit articles... "

Liu Yanyu frowned and still didn't answer. A moment later, she said, "as far as I know, there is a chapter about Yuanxing deities in the clan, but it's as incomplete as the original chapter about Yuanqi. The Yuanxing Shenshen chapter is different from the Yuanqi primitive chapter. The cultivation is extremely dangerous. There are not many people practicing in the clan, that is, the fourth uncle has achieved a little in the cultivation. So I don't know what's missing. Besides, the Yuanxing Shenshen chapter, like the Yuanqi primitive chapter, is a treasure within the clan... "

"Hee hee..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "sister, don't worry. In the three souls, the younger brother has the casting method of fetal yuan in his hand, and in the seven spirits, there are the casting methods of corpse dog, Fu arrow and queyin. The younger brother is willing to exchange these fragments with the Liu family!"

It's not Xiao Hua who keeps a secret from Liu Yanyu. He knows that the decision-making power is not in Liu Yanyu's hands, so Xiao Hua hides one from each other.

Suddenly, Liu Yanyu caressed her hand and said, "it's better for me to report this to the patriarch when I go back. No, tell you about it. Let her go to the patriarch. It will be done."

"Great!" Xiao Hua was also happy and said, "I'll give the secret to my sister!"

"No!" Liu Yanyu waved her hand in a hurry and said, "don't worry about it at this time. I'll let you know when I get the news."

"Hee hee, thank you, sister!" Xiao Hua is overjoyed and quickly hands another rhinoceros to Liu Yanyu.

Liu Yanyu took a look at Chuanxi, hesitated for a moment, but took it.

What else did Xiao Hua want to say, but suddenly something strange appeared in his heart. He looked up at the location of a waterfall in the distance, and was a little surprised and said, "eh? Sister yu'er, is it there? "

"How do you know?" Liu Yanyu didn't find anything unusual. She said with a smile, "I haven't seen any special signs yet!"

"Feel!" Xiao Hua didn't know why. He thought there was something familiar in front of him.

Naturally, Xiao Hua didn't know that he had seen the so-called Lingxiao hall as early as his childhood, but his memory was broken and he couldn't remember it at all.

"And Really... " Looking at the waterfall, Liu Yanyu was surprised and said, "you Why do you feel so strange? I didn't feel anything before, but when I got here, I felt something? "

"I don't know!" Xiao Hua told the truth.

Liu Yanyu's eyes turned from the waterfall to Xiao Hua, and her gaze made Xiao Hua unnatural. Just when Xiao Hua wanted to speak, Liu Yanyu asked, "are you really the reincarnation of a real immortal from the business alliance, not the reincarnation of an immortal from my ancient family?"

Xiao Hua understood what Liu Yanyu thought and said with a smile: "sister yu'er, the reincarnated immortal of the ancient family Did you find anything? "

"Yes! Why not? " Liu Yanyu sighed, "if not, how could my ancient family decline?"

Xiao Hua touched his nose and said with a bitter smile, "sister yu'er may be disappointed. I'm not the reincarnation of an ancient immortal."

"All right!" Liu Yanyu answered and flew to the waterfall. Looking at the whirling pool, she looked excited. She said in a low voice, "finally here, this is an unprecedented breakthrough for my Liu family. I I'm really looking forward to it. I don't know if it's the remains of the palace or the real palace... "

"Just go down and have a look?" Xiao Hua encouraged.

"That's right. Only by looking at it can we know..."

Liu Yanyu seemed to answer Xiao Hua, and she also seemed to talk to herself. As she spoke, her figure flew down the pool, and Xiao Hua's eyes looked around as usual.

As soon as Liu Yanyu's body touched the pool, some gold wires came out, and the gold wires fell into the bronze luster of Liu Yanyu's body, which derived thousands of runes. This Rune was like the sun, the moon, the mountains and rivers, smashed the bronze luster. The broken bronze luster condensed around the rune, showing the shape of heaven and earth. The inexplicable fluctuation began to impact Liu Yanyu's immortal body.

"Xiao Hua..." Sensing the strangeness of her body, Liu Yanyu said, "it's different from before. It's a test. You have to use the original spirit. You If you can't, stay here and wait for me... "

While talking, Liu Yanyu's body has already gone into the pool. Xiao Hua turns her head and looks down. The silver pool is covered with glittering Liu Yanyu, which makes Xiao Hua feel puzzled.

"I What's the matter with me? " Xiao Hua quickly moved his eyes away from the golden curve. He was quite puzzled and said, "can't even a little simple lust be controlled?"

Xiao Hua's eyes fell to the side. He thought of something in his heart. He felt a trace of regret: "Alas, this time it's for nothing. King Yao Xing and Kuangshi still have something to gain here. I followed sister Yu Er all the way, and I didn't touch anything except some junk!"

"Ah?" Under the pool, Liu Yanyu's surprised voice suddenly came out. Xiao Hua quickly put aside the mess in his mind and took a deep breath to urge Yuanqi to fall into the silver water.

Sure enough, the same golden light dyed Xiao Hua's immortal body golden, waiting for the wave to impact Xiao Hua's body of the first light. Some broken messages and countless shadows of the palace fell into Xiao Hua's mind!LingXiao palace!

Although the fragments of the palace were incomplete, Xiao Hua immediately recognized that it was LingXiao palace, and his inexplicable familiarity came from his heart.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, but quickly closed his eyes to understand the mystery of the wave.

It seems to be desolate, it seems to be dead, and it seems to be the unification after prosperity. Xiao Hua seems to feel an inexplicable place, the loneliness of the decline of a towering palace!

Xiao Hua tried his best to remember the message. He seemed to know something, but if he wanted to recall I can't.

"Xiao Hua..." In Xiao Hua's ear came Liu Yanyu's bitter voice, "I We seem to be wrong again. There's no clue to the palace... "

When Xiao Hua opened his eyes, he suddenly found that he had come out of the waterfall and was in a golden space.

There is nothing in this space but a golden light that can't be seen directly like the scorching sun!

"When you just passed through the pool, didn't you realize anything?"

Xiao Hua had no reservation about Liu Yanyu and asked in a low voice.

"Understanding?" Liu Yanyu's snow-white face was cast like gold in the golden light. Looking at Xiao Hua, she shook her head and said, "no!"

"Well Isn't there some golden light and fluctuation? "

Xiao Hua can't help reminding.

When Liu Yanyu heard this, she had a fever on her face. Since Xiao Hua saw the golden light, she could see something else!

"Well Those are useless... " Liu Yanyu explained, "it's a test of course, it may be a cover up, it may be the glory before the annihilation of the fragments of the palace. Such a place, so many years, we don't know "

" this Isn't that a clue? "

Xiao Hua was in a show off mood, but now his interest is greatly reduced.

Liu Yanyu hesitated for a moment, seemed to comfort Xiao Hua, and asked: "you What do you realize? "

"It's just some fragments of the palace..." Xiao Hua became more and more confused. As he spoke, he raised his hand and showed the light and shadow of a towering Lingxiao hall.

"You really..." Liu Yanyu was surprised. After all, when she passed the golden light, she didn't feel anything. However, before she finished speaking, "brush" the golden light separated a wisp. It was on the light and shadow that the light and shadow suddenly increased. For a moment, there was only the momentum of the real palace. Then the golden light generated suction, and "whoosh" the light and shadow of the palace flew into the golden light.

At the moment of entering the palace, Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu's eyes were full of endless light and shadow of Lingxiao hall!

However, in the light and shadow, Xiao Hua and Liu Yanyu exclaimed at the same time: "ah? This What does that mean? "

Because, that group of golden light gives birth to Lingxiao hall light and shadow, but also reveals the truth, it is a golden millstone!

In particular, in the three places beside the millstone, there are three ferocious looking imps, three imps holding the golden pole from the millstone, with strange smiles on their faces.

Looking at the smile on the kid's face, it was clearly a kind of greed and a kind of happiness from the heart. Xiao Hua understood it and said tentatively: "Mo Is it money that makes the devil push the mill? "

"Yes, yes!" Liu Yanyu also came to her senses and was pleasantly surprised. "Money can make ghosts push the mill! No wonder my father gave me a copper coin when he came in

, as like as two peas, Liu Yanyu put out a thing, and it fell in the eyes of Xiao Hua. Xiao Huaren could not help to change his face. Is it just another identical cloth?

"Where is it?" Liu Yanyu didn't pay attention to Xiao Hua's expression. She slowly flew to the millstone and the imp. she frowned and said, "here are three imps, one millstone. Is it on the millstone?"

Xiao Hua's guess is right. Liu Yanyu doesn't have to fly there at all. After the cloth is taken out, the three kids' eyes are bright at the same time. They are flying down from the sky with a grinding plate. The golden light, which can't be looked directly at, is very dim now.

Seeing a dragon horse pulling a cart, a dragon towing a boat, and three kids dragging a sun like millstone to fly down are also eye openers for Xiao Hua. However, when Xiao Hua sees this, he is surprised and flies to block Liu Yanyu for fear of any change. However, the three kids and one millstone fly behind and stop in the air. It's not unusual for the three kids to stretch out their right hands at the same time, but Liu Yanyu Looking at Xiao Hua's back, there is something strange in his eyes!

"This How do you feel familiar with this figure? "

Liu Yanyu was a little surprised.

"Put Give me the copper Xiao Hua leaned slightly, stretched out his right hand, and did not look directly at Liu Yanyu.

"Well!" Liu Yanyu naturally agreed and handed the cloth to Xiao Hua.

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What's the relationship between weird imps and weird millstones and Lingxiao hall?

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