Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1116

"To teach fairies to know..." Xiao Hua glanced at the convex curve in the shadow of Liu Yanyu's arm and quickly explained, "I'm lost. I don't know how to get out. It's so nice to meet a fairy now!"

"Hee hee..." Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "even this one is lost. How can you carry out military affairs?"

"No way!" Xiao Hua scratched his head and said with a bitter smile, "born to love to get lost."

"Have you finished your military?"

"So it is." Xiao Hua thought for a moment and said, "it's just to send something here. Just throw it here before you leave."

"That's good!" Liu Yanyu nodded, "you wait for me in this heaven, take me back, take you out!"

"That's it Xiao Hua looked at the place where the waterfall was rushing down and finally understood. He nodded and said, "then I'll go with the fairy..."

"You?" Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua and said with a smile, "I'm afraid you can't do it. This mysterious water can't be resisted by ordinary immortals!"

"That's fine!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "I'll accompany the fairy to the entrance of the lower heaven. I'll wait for the fairy at the entrance!"

"Hee hee, the entrance is not the exit!" Looking at Xiao Hua, Liu Yanyu also had a strange closeness in her heart. She didn't think much of it. She said that her body was flying, her eyes were pale gold, and she looked around.

Xiao Hua followed Liu Yanyu. It was only at this time that he found that Liu Yanyu was more than 100 Zhang at this time. She was as high as herself, far from being as unattainable as before.

What a coincidence Xiao Hua had no words to find, and asked, "the fairy also came to Yunyuan Xiaotianjing. I don't know what the fairy is looking for?"

"What are you doing here?" Liu Yanyu did not reply, "why do you ask me if you don't say it?"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua smiles. He doesn't care what to answer. He just can speak.

"Oh, yes..." Liu Yanyu seemed to think of something and said casually, "that Star Palace seal, you need to make a good sacrifice. One day, if the sacrifice is successful, it will be good for you."

"Hee hee..." Xiao Hua's heart was warm. Just as she was about to answer, Liu Yanyu let out a low cry. Her figure suddenly flew up and said with a smile, "it's here!"

Xiao Hua followed Liu Yanyu to a cliff and waterfall. He looked around and looked at it again. He never found the difference between them.

"OK..." Liu Yanyu didn't intend to explain, and said, "close your eyes. I'll go down from here and come back to you when I turn around."

"Good!" Xiao Hua stretched out his little finger and said, "it must be true. Do you want to pull the hook?"

"Go..." Liu Yanyu yelled, "go and hook up with yu'er!"

With that, Liu Yanyu couldn't help laughing. She waved to Xiao Hua and thought of the whirlpool in the pool.

Xiao Hua knew that Liu Yanyu's clothes would disappear again. He quickly closed his eyes, but the wonderful lines still appeared.

Xiao Hua hurried to think about jiuxia and wanted to drive out the line, but it happened that jiuxia's beautiful appearance appeared, and he could not reduce half of the line.

"Ah..." Xiao Hua is fighting between heaven and man. Liu Yanyu's low cry rings in his ear. Xiao Hua is shocked. He opens his eyes quickly and sees Liu Yanyu's red body. Half of her body is not in the pool, but the snow-white skin on the water is full of rust!

"No!" Xiao Hua was worried and couldn't think much about it. His figure urged him to rush over, but he didn't know where to grasp when he raised his hand!

Liu Yanyu's face was burning red. Her left hand covered her chest. Her right hand raised and grasped Xiao Hua's right hand. It was as cold as snow. Xiao Hua quickly grabbed Liu Yanyu and pulled her out of the water!

At this time, Xiao Hua learned to be a good boy and didn't look back at all. He flew out with Liu Yanyu and immediately turned his back to her.

Liu Yanyu takes a look at Xiao Hua's back, expels the mysterious water on her body, and sits down with her knees crossed.

"Good Ok... " Liu Yanyu had clothes on her body. She said weakly, "I want to exercise martial arts. You are here to help me protect the Dharma!"

"Well, well..." Xiao Hua agreed and looked back at Liu Yanyu sitting there with her knees crossed, a kind of familiarity that seemed to be born out of thin air.

Liu Yanyu's body is covered with rusty spots of copper. With her skill, the color of ancient copper flickers around her body and gradually removes the rusty spots. However, after half a column of incense, the light and shadow are scattered, and some rusty spots are still deep in the immortal body, which has never been expelled.

"Alas..." Liu Yanyu accepted the skill, sighed softly, and said, "I'm afraid it's not good to completely expel. It's the only way!"

Xiao Hua seemed to be immersed in the past, a little absent-minded. At this time, after listening to Liu Yanyu's words, he said casually, "the fairy should do more exercises. The rust seems to be very severe. It's harmful to the immortal body if he doesn't expel it!"

"It's the incomplete skill, it's not that I don't work hard, there are some places I can't understand..."

"Oh..." Xiao Hua answered, and suddenly he was a little disillusioned. He patted his forehead and said with a bitter smile, "don't blame me, fairy. I don't know what's going on today. I'm a little lost!"

"Who said no?" Liu Yanyu also murmured to herself, "it's really puzzling!""By the way, just now the fairy's secret skill It's like Taigu Gongfa... " Xiao Hua said tentatively, "look at this skill I'm a little familiar... "

"Oh, you know Taigu?" Liu Yanyu chuckled, but when she said that, she regretted it, and quickly explained, "I'm sorry, you You are the reincarnation of a real immortal. I have forgotten. "

"It doesn't matter!" Xiao Hua said, "what is the skill of fairy? I can't say I've come to the Business League all the time! "

"Ha ha, it's impossible!" Knowing Xiao Hua's kindness, Liu Yanyu said, "this is a remnant of the ancient Zhuyuan. Even Yuxian has only his name..."

"The remnant of Zhuyuan?" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, laughed and said, "I really haven't built the original remnant..."

"It's ok..." Liu Yanyu said, "I'll have a rest..."

At this point, Liu Yanyu looked at Xiao Hua's smile with an indescribable spirit. As soon as her words changed, she was ecstatic and said, "are you..."

"I have a chapter on building the original, and a chapter on building the beginning, which together is called the original of vitality!"

"Really Really? " Liu Yanyu grabbed Xiao Hua's hand and said in surprise, "come on, show it to me, see if it's true!"

"Well, well..." As Xiao Hua nodded, she took out a bronze tripod shaped immortal utensil. Liu Yanyu loosened her hand and took over the tripod with some trembling. She raised her hand a little and burst out 9981 air threads with different colors. These air threads condensed together to form a scroll like air column. With the air column rolling, the handwriting of "Yuanqi primitive chapter" appeared in it!

"No It's impossible, isn't it? " Liu Yanyu looked at the five tadpole like characters and said in a low voice, "pinch me to see if you are dreaming!"

"I dare not!" Xiao Hua turned his lips and said casually, "you'll kick me down in a moment!"

Liu Yanyu was stunned. She turned to look at Xiao Huaqi and said, "what are you talking about?"

Xiao Hua also touched his chin and shook his head blankly: "I don't know, nonsense!"

"Hee hee..." Liu Yanyu laughed and asked, "how to price this thing? I'll take it... "

"It's expensive..." Xiao Hua squinted and said.

"Well, well, you say!" Liu Yanyu spewed out a breath of pure Qi, which fell on the column of Qi. The five big words in the original chapter of Yuanqi still turned into eighty-one threads of Qi and poured into Liu Yanyu's mouth and nose.

"It's worth..." Xiao Hua stopped for a moment and said, "the name of the fairy!"

"Cough..." Liu Yanyu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly coughed. Her Qi almost didn't choke her!

Looking at Liu Yanyu's flushed cheek, Xiao Hua said with a smile: "I'm so abrupt. Don't blame me, fairy. This thing belongs to Xiao. It's not from the business alliance. I don't want any Qian Jing. Just take it, fairy!"

"All right!" Liu Yanyu looked at the small tripod, pondered for a moment, said, "take this thing for the Star Palace seal! What do you think? "

"Well, well!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"And bring the seal of the Star Palace. There is my seal of the yuan God in it!"

"Hee hee, OK!" Xiao Hua handed out the seal with a smile.

As soon as Liu Yanyu grasped it, the purple and golden light and shadow fell on it, and a wisp of blood and shadow with light purple flew out.

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu was shocked. Looking at Xiao Hua, she said, "you How can you finish refining the seal of the Star Palace? "

"Fluke, fluke!" Xiao Hua smiles with her.

Liu Yanyu stared at Xiao Hua for a long time and sighed. The seal of Xinggong, which had been refined by Xiao Hua, actually belonged to Xiao Hua. However, Liu Yanyu didn't say any more. She inhaled the gas and sat down with her knees crossed. A little tripod fell on her chest. Liu Yanyu put her hands around the tripod and her body was full of bronze.

However, just a moment later, Liu Yanyu opened her eyes and frowned, "how is your Zhuyuan chapter different from mine?"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua also Leng, strange way, "what's the difference?"

Liu Yanyu didn't have any taboos either. She took out the remnant of Zhuyuan. Xiao Huayan swept it away and exclaimed: "worry free Heart Sutra?"

Xiao Hua was not surprised. At the beginning of the remnant chapter of Zhuyuan in Liu's family, it was the most basic method of refining Qi, which was used by archaic gas refiners. However, this method of refining Qi was clearly Xiao Hua's "no worry Sutra" since he was a child!

"This What's going on? " Xiao Hua was confused. "How can the skills of Honghuang divine world appear in the fairyland? Or the Taigu gas refiner? "

"What worry free Heart Sutra?" Liu Yanyu was puzzled and asked.

Xiao Hua absorbed his mind and said with a smile, "where did you come from?"

"It's a secret in my family!" Liu Yanyu did not hide, saying, "yes It's from the ancestors... "

"Oh, there are some skills in it, which I have seen before..."

"Well, that's normal!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "this skill is incomplete. Behind it are the shadows of the elders who borrowed other skills from the fairyland!"

"Well, that makes sense!" Xiao Hua nodded, then looked at it carefully and said, "fairy, don't worry. Your skill is incomplete. My skill I have learned before, it should be the most complete! If you don't believe it, you will know when you practice! ""Good!" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "I believe you!"

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Wuyouxinjing, wuyouxinjing was originally used by Taigu Qi refiners. However, who sent it to Shenzhou market?

In addition, Wang Ming's official account of WeChat is in the public section of "Duan Duan". Try it, you can see it and help to make an opinion.