Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1115

Waterfalls and pools are obviously confined, and Yannian cannot penetrate them. Before Xiao Hua flew to the waterfall, he was just about to pass through it. The splashing water fell on Xiao Hua and made a "zilala" sound. Even Riying's body was corroded to a great extent.

"I'll go..." Xiao Hua is in a daze. Such a ferocious water drop is the first time in fairyland.

Xiao Hua certainly won't let go of these strange things. His mind turns into a funnel, and the water falls into it, and he brings it into space.

Xiao Hua is in no hurry. He simply sits under the waterfall with his knees crossed. He begins to take 10% of the water from the waterfall, and then 20%. Finally, greedy Xiao Hua catches the whole waterfall with his heart, and the water flows into his space continuously!

The waterfall no longer falls, and the whirlpool of the pool gradually disappears. When the water surface is as smooth as a mirror, the waterfall and cliff disappear.

"Oh?" Xiao Hua nodded and saw the change of the pool, but his heart moved. He said, "is the pool the way out at this time?"

Xiao Hua waited another day, and when the water in the space converged into a lake, he raised his hand and threw a crystal stone into the pool in the distance.

The crystal stone falls in the pool silently, even without a ripple, it turns into nothingness!

Xiao Hua thought about it for a moment, then took out all kinds of materials from the space, and even threw them into it. None of them could make a ripple, and none of them could exist in the water.

"Damn it Xiao Hua scolded, "it's too weird here!"

It's impossible for Xiao Hua to easily test his immortal body. He looks at the straight cliff and hesitates whether he will rush over.

Because in Yannian's eyes, the cliff is the cliff. Xiao Hua doesn't know if he will get a big bag when he bumps into it!

"It's a pity that Xiaoyin is not here, otherwise you can let him look around!"

Xiao Hua left under the cliff. As soon as he left, the silver waterfall poured down again, blocking the cliff.

"Why? What is it? "

It's just another breath of incense. Xiao Hua sees half of the red jade Ruyi thrown by a pool. The red color can be seen all the way. It seems to be a pool of blood.

Xiao Hua raised his hand and took it. He squinted at it. An unspeakable familiarity came from his heart!

"Is blood all right?" Xiao Hua vaguely feels that this thing is related to blood Guanyin!

He didn't want to explore here. He collected half of his blood and continued to find a way out.

It was like a headless fly walking for a few days. Xiao Hua lost his way more and more. There was no movement when he held the cloth in his hand. However, in addition to the blood, Xiao Hua found some incomplete immortal tools.

At this point, Xiao Hua also understood that there was no treasure left in Yunyuan Xiaotian. If there were more fairies, there would be more treasures left. If the fairies were real Fairies in ancient times, the treasure would be precious. It's impossible for Yunyuan Xiaotianjing to give birth to a treasure!

In addition to the immortal utensils found, the lake in the space has increased several times, and the disciples of Zaohua sect began to use the water drops to quench their bodies or refine the elixir.

"Do I think too much?" Xiao Hua said with a frown as he flew, "I'll just throw in the dishonoured cloth outside Yunyuan Xiaotianjing? In other words, I don't have to go into Yunyuan Xiaotianjing and take out the dishcloth outside. Then I will come in by myself? "

Now it's too late to think about anything. I can only think about the way to get out of trouble. Fortunately, there are many immortals in Yunyuan Xiaotian, which is a good place to practice.

"Brush..." Just as I thought, on a cliff not far away, a figure suddenly appeared in the pouring waterfall. The figure was concave and convex, just like a woman who didn't wear an inch of wisp!

Xiao Hua unconsciously saw the body. He didn't smell it back for a moment. He was staring at the woman. The woman flew out of the waterfall with a milky halo. The body was covered by light, and she was quickly transformed into an apricot yellow dress!

In addition to the apricot yellow clothes, the light gold and light purple light echo each other, which can flash and change into mottled fragments hidden on the clothes, and the beautiful appearance of women is revealed in the light.

"Ah?" It was not until here that Xiao Hua woke up. He lost his voice and whispered. His eyes fell on the woman's face. There was an inexplicable familiarity in his heart.

But see the woman melon face, ice crystal skin, two curved like frown, not frown, under Dai Mei, a pair of eyes like anger and shame, also staring at Xiao Hua. Under Qiong's nose, her lips were red. Between her lips, which were slightly opened by surprise, there were a few crystal shell teeth. Her hair covered half of her face. The black reflected the white. Xiao Hua's heart beat.

When the woman raised her hand, it seemed that there was a sharp purple light in her hand, but the woman's hand was not photographed after all. Instead, she asked dejectedly, "you Why are you here? "

"My sister" Xiao Hua is shocked. It's her!

"Fairy..." Xiao Hua quickly bowed his head, bowed and said, "in I'm reckless... "

"Cough..." Liu Yanyu coughed two times. Her white face suddenly turned red. She bit her lip and said, "I saw you just when I came in. How can I say that rashly?"

"Yes, yes..." Xiao Hua replied quickly, "I just saw the fairy, but I haven't asked her name."That is to say, Xiao Hua did not dare to look up in any case. A kind of unspeakable feeling was growing in his heart.

"My name, you don't have to know!" Liu Yanyu said lightly, "how can you be in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing?"

"Oh, fairy!" Xiao Hua steadied his mind and replied, "Yunyuan Xiaotianjing is carrying out military affairs. I didn't expect that Yunyuan Xiaotianjing has been occupied by the demon League. I'm so easy to sneak here."

"Ah?" Liu Yanyu was stunned for a moment. She looked around and said, "is there a demon soldier outside Yunyuan Xiaotianjing?"

Xiao Hua was also stunned. He looked up at Liu Yanyu and said, "did the fairy come in and see the demon soldiers?"

"No!" Liu Yanyu grinned and said, "my parents and I entered Yunyuan Xiaotianjing from the color world, where there are no demon soldiers."

Looking at Liu Yanyu's smile, Xiao Hua felt comfortable. He was very happy and said, "what about the two elders?"

"They can't get in, they're waiting outside..."

"Great!" Xiao Hua can't help caressing.

"What for?" Liu Yanyu held her chest with both hands in a hurry, and said, "what's good?"

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