Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1114

It's more than ten days. Although there are more and more demons around, and there are even patrolling demons blocking Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua is a real demons, and other demons can't distinguish, so he is allowed to get close to the target.

After several demon clan lines, there are fewer demon clans in JieChong. Xiao Hua has a sense of freedom in the dark. Looking at the mountain like dark red shadow in front of his head, Xiao Hua has a look at the fairyland and knows that the small sky of Yunyuan is nearby.

However, after flying for a while, a strong smell of blood became more and more obvious, which made Xiao Hua frown and give birth to a kind of unspeakable heart tremor. Immediately, wailing and groaning faintly came from the shadow in the distance!

Xiao Hua was suddenly surprised and said in secret: "is it difficult to be a small Tianjing in Yunyuan or a tiger's den?"

"Who dares to get close to the view of human remains?"

A low voice came out of Xiao Hua's ear. Although it was a demon language, it was as clear as thunder in Xiao Hua's ear.

The strength of the voice is unknown, but Xiao Hua's body is so huge that he can hardly keep his Phoenix body.

Shocked, Xiao Hua ran away. Fortunately, the voice was just a warning, not a pursuit.

"Whoosh..." As soon as Xiao Hua ran away, more than a hundred demon flying generals came to his face. They were all dressed in black color demon armour and covered with blood. At first, a strange demon had two heads, five hands, and each hand held a huge ring.

There is blood light condensation on the ring, and it can't be seen clearly.

The demon clan came and raised his voice and yelled: "Lord, I'll send the bones here..."

"Well..." If the voice of Tongzhen thunder rings faintly, he says, "and show it, let me have a look..."

"Yes, my lord..." The demon clan agreed, "poof" a mouthful of evil spirit sprayed on the ring, and the five rings were covered with blood, revealing what was inside!

"Damn it Although Xiao Hua is far away, he can't help biting his teeth.

But there are hundreds of immortal bones on the ring, one by one with broken limbs and only clear heads. The immortal general Liao Chengzi Xiao Hua just saw Not in it?

"Ga..." Xiao Hua wails and his blood is surging up. He has an impulse to return and kill these demons.

But before he could turn back, "whoosh..." If there are stars and moon shining out of the mountain's cloud, the light will condense into the shape of a cave and fall to more than a hundred demons through the space, and the branch like tentacles will be spewed out from the cave to pull these demons back into the cloud.

"Ha ha ha..." The sound of laughter came out from the clouds, and the moonbeams of the stars fell in all directions.

"What do these demons do to collect our human skeletons? Is it to refine the demon weapon? "

Xiao Hua was full of grief and indignation, but he had no choice but to turn around and fly away.

After turning the cloud, there is a pillar of cloud in the distance. There is thunder and lightning in the pillar. The thick black cloud seeps out like ink and disappears into the void.

Isn't it Yunyuan Xiaotianjing?

Seeing that he had arrived at his destination without danger and was about to finish the task, Xiao Hua had no special joy in his heart. He just thought about what he had just seen. Liao Chengzi's head was intact, his eyebrows were broken, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't close his eyes!

Xiao Hua was about to fly in, and a strange voice came from behind him: "stop..."

Xiao Hua Leng for a moment, wings a close, Phoenix body standing in the air, proud look back.

Only two demons in demon armour came from afar, one was wolf type, the other was tiger type.

The two demons flew to the front, and the wolf said coldly, "what are you doing in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing?"

Xiao Hua looked at the wolf and did not answer.

And the tiger family opened its mouth, revealing a bloody mouth, which not only had bright teeth, but also had stars flashing.

"I've been paying attention to you for a long time..." Seeing that Xiao Hua was speechless, the wolves cried, "sneaking into our defense line, you must have something wrong in your heart. Tell me quickly and honestly!"

Xiao Hua was a little depressed. He had not yet asked yudie Fengtong and yudie Fengwu for advice on the words of the demon alliance. At this time, he could only cry out: "Ga......"

"Why bother with it?" The tiger clan was impatient. "It's just a monster. If you eat it, you'll eat it!"

"Ha ha..." The wolves laugh, the stars flash around them, and hundreds of moonbeams fall, turning into virtual shadows and rushing to Xiao Hua.

"How dare you do it first?" The tiger clan is very angry. With a low roar, it can't motivate the power of Xingyue to rush to Xiaohua from another place.

Xiao Huafeng's body trembled, as if in fear, and he retreated to the back. A wolf and a tiger became more arrogant. They had taken the opportunity to kill the unrelated demons, but now they relaxed their guard.

Who knows the wolf incarnation virtual shadow has not been close, Xiao Huafeng claw suddenly exposed a fierce stick, this stick slightly a Yang, "Wu..." A string of dark shadow on the tiger!

When the tiger clan saw Xiao Hua fleeing to his own direction, they were in full bloom. Unfortunately, his just raised tiger claw, Ruyi stick, had broken through the void and landed on its top door!

"Poof" a dull sound, tiger head stars less than gush out, has been broken, just still fierce tiger head was beaten into rags!"Ah?" The wolf is shocked. It looks at the Ruyi stick in Xiao Hua's phoenix claw and howls when it opens its mouth. The cold light in Xiao Hua's eyes flashes, and the light gold luster on the Phoenix body lights up. As the golden light falls into the phoenix claw, Xiao Hua's phoenix claw gently lifts it, and the sound of "puff" comes out in the wolf's body. When the wolf looks down, the demon body protected by the Demon Armor starts to burst from the inside out, and it has been thousands of times in an instant There are many holes in the wound.

"Escape..." The wolf will turn around without thinking about it.

"Poof..." A pale golden light and shadow flashed by, and the Phoenix claws broke into the air. They had already caught the wolf demon body, and the Demon Armor was like paper paste.

"Ga..." Xiao Hua gives a clear cry. Two phoenix claws are extracted from the wolf and tiger respectively. In the blood, two red crystal nuclei are caught in the Phoenix claws. The two demon clans comparable to Juyuan are killed so easily by Xiao Hua! Without waiting for the corpses of the two demon clans to fall, Xiao Hua's mind is a seamless income space. No matter killing or killing demons, it's so sharp, it's not leaking.

Xiao Hua turned his head and looked around. He didn't attract the attention of other demons. His wings burst into the clouds!

"Click..." As soon as Xiao Huafeng's body entered the clouds, thunder came down immediately, causing sparks all over Xiao Hua!

"Hum..." Xiao Hua snorts coldly. After receiving Feng's body, he returns to immortal's body. He is bombarded by thunder and ignores it.

After flying a cup of tea, the clouds did not see the end, and the thunder became more powerful.

Xiao Hua calms down, thinks a little, and urges the technique of Riying again. Such thunder is a good time to cast the body. How can Xiao Hua give up? Constant cultivation has become his natural reaction.

Xiao Hua can't think of it in any case. He has been flying for a whole day just because of a cloud!

So he is more and more curious about the so-called Yunyuan Xiaotianjing!

"Hua Hua..." In the middle of the flight, there was a sudden sound of water in the disorderly thunder, which was different from the light waterfall previously seen. It was a pure sound of water flow, which was very fresh to Xiao Hua's ears.

"Good!" Xiao Hua couldn't help but speed up.

Sure enough, a layer of mist like water vapor will block the thunder. After Xiao Hua passes through, it is a beautiful mountain scenery with flowing water!

Unfortunately, without waiting for Xiao Hua to recite a poem, an unparalleled pressure came into being out of thin air, and Xiao Huaxian sent out "Puff puff......" Xiao Hua's body was directly pressed about a hundred feet!

Strong pressure makes Xiao Hua feel dizzy. He quickly sits down with his knees crossed. After half a cup of tea, the dizziness slowly disappears.

Now look at the scenery just now, it's obviously another taste!

I saw a steep cliff standing out of thin air. On the cliff, there was a bend of water waterfall running down. A silvery white pool was whirling under the impact of the current. Countless fist sized snow colored swimming fish were swimming freely in the pool!

"This is Yunyuan Xiaotianjing?" Xiao Hua felt the strong vitality of the fairies around him and felt a little incredible.

With the help of Xianli, Xiao Hua approached the waterfall. Seeing the waterfall, Xiao Hua suddenly found that there was a steep cliff in the waterfall. There was also a waterfall on the cliff!

Xiao Hua was surprised and looked down again. In the whirlpool of the pool, there was also a steep cliff lying flat with a waterfall hanging on it!

"This..." Xiao Hua wakes up and looks around. As Xiao Hua's eyes reach, there are many cliffs, waterfalls and pools. There are many other cliffs and waterfalls in these waterfalls and pools!

"If so..." Xiao Hua was not surprised by the vision. He raised his hand and took out the cloth from the space. He looked around and said, "can I put the cloth here?"

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua suddenly turned back and exclaimed, "ah?"

Because behind him, a large and small cliffs and waterfalls have long appeared, where are the water vapor, clouds and thunder?

Xiao Hua quickly released Yan Nian, all the cliffs and waterfalls are real, none of them is illusory, and his unparalleled sense of direction has failed here.

"Is it magic array?" Xiao Hua's eyes turned around. He patted his eyebrows and opened his eyes. As a result, water blue, gray white and silver white filaments overlapped all around him. It seemed that everything was true.

"That's the trouble!"

Xiao Hua did not dare to put down the cloth easily. After all, qianyuhan must have a reason to put the cloth in Yunyuan Xiaotianjing, and it is very likely that it will be a chance for Xiao Hua to get out of trouble.

After standing and looking for a while, there were more and more cliffs around. Xiao Hua hastened to move his body and fly at will.

There is a heavy pressure in Yunyuan Xiaotian, but there is no special danger. Xiao Huafei has not found anything for half an hour!

"Is it difficult to go through the waterfall or into the pool?"

Xiao Hua stopped and thought, squinting.

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